Written by R Harrison Baxter, Business Strategist
Widely known as Coach Ray Baxter, a respected keynote speaker, workshop facilitator, and corporate trainer. Renowned for his expertise in fostering transformative corporate cultures.

As I sit here reflecting on my recent journey to Africa, I am filled with awe and gratitude. My destination was Nairobi, Kenya, where I had the privilege of participating in the Live Your Best Life Conference hosted by Dr. Ruben West. Dr. West, a World Civility Ambassador for iChange Nations, has provided a platform that shifts the focus from reaching 350 million Americans to engaging with 7.7 billion global citizens. This trip was more than an opportunity to speak to a diverse audience; it was a profound experience of learning about different cultures and understanding how individuals and families around the world perceive us.

Seven key lessons on bridging cultures through reflective listening and global leadership
1. The power of presence
In Nairobi, I learned that truly being present is the first step in effective reflective listening. Engaging with people from different cultures requires setting aside preconceived notions and immersing oneself in the moment.
2. Understanding cultural contexts
Reflective listening helped me appreciate the unique cultural contexts of my audience. Recognizing the distinct social, economic, and historical backgrounds of the people I interacted with enriched our conversations and deepened mutual understanding.
3. Building trust through empathy
Empathy emerged as a crucial element in building trust. By actively listening and showing genuine interest in others’ experiences, I was able to establish a connection that transcended cultural barriers.
4. The value of silence
I discovered the importance of silence in conversations. Allowing pauses gave individuals the space to express their thoughts fully and showed that their voices were valued.
5. Adapting communication styles
Reflective listening taught me to adapt my communication style to better suit my audience. Being mindful of language, tone, and body language helped bridge cultural gaps and fostered clearer communication.
6. Honoring everyday heroes
The stories of the award recipients at the iChange Nations Ceremonies highlighted the significance of recognizing and honoring everyday heroes. These individuals, who work tirelessly to support their communities, inspired me to appreciate the unsung heroes in our own lives.
7. Forming global connections
The conference provided a unique opportunity to form lasting global connections. Engaging with speakers and attendees from around the world expanded my network and reinforced the idea that leadership and empathy know no borders.
Besides participating in a once-in-a-lifetime safari, where the animals roamed free and the humans were confined to cars (we didn’t dare leave the safety of the vehicles, as we often came within 50 feet of the awesome power of nature), the speakers invited to attend this conference also addressed the recipients of the latest series of awards from the iChange Nations organization. This year marked the debut of two new awards: the Dr. Michelle Boone-Thorton Standards of Excellence Award and the Dr. Donald D. Toldson, Sr. Modern Day Hero Award. Unlike many awards that honor individuals posthumously, both Boone-Thorton and Toldson are alive and well, and they had the opportunity to present their awards to recipients at the iChange Nations Ceremonies in Nairobi. Additionally, Mr. Toldson presented his award in Johannesburg, South Africa.
iChange Nations (ICN), founded by Sir Clyde Rivers of the United States, is an international organization present in more than 155 countries and affiliated with various other organizations and chambers of commerce. ICN was established to honor people and organizations that believe every life is valuable and created to contribute to the world. In the fast-paced life of the United States, we often overlook the everyday heroes who work tirelessly to keep people safe and support those in need during crises. ICN recognizes First Ladies, pastors, doctors, ambassadors, and everyday individuals who make a difference.
At the Live Your Best Life Conference, I had the honor of addressing this prestigious group. The stories we heard of everyday struggles and the determination of the award recipients and organizations were utterly inspiring. The conference itself was a unique and life-changing event. We had the opportunity to connect with an audience we might never encounter in the States and formed friendships that now span the globe.
I spoke on Reflective Listening, and in turn, I had the privilege of listening to many individuals who taught me invaluable lessons. The speakers were dynamic, warm, and captivating, holding the audience in the palms of their hands. Each deserves mention here: Chuck Doyle, Ghazi Speaks Muhammad, Brenda Ring Wood, Veney Cochran, Carla Rotering, Donald Toldson, Ray Baxter, Michelle Boone-Thornton, Traci Ward. Any of these individuals would be an excellent choice for a keynote address.
A heartfelt thank you to Dr. Ruben West, his wife Robin, special shout to young Robinson West, and the entire team behind the event. I can’t wait for next year.
R Harrison Baxter, Business Strategist
R. Harrison Baxter, widely known as Coach Ray Baxter, a respected keynote speaker, workshop facilitator, and corporate trainer. Renowned for his expertise in fostering transformative corporate cultures, Coach Baxter's specialization lies in leveraging reflective listening to drive empathy and bring about meaningful change. As a sought-after authority in addressing diversity, inequality, and corporate well-being, Coach Baxter empowers global organizations and individuals alike. His impactful insights have reshaped perspectives and empowered countless individuals to strive for better.