Written by: Christy Roberts, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Life is meant to be fully lived, it’s why we are here. Imagine your life is a Hollywood movie and you’re the writer. You can scribble it out, tear it up and start again whenever and wherever you like. Keep perfecting it, keep changing it, write well and edit often.

Living an extraordinary life doesn’t just happen, we create it. We are born full of limitless possibilities and potential.
We are born with curiosity, optimism, love, and adventure.
Our minds have the capacity of the most powerful computers on the planet, and we are the operators.
To reach our potential we must learn to fly, unlock the chains and restrictions that hold us back and set ourselves free of our inhibitions.
This is what you were born to do, it’s why you’re here!
It’s your life, so create your masterpiece
There are many layers to this conversation, including:
Learning to free the residual build-up of the trapped emotional pain we all carry.
Learning to free your mind from the beliefs that limit you.
Creating more empowering beliefs.
Finding your authentic self ‒ the person you were always meant to be before life came along and changed you.
Discovering who you are meant to be and what you’re truly capable of.
Connecting with the things that motivate and inspire you.
Unearthing the pathway there, mapping it out, and creating your own unique blueprint.
Taking the actions needed to create the life you want.
Never settling for less, stopping, or giving up.
Always remember, you don’t have to do this on your own. Self Directed Healing is a very effective natural therapy for releasing deep emotional pain and clearing limiting beliefs.
Working with a Life Coach will guide you in the right direction toward your goals. It will fast-track your results and keep you focused and accountable.
Investing in yourself and improving your life is the best investment you will ever make.
Did you know that only 2% of people are living their life by design?
Most people drift into an ordinary, mediocre existence, i.e.:
Making do
Getting by
Being reasonably happy
Doing OK
Not blinging in bliss ‒ but content
Do you want to be in the 2%, living your life with passion and purpose, but have no idea where to start? Are you ready to level up? Then read on …
The 7 Steps to Living with Passion and Purpose
Living with meaning and purpose is like rocket fuel for humans.
In a nutshell, here’s the higher level process I follow when working with clients:
Identify where you are now
Decide what’s most important to you
Clarify your future vision (what is your purpose?)
Recognise your blocks, hurdles, and challenges
Work towards healing and removing the blocks
Plan a pathway, your map, toward your future vision
Take small and consistent actions.
Your purpose must align with your values and beliefs. Goals that are aligned with who you are as a person, with your values and your beliefs will naturally connect with your intrinsic motivation and create passion and purpose.
What do you want?
Setting your expectations and creating a blueprint, helps you get clear on what’s important to you, and acts as a guide for where you need to focus and concentrate your efforts.
Well-set goals can be incredibly motivating, and as you get into the habit of setting and achieving goals, you'll find that your self-confidence builds.
Brainstorm: What do you want?
Here are some examples:
Do you want to be the next CEO?
Do you want a promotion?
Do you want to grow or start your own business?
Do you want to be a leader and help others?
Do you want to have a balanced life?
Do you want a better relationship?
Do you want to improve your love and sex life?
Do you want more quality time?
Do you want to lose weight?
Do you want to heal an injury?
Do you want to improve your health and fitness?
Do you want more money in the bank?
Do you want to finish some studies?
Do you want to give back to your community?
HOT TIP: Consider how you’ll feel when you achieve these goals. Give yourself time to feel those feelings, in your body. Meditate, visualise and write it down, always connecting with the feelings. Ultimately, the goal you are seeking is really about the feeling you’ll get when you achieve these things, it’s not the actual thing!
For example, do you want to feel more joy, love, freedom, and inner peace? This is the real goal, all the other ‘stuff’ is simply the vehicle to help you attain it.
SO … if joy, love, freedom, and inner peace are the ultimate destination you’re seeking then why isn’t everybody working towards getting there?
It’s because we don’t know how. We’ve never been shown or taught these skills. So many of us are stuck in the relentless, day-to-day, hamster wheel of life, and we’ve lost our vision, our way.
The distance between your dreams and your reality is called focused action.
Taking Focused Action …
Consider: What is something that you can do right now or today, each day, every day, and just do that. Keep moving towards your goals.
When it comes to living on purpose, it’s important to set goals in the key areas of your life, e.g., health, career, relationships, wealth, and interests.
Download our free Goal Setting Workbook now to get started.
Get excited, this is totally doable, and keep going …
One of the reasons I'm successful in business and in life is that I don't give up.
The minute you give up, that's it, game over.
I'm very connected to my bigger purpose and vision ‒ my WHY.
I regularly work on the belief systems and emotions that limit and block me.
I work on getting really clear on my goals.
I decide on the strategies I'm going to implement to help me reach my goals.
I work to continually develop and improve my skills.
I review my goals regularly, and correct course if needed
I stay focused and take consistent action.
Decide to take action. What we focus on is what we get. If you want results, you need to act.
What happens when you’re ‘off course’?
In an ideal world, we set our goals, map out the steps, take action, get some momentum, take more action, and reach our goal.
However, that’s not usually how life works. It’s rarely that straightforward.
When it comes to your life and the goals you set yourself, the trick is not to worry about making a wrong decision, it’s learning to course correct.
How do you know when you’re off course? When you’re not living on purpose?
The 2 most obvious signs are:
confusion and unhappiness
Notice your pain and triggers. How are they showing up for you, and what set them off? Mental and emotional pain or discomfort is saying – “Hey, that’s not it!”
This is a good thing, notice them, and see them as indicators. This is your internal compass or guidance system. It’s your body telling you to course correct.
It’s all feedback, so PAY ATTENTION!
If and when things dive and you find yourself off track, don’t give up! Just pay attention and course correct ‒ it’s simply feedback.
Remember: the past cannot be changed, and the future is the direct result of what you do right now!
Next steps:
Download our free Goal Setting or Procrastination Workbooks.
Check out my Brainz article on: 9 Smart Goal Setting Questions You Need To Ask Yourself.
Listen to our Podcast on Overcoming Self Sabotage.
If time management is a challenge for you, I encourage you to come along to our Master Your Time ‒ Master Your Life FREE MasterClass
Or check out our self-paced online program Master Your Time ‒ Master Your Life.
Need some help, then reach out ‒ we offer free discovery calls. We’ll discuss where you’re at, where you want to be, what needs to change, and how working with a world-class Coach & Healer could be the next step to fast-track your results toward living your life with passion and purpose.
Your life is so precious, don’t waste it.
The POWER is in your hands.
Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Christy Roberts, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Christy is the Global Self Directed Healing Practitioner Trainer, an award-winning Coach, and Grief Educator with over 20+ years of Human Resources and Organisational Development experience.
She helps people journey through the toughest of life’s challenges, like grief, trauma, anger, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, fear, overwhelm, stress, and burnout.
Christy is passionate about unlocking our human potential, transforming mindsets, and supporting people to get out of their own way and live their ultimate lives by achieving the success and results they desire.
She provides Coaching, Self Directed Healing, Workshops, and Educational Resources that positively impact people, leaders, and workplaces.
As Founder of Creating Change, she is driven to make a change in our society and culture, so that we are more authentically connected to ourselves and living with passion and purpose.