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7 Spiritual Strategies For Greater Results Without Being Busy

Written by: Asim Aliloski, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Do less, achieve more.

Are you working way too much but not seeing the results you desire?

Although you are super busy most of the time, are your checklists getting longer and longer?

I know, there is so much to do. All these to-dos and tasks. They are very seductive; you get absorbed by them easily.

Today, you have more to do than yesterday. And tomorrow will not be better than today.

Finally, you think you need to do even more to keep up.

DOUBLE K - Kapturing_photography
DOUBLE K - Kapturing_photography

But you are probably pissed off?

Despite all your doing, your results are still mediocre or even poor. In any case, not as amazing as you desire. You feel exhausted and empty at the end of the day. Or you feel like missing out on life itself (with a never-ending task list).

If this sounds familiar to you, my article might give you an upgrade.

Busyness Has Become A Global Disease

You can see them everywhere: Busy people. Stressed out. Exhausted. Tired. Running. Struggling. Suffering.

They have something in common:

  • They are busy but not efficient (as they could be).

  • They do a lot but have no results (they could have).

  • They are tied up but don’t enjoy life (fully).

You can stop this insanity now. Blind busyness has become a global disease in our society. It has disconnected us from our values, our heart, our soul, and our higher intelligence. We are functioning but not creating. We are doing but not living. We are suffering but not transforming.

The More You Focus On Doing, The More You Will Have To Do

Your experiences are being created from the inside out. What you focus on expands. If you keep yourself busy, more tasks will show up. If you are busy in your mind, more noise will you be creating around you.

You Don’t Get What You Wish. You Get Who You Are

Busy people get busy lives. In a busy life, there isn’t necessarily space for peace of mind, big results, quality time, and abundance.

Here are my 7 spiritual tips to massively increase your efficiency, results, and flow without being busy. They have worked for me and for my clients joining my coaching programs.

1. If You Are in a Hurry, Slow Down

If you think you need to be in a hurry, stop for a moment. If you feel stressed, slow down. If you feel driven by somebody, change your speed. Stop for a moment. Go in. Breathe. Shake your body off. Feel anything.

Remember: You create from the inside out. You don’t get what you wish but who you are and who you become.

2. Align with your Soul’s Deepest Desires

Your primary daily job is to recalibrate and align with your higher intelligence, your wisdom, your inner guidance, your intuition, your soul, yourself. Pay attention to your state of consciousness.


Go in. Slow down. Connect. Ask questions:

  • What am I here for?

  • What are my soul’s deepest desires?

  • How can I make the best of my day?

  • How can I allow more joy?

  • What is my truth? My purpose? For today, my life?

See your deepest desires. Feel them. Experience them. Upgrade them. Daily.

The more you focus on the things that matter in life, the more odds and ends will (magically) disappear.

3. Get in Touch with Emptiness

Are you up to your ears with work? Too much noise in and around you? Become empty. Make space between tasks. Press the “reset” button. Withdraw from any tasks, expectations and goals for a moment. And feel the space in and around you. The space in the sky, the space in the universe, the space in nature, the space in you. Your true nature is unlimited. Dive in deeper. Your job is to tune into your unlimited nature.

4. Bend Time

What is your relationship with time? Time is… not enough, running out, limited? Check your limiting beliefs around time. Time is a construct projected through your consciousness. It’s more subjective than objective. Find new supporting beliefs around time. Such as: “From now on, time supports me always. Time is here for me. Time is my friend.” You have the power to change your relationship with time. It’s in your hand.

Do you want to master time? You can bend time. How? Feel the timeless nature of your soul throughout the day. There you can rise above time and be better at mastering it.

5. Follow your Joy

Don’t wait for joy to come to you but decide to follow your joy. Make a list of 50+ joyful things and pick up at least one or two per day. Because joy reminds you that you are not here for being busy but expressing your divine vibration. Children naturally do things that they enjoy. They don’t postpone it for later or next weekend. They do it now. Right, do them NOW!

6. Ask for Support & Delegate

Life is here to support you. If you don’t feel fully supported by life itself which includes people, nature, and spirit, then you need to get better at allowing help. Asking for support is strong. Go in and ASK. You don’t give up your responsibility if you ask for help; you just get better at managing what you are responsible for. Say yes to support in your life and find ways to delegate in order to focus more on the tips above.

7. Lower your Tolerance

Say NO to things that don’t feel aligned to you. If you don’t like something, don’t lump it. Say NO, NO, NO far more. Remind yourself that you are a sovereign divine being. Upgrade your self-image ten times more. Avoid doing things below your dignity.

And always keep in mind: You are not meant for a busy life; you are meant for a great life.

You Are Meant For Greatness.

Namasté, Asim

PS: Download here your free activation to awaken your divine greatness:

For more about my immersion coaching, check this out:

Follow Asim on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or visit his website for more info!


Asim Aliloski, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Asim Aliloski is an Austrian bestselling author, transformational speaker, spiritual leader and award-winning business and life coach. Asim has been listed amongst the 101 Most Fabulous Coaches in the World 2020, Top 20 Business Coaches 2021, Top 50 Influential Leaders by Kosmo Magazine, and he is proud winner of the European Enterprise Awards 2020.

His mission is to share spiritual wisdom that uplifts the energy and consciousness of people and businesses. Asim has been working with heart driven leaders, entrepreneurs, celebrities and creatives helping them to awaken their divine greatness and make their life purpose a success. Through this work, people unleash their intuitive and spiritual intelligence in order to create personal fulfilment, optimum health and ultimate abundance alongside a high-end wealthy lifestyle.

Asim, CEO of Asim Aliloski International, founded his coaching and consulting business at the age of 25 and has been exploring the power of consciousness for several decades. The native Viennese with Greek-Macedonian origins combines in his work elements from ancient Greek philosophy with universal spirituality rooted in Sufism and Buddhism along with transformative coaching. Coming from a under privileged family living on welfare, he mastered to become one of the most recognised spiritual coaches and leaders in the world.

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