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6 Secrets To Help Your Child Overcome Screen Addiction Or Excessive Screentime

Written by: Jessie Liew, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Discover the "6 Digital Parenting Secrets" That Helped Me Prevent Screen Addictions In My Children And Overcome Their Child's Screen Addictions For My Clients. Happening on March 10, 2022 (Thursday) at 8 PM Singapore time/7 AM Eastern time!

Hey, it's Jessie, I am the founder of the Digital Parenting Club. I have spent 14 years working in the cyber security field and am a mother of 4 children. When the pandemic came and everywhere was in a lockdown in March 2020, I knew I need to do something to prevent screen addiction in my children. My children had to stay at home and resume their learning journey by adopting to the online classroom. It means they will be spending most of the time with the screens. I was worried about screen addiction and have seen many parents struggle with their child's excessive screen time or screen addiction. I put everything I know about mindfulness, parenting, internet safety, and habits to "digital parenting" them. I discovered it worked so well.

I helped parents to help their children to overcome screen addiction, and to nurture their children to use screens responsibly and safely.

This, in return, formed deeper connections and therefore, happier families.

This is for you if...

1. Your children are addicted to their smartphones, iPad, Games, YouTube, or even Social Media so they end up neglecting their homework, chores, and sleep.

2. Your children do not want to listen to you anymore and it seems that no matter what you say doesn't land on your child's ears. You can't connect with your children and there is a big disconnect in your family.

3. You lack knowledge in parenting children in this Digital Era. Back then, your parents do not have the same struggle as you.

4. You feel emotionally resistant to your children and their smartphones, iPad, games, YouTube and therefore constantly having arguments or even fight with your children.

5. You can't take away these devices as it is part of your children's lives and even school are moving to technology-based learning, and you can't figure out how to "fix" your children's addiction.

And you want to:

1. Help your child to overcome their addiction from smartphones, iPad, games, YouTube so your children can GAIN BACK their childhood, and create more memories with YOU.

2. Deepen connection with your children… and make your children feel that you are the best parents so they come to you for any problems, uncertainties, and happiness.

3. Empower your children to use the screen responsibly and safely so your children use these devices for a better future for themselves.

4. Reduce your child's screen time even though they are not addicted and even prevent them from being addicted to screen.

5. Learn and apply Digital Parenting so you can use these fundamentals regardless of what new technology comes out.

In short: You want to help your children to overcome screen addiction or reduce their excessive screen time, empower them to use screens responsibly and safely. You wanted to build a better relationship with your children.

Below are some of the incredible stories of how our clients help their children overcome screen addiction and empower their children to use screens responsibly and safely.

Discover how *Hanna, a mother of 3, managed to break his son's iPad addiction from all day long to 2 hours per day.

Before Working With Us:

  • Hanna's son was addicted to his iPad. The moment he wakes up, he will go to his iPad and spend the entire day with it.

  • His son installed about 25 games in his iPad and spend the entire day gaming and watching YouTube.

  • He refused to allow Hanna to access to his iPad.

  • Hanna was not tech-savvy and find it is challenging to set parental control on his iPad.

  • In the past, Hanna has to yell, snatch or even beg to take away the iPad from his son. His son would cried, and tried to snatch back his iPad, displaying symptoms of addiction.

After Working With Us:

  • Hanna's son iPad has changed from all day long to 2 hours per day after working with us for 2 months.

  • Through our help, Hanna was trained to be more tech savvy and was able to parental control on his son's iPad.

  • Through collaboration discussion, his son agree to have only 5 games in his iPad.

  • Now he can enjoy his time playing with his brother and cousin and even spend time with his grandparents walking to a nearby park daily.

Not only did Hanna has changed from being helpless, guilty, and feeling like a bad mom, now she felt more confident as a mother and even becomes a more tech-savvy "digital mom".

She has a deeper connection with her children, and his son has returned from "being possessed by iPad demon" to his old self, a sweet and polite boy.

*Hanna - not her real name

Discover how Dinuka, a Parenting Coach, managed to reduce his son's smartphone screen time of 5 hours to 2 hours daily.

Before Working With Us:

  • Dinuka's son was showing sign of addiction whenever the device was taken away from him especially at night.

  • Her son usually spend 5-6 hours on it, watching YouTube, movie, TikTok and playing game.

  • Dinuka was parenting her sons based on fear. She is fearful about saying no and do not know how to help his child to set boundaries with the devices.

  • The relationship between Dinuka and her two boys were tense especially on screen time issue.

  • Dinuka was always angry and resentful towards the screen. She was fearful that her children were not safe online.

After Working With Us:

  • Dinuka's sons iPad and Smartphone has changed from 6 hours to 2 hours per day after working with us for 2 months.

  • Dinuka feels comfortable on setting boundaries and has helped his son to set clear & healthy boundaries with screen.

  • Two months after she started working with us, the relationship has become calm, connected and respected.

  • Dinuka feels calm and peace of mind knowing her sons using the screen responsibly ans safely.

Dinuka has become a confident digital parent, knowing to work collaboratively with her children.

Now her sons' basic responsibilities have been completed first before screen time.

Discover how Simona, a Parenting Coach, instill screen self-regulation habits in her children.

Before Working With Us:

  • Although Simona's son's screen time was limited, her sons always looking for opportunities for more screen time, especially when Simona was extremely busy.

  • Simona wasn't aware of internet dangers however one day, she encountered one, her son was shown a porn video by his cousin who has a smartphone.

  • In the past, Simona have to be there with her children to check their screen time. Sometimes, she even have to hide the tablet.

After Working With Us:

  • Simona learnt how to set clear boundaries on screen with her children. It helps to set clear expectations and a WHY for her children.

  • After learning and understanding the internet dangers, Simona guide her children to navigate the online world safely.

  • She felt more safe and peace of mind knowing his children know how to stay safe online.

  • Now, all the devices are lying there and her children knows the password to access.

  • Her children are able to self-regulate their own screen time.

Simona gained a clear direction and a fresh perspective on how she can parent her children concerning screen/technological devices.

She felt the approach of collaborative working with children, trust and space, and children being responsible are the key elements when comes to digital parenting.

See what other people say about us:

  • "Now I am more clear, and I feel empowered to approach my relationship with my children and their internet usage not from a place of worry, but a place of values and love." – Trine Sundal, a mother of 2 girls

  • "Now my children know to use the screen responsibly and safely" – Roopa Tailor, a mother of 2 girls

  • "Before I was focused on the rules I should apply.

It was not working well for me and my son. Now I am more on the communication and education path and we use the family meeting to resolve our conflicts!" – David Germeau, a father of 2 children

  • She went deep into the relationship I have with my children and going back to basics is always the right approach.!" – Leah Clarke, a mother of 2 girls

  • "When I communicate with my boys, we end up fighting. But this time, I managed to discuss and work collaboratively with them!" – Lydia Chong, a mother of 3 children

  • "I have been struggling to be a less angry mom and in 1 hour, Jessie has shifted my mindset to love my children more!" – Temy Taylor, a mother of 2 boys

Anyway, I Am Doing This Because…

I was once in your shoes.

Believe it or not, there was a time when I, too, was not very good at parenting or digital parenting.

But after encountering many events in my life, I was able to realize that I was repeating the same parenting style as my mother. I do not want to repeat the same cycle, passing down wounds and trauma to my children.

Instead, I wanted to deepen the connection and realize my goal in parenting that made us a more connected family and eventually discover the strategies to prevent screen addiction in my children.

I then help parents to break their child's addiction from the smartphone, iPad, gaming to nurturing good screen habits in their children.

Seeing how this method I developed amazingly worked for my family and my client's families, I want to help more people and have them experience the same or even greater success in parenting their children in this digital era.

I want to share with you EXACTLY how I and my clients did it so you can potentially reap the same or better results… without making the same mistakes and wasting precious time (it took me 6 years!)

If you like the stories we shared and want to know exactly how we did it… Join me in the free sessions, The "6 Digital Parenting Secrets" That Helped Me Prevent Screen Addictions In My Children And Overcome Their Child's Screen Addictions For My Clients.

Discover The "6 Digital Parenting Secrets" That Help Me Prevent Screen Addictions in My Children And Break Screen Addictions For My Clients.

That Work For Parents regardless of your culture or your country and more!

In this webinar, these are the 6 Digital Parenting Secrets That I'll Cover:

Secret 1: How To Set A Healthy Boundaries With Technological Devices / Apps As A Family So Everyone in The Family Units Are Using Their Devices Responsibly and Safely

Secret 2: How To Achieve Agreement With Your Children Without The Need of Force or Manipulative

Secret 3: How To Set The Secure Devices or Apps environment for your child so that they would not be exposed to Internet Dangers

Secret 4: How To Shape Your Child's Screen Habits And so that they would not be addicted to the screen.

Secret 5: How To Communicate With Your Children and Lead Them In Your Family

Secret 6: How To Stop Reacting to Your Child's Misbehavior - This Technique Alone Made Will Allow You to Response to Your Children and Lead them back to the family

… and ONE special bonus!

Happening on March 10, 2022 (Thursday) 8 PM Singapore time/7 AM Eastern time

Plus, Show Up To My Session And I'll Instantly Give You A BONUS 6 Steps Cheat Sheet!

Attend the session and I'll give you a copy of my 6 Steps to Reduce Your Child’s Screen Time CHEAT SHEET!

It will serve as your guide as you implement the Digital Parenting secrets that I am about to share with you since I won't be releasing a recording of the session.

My cheat sheet will ensure that you won't miss any important segments, which means you can 100% zero-in without worrying about the notes you did not catch during my sharing.

Now, pen this into your schedule (March 10, 2022 (Thursday) 8 PM Singapore time/7 AM Eastern time). I’ll see you there.

If you would like help with reducing your children’s screen addiction and improving your relationship with them, join my free Facebook group to get immediate access to all of my free training.

If you would like 1:1 coaching with me to help you reduce your children’s screen addiction and improve your relationship with them, book a free strategy call with me.

Follow Jessie on Facebook for more information.


Jessie Liew, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jessie Liew is a Digital Parenting Coach. As a cybersecurity expert, a mother of 4, she also has to face the same task as all parents, which is rearing safe & responsible digital citizens.

We are living in a digital era, and hence we need new skills to parent our children. She’s been working in the cybersecurity field for more than 14 years. She also holds professional certifications in Cyber Security (CISSP, CRISC, and CISA).

She has been able to shape the companies’ employees' internet habits as well as in her own children.

Her Mission: Empower Parents to nurture their children to use the Internet and technologies in a positive way while staying safe on the Internet. This builds the foundation of our future Digital Citizens. She is looking for parents or educators who want to nurture their children to be responsible digital citizens and build a great relationship with their children.

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