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6 Ways To Snub The Rules And Succeed Faster

Rebecca T Dickson is recognized as one of the most transformational leaders in the world. She is the founder of The Yes Method, teaching leaders how to feel and process emotions; an intuitive; author; horse medicine practitioner; and a huge fan of nature-based therapies.

Executive Contributor Drake Kirkwood

You're not successful because you forgot the rules don't apply to you. There, I said it. Bombarded with advice, expectations and guidelines claiming to hold the keys to your potential, people assume their ideas and ways of doing things are wrong and the world’s are right. It’s too easy to get caught up in a struggle to perform a certain way in order to rise.

American Woman Raising Arms at Sunset

But what if I told you the very thing holding you back from reaching your goals is your willingness to follow everyone else’s path?

True success often lies way beyond the bounds of what the world has already seen. Embracing your own judgement and choices can lead to extraordinary achievements. After all, there is no path for what you are creating. It’s all 'yours'.

The illusion of rules

One of the most pervasive myths today is the belief that a diligently followed set of universal rules determines success. We're taught early on that if we study hard, get good grades, land a prestigious job and climb the corporate ladder, we'll inevitably find ourselves at the top.

That’s a one-size-fits-all approach that fails to account for the incredibly diverse potential of humanity, as well as the myriad paths to fulfillment.

Breaking free

To truly excel and reach your highest potential, first recognize the rules that apply to the masses may not apply to you. This doesn't mean you should disregard all norms or ethical considerations. This is more about understanding your unique combination of skills, passions and circumstances, and the fact that they may require a different approach to success.

The power of unconventional thinking

Some of the most successful people in history achieved greatness by challenging the status quo. Consider innovators like Steve Jobs, Walt Disney or Einstein. None conformed to traditional expectations. They chose to leverage their unique perspectives and talents to create extraordinary value. And they ticked a few people off while they were at it.

Embracing your individuality

To tap into your true potential, it's crucial to embrace your individuality and recognize the aspects of yourself that set you apart from others. Your quirks and self-perceived imperfections could very well be your ticket.

This might include unique skills that don’t necessarily fit in a box (always juggling multiple ideas) or unconventional approaches that challenge the industry you’re in (too mcc, too fast).

It may also mean incorporating your personal experience the stuff that shaped your views. When you acknowledge and nurture these aspects of yourself, you open up new possibilities for success that may not be visible to those who adhere to rules.

Redefining success on your terms

A critical step in breaking free is to redefine what success means to you personally. Society often equates success with financial wealth, prestigious titles or material possessions. But true fulfillment often comes from aligning our actions with our deepest values and passions.

My version of success is a full-on farm, with loads of mud and manure, dogs and cats among the horses, and mountains of snow. I understand why some people won’t like that. But they don’t have to. I do.

Identifying your core values

Take the time to reflect on what truly matters to you. Consider the things you do that allow you to completely lose track of time or that light you up so much, you feel filled with gratitude when you’re involved with them.

Think about the impact you want to have on the world.

By gaining clarity on your core values, you can start to chart a course toward success that makes you feel 'alive'. Yes, it’s meaningful and authentic to you, but it’s also highly motivating because it feels so good.

Developing a growth mindset

One of the most powerful tools for achieving success sans rules is to cultivate a growth mindset. This concept, popularized by psychologist Carol Dweck, emphasizes the belief that our abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work.

Failure isn’t bad. Mistakes are how you learn. Keep getting up and it’s never over. (MY social media slogan used to be, “It doesn’t matter if you just won’t quit.” What I meant was it’s never the end if you refuse to stop.)

Embracing challenges and learning from failure

When we adopt a growth mindset, we view challenges as opportunities for learn and then do better. It’s a perspective that increases our risk-taking, helps us use setbacks as stepping stones and motivates us to get up again and again. Growth isn’t always easy, but it is always worth it.

You become more resilient and adaptable. These qualities are essential for navigating an unconventional path to success. They’re also necessary to increase emotional intelligence (a subject for another time).

Building your own support network

As you go beyond the rules and expectations, surround yourself with people who support and encourage you. This may mean seeking out mentors, peers and collaborators who share our vision or at least understand and respect your unconventional approach.

One analogy I often use with my clients is learning to tie shoes, ride a bike or use the toilet. We all had leagues of adults around us, cheering us on, assuring us we could do it. We need the same fans when we are leaping into the unknown of building our own dreams.

Cultivating meaningful connections

You can start building a support network in online communities of like-minded people, or by reaching out to mentors and people you admire for advice or collaboration. Some people enjoy in-person networking events, while others create their own masterminds.

No matter how you do it, fostering these connections helps create a supportive ecosystem that nurtures your growth and provides valuable resources and opportunities.

Embracing adaptation

The only constant is change. Our world is evolving every second every day. Success often favors those who are willing to adapt and learn continuously. This means staying curious, seeking out new knowledge and skills and being willing to pivot when necessary.

My own business has changed six times since 2008, when I started. Each time, it has grown broader, encompassing more tools and modalities to support my clients.

Shifting and growing is your responsibility as an entrepreneur. Your business will grow with you.

Strategies for lifelong learning

To stay ahead of the curve and continue growing, consider experimenting with new tech or new modalities. Read a lot. Seek projects and explore ideas that challenge you. And when you’re resting, lean back and see how much you’ve learned. This is how I’ve stayed relevant for 16 years and counting.

Charting your own course to success

True success often lies beyond conventional rules and expectations. By embracing your individuality, redefining success, cultivating a growth mindset, building a supportive network, and committing to continuous learning, you can chart a course to extraordinary achievements that align with YOUR unique talents and passions.

Remember, the most revolutionary ideas and groundbreaking successes often come from those who dared to think differently. Embrace your uniqueness. Trust in your vision. Have the courage to pursue success you define.

The world is waiting for the extraordinary contribution only you can make.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram and visit my website for more info!


Rebecca T Dickson, Leadership Coach

Rebecca T Dickson is recognized as one of the most transformational leaders in the world. She is the founder of The Yes Method, teaching leaders how to feel and process emotions - and rise. During her 16 year in the coaching industry, she has served tens of thousands of clients globally. The mission: Be yourself.


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