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6 Steps To Find Your Inner Peace Of Mind

Elaine Marie Christine has a mission to bring peace to every mind. She is the founder of Aquaterra since 2005, the number 1 Best Selling author of The Peace Prophecy trilogy, and host of the Peacemakers podcast.

Executive Contributor Elaine Marie Christine

What takes your peace? Discover the root cause of your concern and feel more peaceful with the 6-Step Peace Process. A trained and certified Peace Process Facilitator can help you find clarity, connection, and confidence to ease your worried mind.

2 ladies having a conversation

The peace process story

The Peace Process was inspired after attending the Day of Awakenings spiritual conference at the Miami Arena in Florida on Saturday, March 7, 1998. Everyone seemed to want world peace, but nobody had a plan. I had the idea to run the concept of world peace on the Six-Discipline Model recently published in my textbook, Managing Risk.

The Six-Discipline Model of the mind can run any thought—its shape is like a pyramid on paper. I wrote World Peace at the top and changed the generic process to one specific thought of peace and love. Later, I realized the process for World Peace is the same as Inner Peace—the model scales from universal to personal!

What is the 6-step peace process?

The 6-Step Peace Process is a heartfelt thought of peace programmed on a simple model of the mind. Read testimonials from adults across America who wrote an evaluation of their one-hour Peace Process session.

I am realizing the value of my Peace Process session. I have changed some of my negative thought patterns to new habits of love by being around nature, loving myself, and silently praying for the helpless child within me that I wanted to fix in others. When I remember to do these things, my life is beautiful, peaceful, and harmonious. It is simple. You can do the same thing over and over, but when you are ready, do the Peace Process—it works. —Audrice Collins, Melbourne Beach, Florida.

Thanks so much for taking me through the Peace Process! The magic was in the Work, to send love to the source of your concern. You get rid of stress by sending love to those who caused it. Holding the perspective that they provided a critical lesson is especially valuable. I really liked that love is the only way to heal, to reconcile. I appreciate the gift you have given me. —Paul Hoyt, San Francisco, California.

The 6-step peace process

With the 6-Step Peace Process, you can better understand your situation and envision a positive outcome. Sending love to what takes your peace dissolves problems because love is a higher state of awareness. You cannot solve a problem on the same level it was created. Einstein meant this when he said, “We have to learn to think in a new way.”

1. Discover the problem

What takes your peace? Think of something that is taking your peace away—or has taken your peace from you, or maybe will take your peace. It does not matter how trivial the issue seems because it is significant if it takes your peace. Any upset you have, no matter how small, is a trigger for something going on at a deeper level within you. The injustice may be a person, place, or thing. Discover the problem to help you uncover the root cause of your concern.

2. Envision the solution

What does peace look like? Imagine how your situation could change for the better. Envision what you wish for and then see, smell, hear, taste, and touch it. This is your opportunity to perceive your situation differently by expanding your mind to ponder more possibilities. Visualize the ideal outcome for the highest and best good of all. Use your imagination to change your perspective and the higher energy of love to transcend problems created at lower levels.

3. Plan for peace

What action step can you take? Practical dreamers develop a plan of action with a goal for peace. The plan identifies what you will do and schedules when you will do it. Write down one or two things you could do to realize your vision. Think of how your activity aligns with the needs of others and peace in the world. Assign time, talent, and resources that help make your dream come true. Your commitment to following the peace plan separates the dreamers from the doers.

4. Work in harmony

Sit in meditation and breathe deeply. Hold lightly in your heart the issue that takes your peace. Feel the pain it caused you. Offer up your conflict, a little piece of Armageddon—the great battle between good and evil. You can create a new thought by rearranging the letters in these words: GOOD and EVIL. Now take responsibility for your actions with the letter I. LOVE is your only function. The three remaining letters spell GOD. Embrace your new paradigm: I LOVE GOD.

5. Measure with honesty

How much love did you send? Rate yourself on a scale of zero to ten. Zero means no love and ten is all the love in your heart. Honesty helps to measure how peaceful you feel. Do you have enemies? Jesus said to love your enemies. Are you offering forgiveness or withholding love? A low score means you are stuck in your situation. Modify the plan and try again. A better score means your mind is open to uplifting and healing your heart with a higher frequency of love.

6. Value the progress

Value your Peace Process session. Write about what you learned and any progress made in understanding your issue. Did you gain clarity? Do you feel more peaceful? Be thankful for taking the time to bring compassion to your situation. Reinforce a positive experience with gratitude, which attracts more positive experiences. Appreciate the ability to choose again, learning from mistakes for personal and professional development. The truth is that love and forgiveness of yourself and others is the path to happiness.

Practice peace process

Download and print the free Peace Process Worksheet in PDF format. Complete the six steps on the Peace Process Worksheet as you journey to inner peace. Did you discover something that takes your peace? Might there be a deeper issue waiting to be uncovered? Can you decide to take responsibility for your issue and choose to bless instead of blame?

Peace process resources

The World Peace Telesummit is an interactive, educational, and inspirational one-hour conversation celebrating the International Day of Peace. This annual virtual event was held for seven years (2015-2021) to strengthen the ideals of peace among people and raise awareness of the 6-Step Peace Process. Now you can watch the video on YouTube and download the transcript. Learn the 6-Step Peace Process and make your world a more peaceful place! *(Refresh the page to play the video)

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube. Visit my website for more info.

Read more from Elaine Marie Christine


Elaine Marie Christine, Sole Proprietor & Owner at Aquaterra

Elaine Marie Christine is a Mindfulness Expert, number 1 Best Selling author, and International Keynote Speaker. She earned an MBA, Master in CS (1983), and PhD in Computer Science with a minor in Artificial Intelligence from the Florida Institute of Technology (1995). Her landmark text, Managing Risk, was published by Addison Wesley Longman (1998). She is the tech-savvy Sole Proprietor and Owner at Aquaterra, publishing digital content (since 2005). Dr. Elaine Christine was inducted into Who’s Who in America (2021).

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