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6 Tips To Fight Depression

Jordan Roche is a Christian worship leader, speaker, and role model in the mental health field, empowering the next generation through her experiences. At the age of 25, she felt broken, depressed, confused and suicidal. With 7 herniated discs and feeling like her body was falling apart. She couldn't see a future if she were to continue her 7-9 chronic medications per day. So, Jordan began seeking solutions. After diving deep into her spirituality, her life physically and supernaturally took a U-turn.

Executive Contributor Jordan Roche

If you’ve been having self-harming thoughts for a while now, you might be used to getting cliche responses from loved ones. I am here to get deeper with you. I was in your shoes and what I learned from staying alive can help you too. This article will give you 6 tips that helped me drastically change my way of thinking and living.

a woman sitting on a chair alone in the room

1. It’s never too late to choose joy and fight depression

When I was depressed and suicidal, I was so frustrated by the pity I got. I hated it. Yet at the same time, subconsciously, I wanted people to feel bad for me because I was struggling with my health and my finances.

My body was failing me, my debt was growing and I was tired. I felt like the easier option would be to leave. I was living as the victim of my circumstances, but that’s exactly what kept me stuck in that depression.

Living in that victimhood meant I had to show up as the person in chronic pain, the person struggling with depression, the person drowning in debt.

Continuing to show up as that person kept me from experiencing joy.

Depression is a difficult cycle to break because the people you interact with most know that you’re battling it. They, unfortunately, might still view you as that person or treat you as that person. But that will change, once they see a change in you.

For me, that change started with a habit of prayer and speaking with God. And before you quit reading because of the church hurt you’ve experienced, please let me explain.

Lamentations is a powerful book of the Bible where Jeremiah is lamenting – expressing deep sorrow or grief – to God, through his suffering. If you’re struggling, God already knows and it breaks His heart, but He can’t help you if you don’t ask for His help.

“Through the Lord’s mercies, we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.” – Lamentations 3:22-23

His mercy is new every morning. You can wake up, with Him, and choose to be a new creation. The creation that He sees. One who people won’t even recognize as that depressed wreck you used to be. You won’t even recognize you.

2. The mind is a spiritual battlefield

I used to constantly feel like there was a moral battle in my head. I was depressed, and suicidal and wanted to end everything, but at the same time, I felt even worse for feeling that way – exacerbating my depression.

I knew some people would be sad and miss me, plus I would miss them. I knew the effect it would have on my family after experiencing others commit suicide. I knew I wanted to feel better, but I didn’t see a light at the end of the tunnel.

I couldn’t see a future where I was happy and free.

Once I started developing the habit of prayer and speaking with God, I realized just how spiritual the battle in my mind was. I had been a spiritual person for years when I was depressed, but I rejected Jesus and the Bible for years. That is a story in itself.

Throughout the Bible, it speaks about being prepared for battles and tribulations. Ephesians 6 explains the importance of putting on the Armor of God and what it consists of.

“above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” – Ephesians 6:16-17

Praying every morning and spiritually putting on this armor has helped me fight the battle of depression I had been losing alone for years.

A helmet protects the head from brain injury.

A spiritual helmet protects the head from spiritual brain injury and attacks on your worth.

Have you ever had those thoughts of “you’re not good enough”, “you’re not capable”, or “you’ll fail anyway”?

Me too, and that leads me to number 3.

3. Those aren’t your thoughts

Have you ever seen the depiction of an angel and demon on someone’s left and right shoulders? Well, it’s not far off.

Satan can plant negative thoughts in your mind of rejection, self-hatred, fear and so much more. The good thing is, it’s kind of a compliment in a really strange way.

If the devil is mentally attacking you, it is because he knows that you are powerful. He’s surprisingly afraid of you. As long as he can keep you from discovering your worth and your authority over him, he has the upper hand in the fight.

“And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.” – Romans 16:20

God fights for you when you don’t have the strength.

He gives you the authority to crush satan under your feet. Satan was defeated 2,000 years ago. So, he is tormenting you because he knows his fate and misery loves company!

He is also tormenting you because he knows your fate and wants to steal that from you. You are a Child of God, made with a purpose, and have a beautiful future. Don’t let him take it away from you without a fight.

You may not be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel yet, but trust me when I say there is one. Don’t let the darkness stand between you and the way out of depression.

4. God is with you

I know that it may not always feel like it, but trust me when I say God is with you. When every person may fail you, God never will.

Even when we are being rebellious, He sees us.

Even when it feels like the world is caving in, He is the only reason it’s not. Even when we don’t show Him love, He still loves us.

“Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” – Hebrews 13:5

He will never leave you, but you have the choice to walk away from Him. He’ll be right behind you waiting for you to reach out, but it’s your choice at the end of the day to seek a relationship with Him.

Developing that habit of prayer I talked about before is more than just a habit. It is a conversation. Prayer is a dialogue with God. The Creator of the Universe. We get to be His friend! How awesome and empowering is that?!

“Be content with such things as you have” leads me right into number 5 – gratitude.

5. Have gratitude where you are 

Even if it’s not where you want to be. Especially if it’s not where you want to be.

In the midst of the biggest sufferings it can be difficult to choose gratitude. After all, what is there to be grateful for?

When I first began practicing gratitude I journaled my thoughts. I felt God saying, “Speak to Me, My Child” so that’s exactly what I did.

I was raw and vulnerable with Him when I didn’t feel grateful, but I also made it a point to find something that I could be grateful for each day.

Have you ever gone to the bathroom and there wasn’t a roll of toilet paper? 'Yikes' A pure moment of panic! So, next time you go and there is a roll, you can say “God, I am so grateful for toilet paper!”

It’s the little things. When you focus on them, joy is easier to attain. For me, joy doesn’t seem like a far off concept anymore.

“in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” – I Thessalonians 5:18

Being grateful for the present moment can help fight off the negative attacks in your mind leading you into that spiral of depression. Fight the fire with love and gratitude.

6. Keep fighting

Like I said before, it is a spiritual battle, so you have to keep fighting!

“And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise.” –Hebrews 6:15

During physical exercise, you need endurance to keep going. When fighting depression, you need mental and spiritual endurance.

Have you ever seen 127 Hours? If you haven’t, you should!

It’s about Aron Ralston and how he had to cut off his own arm in order to survive being stranded for 127 hours! He was trapped and couldn’t see a way out of the situation that he was in.

He was losing hope because he saw no possibility of winning the fight, but he shifted his thinking. He wasn’t giving up and going out as the victim of his circumstances. He chose to overcome. He chose life. He chose freedom. He endured.

“His journey goes beyond survival, offering profound insights into resilience and the human spirit’s ability to overcome adversity, inspiring diverse audiences.” – Chair the Love

If you’d like to hear the testimony of endurance and overcoming circumstances from Aron Ralston himself, he will be speaking at the Love Moves The World Gala on October 13th, 2024 in Orlando, FL. The event will be held at The Country Club of Orlando from 5:00-9:00 PM. There will be a cocktail (or mocktail) hour and banquet dinner.

You can reserve your seat here and I hope to see you there! I would be happy to share my journey, personally, with you and answer any questions you have about how I broke free from my depression. If you purchase a ticket and want to get together at the event, send me an email with the subject GALA.

Every ticket sold will provide a wheelchair for someone who cannot afford the mobility aid, but despite their physical circumstances and limitations, wants to live in freedom.

For more information about the organization visit: About Chair The Love.

I pray that this article has been a blessing to you and the battle that you’re fighting.

It is okay not to be okay, but you don’t need to keep living there. This is your invitation to break free from depression and choose freedom in Christ. Keep fighting a good fight, my friends! If you’d like to see how others are fighting the battle, visit here.


Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Jordan Roche, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jordan Roche is a Christian worship leader, speaker, and role model in the mental health field, empowering the next generation through her experiences. At the age of 25, she felt broken, depressed, confused and suicidal. With 7 herniated discs and feeling like her body was falling apart. She couldn't see a future if she were to continue her 7-9 chronic medications per day. So, Jordan began seeking solutions. After diving deep into her spirituality, her life physically and supernaturally took a U-turn. Instead of dying in the desert, she began following Jesus Christ. She created the Remnant Collective to tell her story, and others', through podcasts, blogs, social media content, music videos, and other forms of art. She is taking back what the enemy stole. 



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