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7 Tips For Becoming A 'Spiritpreneur'

Written by: Cheryl Kasper, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Spiritpreneur is a noun that refers to a successful woman who combines spirituality with entrepreneurship.

I have always looked at myself as an entrepreneur and as a spiritual woman. But, when I heard the word 'Spiritpreneur,' it hit home! YES, that is who I am! I am a spiritual entrepreneur in full alignment.

It wasn’t easy shifting into a Spiritpreneur. I had to push through the mud like a lotus flower before I was able to bloom. As a clinical therapist, I hid my spiritual side for a long time. I didn't want to be seen as "weird, crazy, or woo woo." I feared being judged. It wasn't until I did the deep inner work, believed in myself, and understood my life's purpose that my business exploded!

But it wasn't always this way. A few short years ago, I was overcome with anxiety, overwhelm and burn out. I was working 60-70 hours a week, my marriage was falling apart, I wasn't there for my kids, and we were over $100,000 in debt. I felt like my life was crumbling right before my eyes. Worst of all, I felt like a failure- failing in my marriage, as a mom, in my career, and financially. I was ashamed, embarrassed, and worried about what others would think of me if they really knew what I was going through.

I was burning the fire on both ends, and my mental health was being affected. I was burnt out, resentful, and incredibly stressed out. I felt as if the walls were closing in on me, and I had nowhere to run. I was scared of losing my marriage, my business, and my life.

I was trying to "do it all," and I put a lot of pressure on myself to be "perfect." Nobody knew that my internal struggle to feel "good enough" was causing so much anxiety and overwhelmed me. I always had a smile on my face to hide the pain, but inside I was crumbling.

I knew burning the fire at both ends was not working, and so personal development became an addiction for me. I traveled around the country to workshops and trainings to better myself, both personally and professionally, from top leaders and gurus. I was starting to feel better. I began to forgive and release all of the negative emotions that I had been harboring for so long.

This journey led me to find spirituality. That was that a-ha moment for me.I felt a profound shift combining personal development with energy work and spirituality. This was the shift that would change my direction, like a sailboat changing its course with the shift of the wind.

I took fearless action and began to surround myself more with positive people. I distanced myself from negativity in my life. I did the deep inner work, hypnotherapy, energy work, meditation, journaling, and affirmations. All areas of my life began to explode and blossom in such an amazing way. I was opening up to what the Universe had in store for me all along. I know I had to experience all of that pain to get to where I am today.

I have a deep sense of peace, purpose, and belonging. The anxiety and overwhelm are gone. I am debt-free. My marriage is amazing, I created a life of freedom and peace, and my business is skyrocketing.

Here are my 7 tips to becoming a Spiritpreneur:

1. Believe in yourself. For you to share your spiritual gifts with the world, you must believe in yourself. I'll be honest, and this was not easy. It requires you to turn inwards and banish any limiting beliefs you have about yourself and understand where those beliefs originated. Has someone made you feel not good enough as a child? Did someone discouraged you from using your spiritual gifts?

2. Honor your gifts. What are your unique gifts? Dig deep to uncover the spiritual gifts you have. How do you help others? What do others say about you? What do others come to you for? Believe that your spiritual gifts were placed upon you to help and heal others. Trust in them.

3. Get clear on your soul's purpose/ mission. We are all created and placed on Earth for a purpose. What is your purpose? Journal on it? Ask someone close to you. Sometimes others see in you what you can't because you may be dimming your light. Your purpose in life drives you and moves you forward when you are in flow and content with your life.

4. Have a clear message. Now that you believe in yourself, know your unique gifts and understand your soul's purpose, it's time to have a clear message. This is the key to becoming a spiritual entrepreneur. Talk about your spiritual gifts and talents and how they can help your ideal client. Focus on the points that your client wants to overcome. Once they know you understand them, they will connect with you on a deeper level and trust you. Talk about your own journey, the journey of others you have helped, and the transformation you can provide for them.

5. Connect. Connection = Success. Look for places that your ideal clients hang out. Is it on FaceBook? Instagram? LinkedIn? Local business groups? Meetups? What social media groups are they in? Join all of these platforms. Get noticed. Provide value in those groups, talk about your unique gifts and how you've helped yourself and others. Be visible and consistent. Most social media groups have specific days to promote your business… people are looking for what you offer. Be visible.

6. Be unique. Offer a service or product that is unique. Stand out from others in your niche. What makes you different? Do some "market research" in some social media groups to understand what people are looking for. It's not what you think they want. Your ideal client will tell you what they are seeking.

7. Trust yourself. Listen to your intuition and trust your gut. If it feels right, you're in alignment. If not, tweak it until it feels genuine and authentic.

When everything is in the right place at the right time, you will attract clients and abundance and will be in the most divine flow. You will be a Spiritpreneur.

There are times where we may need support and guidance and maybe in a dim place, but in the darkest of times comes the light of transformation.

I have collaborated writing a book with 12 other female Spiritpreneurs from 9 countries around the world, who all share their personal stories of struggles to success and how each of us overcame adversity and embraced our spirituality to become new, empowered versions of ourselves. Our lives improved. Our businesses skyrocketed.

We are all leaders, therapists, coaches, speakers, and, above all, empowered women. I hope you find comfort in these empowering spiritual stories and the valuable advice these Spiritpreneurs shares to find inspiration, motivation, and courage for your unique journey to spiritual and transformational success to become a Spiritpreneur.

Click here to order your book: US, UK, AU, CA, and NL.

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website!


Cheryl Kasper, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Cheryl Kasper, LCSW, is a Clinical Psychotherapist with a private practice in New Jersey. Cheryl is also a global Mindset & Empowerment Coach. Cheryl helps female entrepreneurs achieve balance in their life by showing them how to do the deep inner work by removing negative beliefs, blocks, Imposter Syndrome, anxiety & overwhelm to up-level their life and business. Cheryl uses a unique mix of her 25 years of clinical psychology experience, Rapid Transformational Hypnosis, deep inner healing, mindset, and strategy, to work with both the conscious and subconscious mind. She integrates psychology, neuroscience, and spirituality into her practice for rapid and permanent results.

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