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6 Ways to Manifest More Magic in Your Life

Toni Stevens is a healer and energy coach, well known for her ability to tune into people's energy and create calm. She is the creator of the Chakra Connection, an online healing and coaching course. Toni educates people about emotional freedom, how to calm and reset the nervous system and how to build deep connection and trust in oneself.

Executive Contributor Toni Stevens

When the moon is dark, and the stars are bright, otherwise known as a dark moon, it has long been known as a time of dreaming for stating your intentions and calling them in. The process of manifesting what you want is easy: Be, Do, Have. A lot of us were taught differently that we must do something (work), to have something ($$), to be someone (special). Is that how you were taught to live?

A smiling photo of Toni

The law of vibration and attraction tells us that the real process for manifesting is this

  • Be: Who you want to be, who you truly are, without any negative energy attached to your dream; feel like you already have what you want, and align your energy with your desire to attract it. Be magnetic and match your frequency with what you want.

  • Do: Take inspired action to make your dream happen. Small steps each day to ensure you are working towards your goal of being. Take decisions and actions from a place of love, trust, and an open heart.

  • Have: Be open to receiving what you want, know, trust, and surrender your dream to a higher power.


Law of vibration

At an energetic level, everything is in constant motion, vibrating at a specific frequency. This applies to matter but also one’s personal frequency as well, so if you apply that; I am being, which causes me to do something, then I have something.


Law of attraction

It states that like attracts like, and you get what you focus on.


Apply this by aligning your energy with the energy of your dream; feel and act as if you have it already. You also must believe it is possible for you, therefore releasing any fear, negativity, limiting beliefs, or energetic blocks that stop you from believing it.

I am really good at feeling how I want to feel.


I am certainly not an expert in manifesting yet, but I am really good at feeling the way I want to feel and living how I want to live my life, which means I am halfway there. I want more love, so I love myself, which attracts more love to me, and I feel loved by others.

You may have heard about NLP, Neuro Linguistic Programming, we talk about childhood conditioning. Those programs and beliefs you have grown up with that cause you to think, feel, or see yourself in a certain way, for example:

I will be worthy when, enough when, smart when, beautiful when, good when accepted when, and I will be loved when.

These unconscious beliefs we call programming. What patterns and programs play out for you? What stops you from believing in yourself? What feelings and thoughts keep you stuck? And what holds you back from daring to dream?

Below is my 6-step process to create more magic in your day and manifest what you desire.

6 ways to create more magic in your life.

In our fast-paced, goal-driven world, it’s easy to feel like life is happening to us rather than for us. We rush from one task to another, often disconnected from our deeper selves, and before long, the magic, awe, wonder, and synchronicity start to fade. But what if I told you that reconnecting with this magic is possible through something simple: cultivating a daily spiritual practice?

By setting aside time each day to honor your inner world, you invite the universe to co-create with you. By prioritising a daily spiritual practice, you align your energy with the universe. I know when I prioritise my daily spiritual practice I am more in flow and connection with life, and life magically works out, it really is that simple.


Integrate a daily spiritual practice


1. Start with intention

Intentions are powerful because they direct your energy and focus. Each morning, ask yourself: How do I want to feel today? What do I want to experience? Aligning with a conscious intention sets the tone for the day.

As part of your daily practice, try writing down your intention. You could also repeat it as a mantra while breathing deeply, visualizing how you’d like the day to unfold. This simple act opens the door to synchronicities and shifts your vibration to one that invites more magic.


2. Ground yourself with meditation

At the core of any spiritual practice is the art of presence. Meditation and mindfulness allow you to tune in to the subtle energies around and within you. When you regularly sit in stillness, you’ll notice your awareness expanding, and the seemingly ordinary will start to feel extraordinary.

If you’re new to meditation, begin with just five minutes of quiet breathing or a guided meditation. Focus on your breath, allowing thoughts to pass without judgment. Soon, you’ll notice that meditation becomes a sacred time where clarity and insights arise, helping you navigate life with more grace and flow.


3. Practice gratitude

Gratitude is a magnet for magic. When you focus on what you appreciate, you naturally attract more of it into your life. Make it a habit to reflect on or write down three things you’re grateful for each day, no matter how big or small.

By doing this, you train your mind to notice the abundance already present. Gratitude is the key to a magical shift in perspective.


4. Incorporate sacred rituals

Daily rituals offer grounding and spiritual nourishment, giving life more meaning and structure. A ritual doesn’t have to be elaborate; it can be as simple as lighting a candle, smudging your space with sage, or pulling an oracle card for guidance. I like to go outside upon waking up and greet the sun, the sky, and the day with some deep breaths, feeling gratitude for my life.


5. Listen to your intuition

Your intuition is your inner compass, guiding you toward the most aligned path. Often, in the hustle of daily life, we forget to tune into this inner wisdom. A spiritual practice of daily listening, whether through journaling, meditating, or simply pausing to ask yourself What feels right? Strengthens your intuitive connection. The more you listen to and trust your intuition, the more it will guide you to the right places, people, and opportunities.


6. Surrender and let go

The ultimate spiritual practice involves surrender, releasing control, and trusting that the universe has your back. When we cling to outcomes or try to force things, we create resistance. But when we surrender, we invite the universe to step in and co-create with us, often in ways we couldn’t have imagined. Cultivate a practice of letting go; in surrendering, you leave room for miracles to occur.

By prioritising a spiritual daily practice, you’re creating a fertile environment for the magic to bloom. The more you weave these practices into your routine, the more you’ll notice that the magic was there all along, just waiting for you to tune in.

So light that candle, close your eyes, breathe deeply, and invite the magic to find you. Creating a time to reconnect with your energy, heal your past, and align your energy with your desire is the key to manifestation.

How do you invite more magic into your daily life?

If you would like to learn more about reconnecting to yourself, healing your past, and aligning your energy, read more about the free virtual workshops “Emotional Freedom” or “Grounding Workshop: Awaken your Chakra Energy” and learn more about the healing and coaching services I offer here.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Toni Stevens, Healer and Energy Coach

Toni Stevens is a healer and energy coach, empowering men and women to create calm, confidence, and a deep connection to themselves by healing childhood trauma and releasing social conditioning with an intensive, one-on-one, 8-week healing journey. Toni transformed her own anxious symptoms of physical pain, fatigue, and negative thoughts with her personal program of meditation, mindset, and movement. She helps transform stress, anxiety, and overwhelm into a life of peace and empowerment. Her mission together is to raise your consciousness and elevate your vibration.

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