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7 Billion People And One Common Enemy

Written by: Sebastien Assohou, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


When we observe human behavior, we realize that we are all constantly looking to achieve the same goal, one of belonging to a community. This need is stimulated by a region of the brain called the reptilian brain.

Ever since the existence of homo sapiens, this instinctive behavior was intended to preserve our survival.

Even today, with the evolution of civilizations and incredible technology that gives us access to extremely precise information in a second, we still desire to belong to a group. Subsequently, this pressures us to comply with injunctions to the detriment of our true perception.

We can see this through the behavior of communities, whether they be religious, cultural, philosophical, or even societal.

We are now more than 7 billion people on Earth, each one of us having our own frustrations, doubts, regrets, which are mainly linked to the fact that we want to exclude people who do not agree with society’s dominant values, or to ideas that often push us to give in to the detriment of our own convictions. This puts forward our desire to be accepted and integrated by others.

Despite this division that often hides deep inside us, there is a common enemy that unites human civilization, and this enemy is time.

We often become obsessed with trying to please others and meet the criteria that society has placed upon us. By doing this, we forget to be in tune with ourselves and forget the values that represent our true being.

From the moment we are born, we begin to die; and once again, we are not all in the same boat. Time is our enemy, so we try to postpone the inevitable with science, but one way or another we will all be caught up with time.

What we do with our time gives our life meaning. Instead of thinking about having more time, we should optimize what we already have in order to avoid having regrets. Remorse is easier to digest than regret, as it at least has the merit of having been lived.

But for that to happen, it must be made to exist, and the only way is to get into action and take initiative.

Taking action can be scary and frowned upon depending on where you live. I have witnessed this during my professional travels. There is a real will to free oneself from this weight of guilt that is too often guided by this annoying obsession of wanting to please others rather than oneself.

But what about time in all of this?

Time never stops, it is set like a metronome and does not forget anyone. But it can also be an ally, as everything passes with time, like pain and sorrow. The passing of time often leaves a bitter taste if it is not used wisely.

1 must-do to make time your ally

Here is a piece of advice that will be key for anyone who wants to accomplish their dreams.

"Take ownership of your life!"

To do this, we must break free from our habits and get out of our comfort zone. This is often uncomfortable, but it allows us to break away from the comfort of our hideaway or cocoon. Only suffering helps us to overcome this. Remember that time does not rest, it is impartial and takes with it our memories, our loved ones, our past.

When I speak of suffering I speak in the holistic sense of the term. This mental suffering changes our daily life, by putting aside what we have decreed as a community, and by looking for self-fulfillment through failure, without fearing what others think, while refining our why, our purpose.

This why must be extremely powerful, it must reflect our personality, our soul, our values.

A why is buried in each of us and it is up to each of us to muster the courage and make it a priority.

As a Life Coach, I have created a method called MPC Vision. This method consists of finding a purpose for everyone and taking action with an obsessive determination to get out of life’s slump.

  • M stands for Motivation because without this intrinsic will to achieve our purpose, we would give up on the spot, at the first obstacle. This Motivation is the fuel for our actions. We must seize it and hold on to it without losing the reason of our motivation, our why.

  • P stands for Perseverance, which goes hand in hand with Motivation. We achieve the satisfaction of accomplishing ourselves through the obstacles and difficulties of life. To get out of one's comfort zone, to fall, to get up again, to fall as many times as necessary, and to get right up again, with the same enthusiasm, with the appetite of wanting to learn from our failures.

  • C stands for Confidence. The combination of Motivation and Perseverance gives birth to this confidence in each of us. Confidence is acquired in harmony with the passing of time. Confidence is not only linked to experience, but also to our ability to push ourselves forward.

This is what time is and what it represents in each of us. It brings reflection, regrets, remorse, questioning, laughter, and tears. When completely used, it forces us to introspect, and analyze our course of life; but by then it is already too late.

So don't get distracted with the futilities of life, take off your mask and show your true self.

Will you succeed in making time your ally?

Follow Sebastien on his Instagram, Linkedin, and Twitter.


Sebastien Assohou, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Sebastien Assohou, known simply as “Badoun” to his friends and clients, is a sought-after personal trainer and life coach. He works with executives, high-performing clients, and those looking to make a significant, permanent and healthier life change.

Badoun’s background spanning special forces training, presidential security, professional sports, life Coach, Co-author, and business management brings a unique perspective to the world of coaching and fitness training.

Badoun was invited to written in a best seller book "The successful Body" (Chapter 2nd) as an expert life coach and the only one in France (very few in Europe)

His approach is based on the belief that all people are multi-dimensional. Health and physical fitness is closely tied to your mental health, your performance at work, and even your personal relationships. By viewing each client as a whole person, he has found an uncommon degree of success in effecting real, positive change.

Badoun coaches a select portfolio of clients around the world while continuing to pursue various business and personal projects.

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