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7 Keys to Reinvent Your Life and Your Business

Written by: Nicole Fischer, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


They say we should not live with regrets, as there’s always a perfect moment for something to happen. Something which might include a decision to reinvent your life or your career - or both!

They say if you can’t decide - choose both and, even though this mostly refers to which pair of shoes to add to your already large collection - I applied this principle to my own reinvention. I choose both - Reinventing my life and career. In retrospect, if I could change anything, it would be the amount of time I wasted on not reinventing myself and my business sooner.

It is now evident to me that I lacked clarity about what I truly wanted to achieve, and I also lacked passion and purpose in my life. I felt uninspired, to say the least, and it is around this time in one's life where these thoughts come more and more to the fore.

My life and business lacked sparkle and inspiration, and I knew something had to change – on a big scale! Looking back to the past times of change in my life, I have changed industries, made other life-changing decisions, and changed continents three times. So ‘Reinvention’ was already my dear friend, and it looked like I was overdue for our next rendezvous. I love change, so bring it on, I thought!

You might know this feeling, the sense that there’s a greater message inside you and a purpose that needs to be discovered or rediscovered, redefined, and reawakened. In short, a Reinvention.

So, I did what I had to do; I dove deep into finding my ‘Why,’ searching inside my heart and soul, getting back to my values and beliefs, and finding out what the legacy was that I wanted to leave - something that was bigger than me and would truly leave an impact on other people’s lives.

My search was not in vain. Reinvention once again proved to be the formula to find greater fulfillment and take one step into the direction of my purpose. This time, though, led me to my dream business, and I felt more inspired than ever before. It is a business that doesn't even feel like work anymore and sets my heart on fire every single morning, no matter the growing pains, the learning curve, or the challenges that I encounter whilst building an international business. Having found my deeper ‘Why,’ it became crystal clear to me what I was meant to do.

“Not so fast, grasshopper!” you say, and “What happened? What did you do that lead to the dramatic change from your being uninspired and just going with the motion to finding your ‘Why’ and running your dream business?”

Well, here’s what I discovered: I had to interpret the skills that I had accumulated over the years differently, apply them to a different purpose, and combine my expertise with something that I was truly passionate about!

So, by doing this, it became my new mission. To work and uplift female entrepreneurs and help them to design a profitable business that they love, based on their very own passion and expertise.

And guess formula worked out beautifully!

My many skills from years as a corporate executive, leading teams, and launching brands were there all along, but, quite frankly, I had never thought about using them to find my true purpose. Once I looked at things in this new way, I saw that I already held the keys to living the life I really wanted. I just needed to keep working toward reinventing how I used them.

Here is my invitation to you: Do the same thing! Let me help you to develop a profitable business and make a successful life from your own passion and purpose.

“Find your passion, become the iconic version of you, and build a profitable business that you love.”

Keep reading, and learn the seven steps you can take today to reinvent your life from the “insight” out.

Yes, you read that right: “insight.” Inside and insight mixed into one process – and that process will lead to your reinvention.

When you feel that tingle and sense of excitement and anticipation, I assure you this is your moment to discover the iconic version of you that is just waiting to be awakened inside your soul so that you can share your important and unique message with the world!

Seven Steps to Your Reinvention

1. Reconnect with your inner zone of genius. You can expand from there and connect this to your niche of excellence. Build your life and business around these two elements.

2. Define your ‘Why.’ Make your unique mission crystal clear; discover the raison d’etre that sparks your deeper joy - your joy that goes far beyond simple pleasures and touches you at a very deep level. This is the “Why” that stirs your soul to greatness! From this place, you can move mountains and get your message out to the world, which needs to hear it from you and you alone.

3. Hire the best mentor or business coach possible. Every businessperson, sportswoman, entertainer, and entrepreneur has their own, and this is for a sound reason: Women who invest in themselves go further!

4. Look at your passion from the angle of designing a business around it so that you can have a bigger impact and leverage your time to reach more people. If you fail to do this, your passion might remain a very idealistic and expensive hobby.

5. Build your unique personal brand around the message you stand for, what you believe is possible for your clients, and the results that you commit to achieving for your clients. Creating a personal brand is creating an asset, and it stands out as an expert.

6. Most importantly, learn the business side of coaching so that your mission is on track with becoming a viable, long-term business. The industry of coaching is a $12.7 billion global industry that's growing by 3 percent a year, and you can be part of this exciting industry.

7. Focus on building a long-term profitable business. It is vital and non-negotiable to be profitable as a coach. You can achieve this by applying the business reinvention blueprint principles, which are tailored around service-based businesses.

Get going. Keep going! Action has magic in it; thinking has procrastination in it! Allow for imperfect action along the way and adjust your path as you take a step-by-step approach to building your passion-fuelled business.

These sum up the path to success that I found in sharing my big message with the world! My main goal is to inspire others to follow the same simple path to becoming the iconic version of themselves. So, I created the REINVENTIONIST WOMEN Entrepreneur movement and an online Academy that teaches women how to build a profitable business around their passion.

Who is a Reinventionist Women? You are one if you’re:

  • Ready to embrace your talents, skills, and passion so that you can leave an impact on the world

  • Ambitious and wanting to grow as a female entrepreneur

  • Ready to embark on the journey from passion to profitability in your business

  • Wanting to create an impact in the World

  • Excited about being a businesswoman of note

If you’re ready to step into the iconic version you were always meant to be, we would love to welcome you to our global movement on Facebook.

Follow me on LinkedIn and visit my website for more info!

Love, Nicole B. x


Nicole B Fischer, Executive Contributor, Brainz Magazine

Nicole B Fischer is an international Business Strategist who teaches female coaches, experts, practitioners, and service-based business owners how to build a profitable and sustainable business based on their expertise and passion.

She is the founder and CEO of the Reinventionist Woman Success Academy and is passionate about empowering female entrepreneurs on their journey to business success.

Nicole`s Business Reinvention Blueprint is one of her signature business-group coaching programs for coaches, experts, and service providers.

In her work with clients at the academy, she utilizes her years of expertise as a corporate marketing executive, working for leading and innovative international organizations, one of which went IPO, and applies her appreciation of women entrepreneurship, which she gained in a high-level marketing position at a billion-dollar company, delivering marketing campaigns to over 27 million consumers.

“Find your passion, become the iconic version of you, and build a profitable business that you love.“

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