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6 Easy Ways To Master Effective Communication

Written by: Bahar Selman, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


There are 6 easy ways to master effective communication like a boss! Communication is essential to any business or organization, and not just in everyday life. Good communication skills are vital for promoting products or services and retaining customers. Whether you're in a sales position or a marketing job, you'll need to communicate effectively. And the right way to do that is by understanding the 6 C's of communication.

What is effective communication?

What is effective communication? Good communication is a key component of a successful business. It involves the sharing of meaning between the parties involved, whether it is the meaning of a word, or the use of industry-specific terminology.

However, many managers report feeling uncomfortable communicating in general ‒ this includes offering feedback, delivering difficult news, and basic everyday communication. These situations are not only embarrassing for managers, but they can also negatively impact a business. Here are a few strategies for effective communication.

Effective communication is essential

Effective communication is essential in a business environment, as teamwork is crucial to a successful company. If people are not communicating well, it will result in ineffective collaboration, unnecessary arguments, and a lack of progress. Effective communication aims to make people's opinions understood and respected. It can also increase the chances of success. By enhancing your ability to effectively communicate with others, you can improve your career and build stronger relationships with colleagues.

As with all communication, there are certain aspects that are critical to effective communication. Emotions and language barriers are two common issues that can hinder communication. For example, a message delivered by an angry sender may be misunderstood or distorted by the recipient. In addition, the recipient may be unable to grasp the message effectively if it is poorly presented or isn't in its purest form. Regardless of the medium used, the message must be understood and received in its simplest form before it can be effectively shared.

6 tips master effective communication

In business, every second counts. That's why using the 6 C's of effective communication is so important. The principles of communication are important because you want to make sure that your message is in sync with your recipient's understanding. In the following paragraphs, we'll take a closer look at these seven principles. Applying them will ensure that your message is understood and interpreted correctly. Listed below are some examples of these principles:

1. Completeness - ability to convey a message

Completeness refers to the ability to convey a message in a manner that makes it understandable to the recipient. You should keep your message to a single idea, focusing on one goal at a time. It's not effective to include too many ideas in one sentence.

2. Context - confirms value and relevance

Context confirms the message, which confirms its value and relevance. People choose information that promises rewards. They pay attention to a message if it fits with the context and is well-timed. Include background information to help them understand your work. In case of a general audience, you should stress the societal benefits of your message.

3. Clarity - key for effective communication

Clarity is a key element of effective communication. One of the best ways to achieve clarity is through short, simple sentences. Each conversation should address one idea and should be structured to present the bigger picture at the beginning and the details at the end. Idea flow is important as it helps your recipients get the right information at the right time. Clarity and completeness are interconnected.

4. Correctness - important attribute

Generally speaking, the level of correctness in a communication message can be measured by its accuracy. Factual correctness is the most important attribute of a formal communication message, as it shows professionalism and prevents misinterpretation. A message's correctness affects its overall impact on its audience, making it more persuasive. Ensure that your facts, figures, and language are correct.

5. Courtesy - be polite

Be polite whilst you are communicating. Whether it is your employees or employer, showing a level of kindness can go a long way. Treating people with respect and reassuring that with your words can make a huge difference.

6. Concreteness - critical for communication

One of the six Cs of effective communication is concreteness, and it is critical in all forms of communication. Concreteness refers to conveying the message in terms that are specific and definite, without using general or vague language. Use concrete terms whenever possible, as these are easier to understand for receivers. When a person uses precise words, he creates a mental picture of what he wants to convey, which makes the message more impactful on the receiver.

Common traits of great communicators

A good communicator is accurate and clear with their words. While communication requires empathy, it also relies on accuracy. Good communicators practice listening carefully and do not try to hide their emotions. As a result, they can connect with their listeners and convey their message clearly and concisely.

Good communicators know their value

Effective communicators are usually attractive, well-educated, and polite. Good communicators know the value of being positive and seeking to balance negative feedback. The human brain is more sensitive to negative emotions than positive ones, and so effective communicators often aim to counteract them with positive energy.

Keeping their emotions in check

They also practice keeping their emotions in check so that they don't cause unnecessary stress and anxiety in other people. Good communication makes sense throughout the entire message. It involves a carefully planned message. A good communicator is aware of the impact of each component of communication, and always remember to respect the other party.

Knows their audience and tailors their message

A good communicator knows their audience and tailors their message to their specific needs. An excellent communicator listens carefully and uses questions filled with specifics to make their message understandable. Great communicators are attentive to their audience's signals and respond to them by using words that are concrete and simple.

Does not avoid hard conversations

An effective communicator does not avoid hard conversations. They bring up any issues early in the process. By doing this, the problem can be shortened and a faster resolution can be achieved.

An effective communicator is also proactive in projects, and they try to anticipate what the other person needs before he or she needs to know. This approach to project management also leads to more accurate editing and less stress.

In addition to having an active listening style, effective communicators are attentive to non-verbal cues. They are well-aware of their own and the recipient’s body language. They use grammatically correct language and make sure their message is complete. They also make sure their message is a persuasive one.

Become a better communicator

By observing these qualities, we can become better communicators. If you are an effective communicator, you'll be able to build trust with others and influence the people around us. Working closely with an effective communication coach can help you master top communication skills in no time.

Hire a communication coach

Hiring a communication coach can be beneficial in many ways. The most obvious benefit is to help you improve your communication skills. This is because 95% of communication is non-verbal. Good orators aren't necessarily effective communicators. Non-verbal actions, posture, and tone of voice are all indicative of a person's communication style. Communication coaches help their clients deal with uncomfortable situations by helping them learn how to communicate more effectively.

Hiring a coach can also help you deal with changes that come with the job. In today's world, change is constant. It's essential to adjust your communication style to adapt and thrive with this. By hiring a coach, you can improve your overall performance, and your team's understanding of each other's roles and responsibilities. Coaching can also help you navigate the inevitable changes that come with your business.

Put your ideas into action

Another advantage of hiring a communication coach is that you can put your ideas into action. A coach can provide you with feedback and point out things you may not notice yourself. Working with a coach will also build your confidence, which can help you create exciting communication. You'll be able to speak confidently and effectively in a variety of situations, even in situations that you might have considered boring before. In short, a communication coach can help you improve your public speaking skills, which will benefit your job performance and business relationships.

Want to learn more?

If you also want to get help from a coach to overcome communication challenges or learn more, you can directly contact me from the below-mentioned channels. You can also schedule a completely free strategy session from the link below.

Follow me on Linkedin, Youtube, Instagram and visit my website for more information!


Bahar Selman, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Bahar Selman is an ICF accredited professional coach (ACC) and a master trainer focusing on personal and professional growth, building confidence, and leadership. Her mission is to help many millennials achieve success and fulfilment in both their careers and lives. She successfully managed brands and led professional teams in companies like Danone, Hayat, Diageo, and Red Bull for over a decade.

She has been serving clients globally with personal and business coaching, delivering training programs and workshops. Bahar has actively trained over 5.000 individuals worldwide through online and offline platforms.

Through her continued wide reaches, she can also help promote her passion for diversity and inclusion with a focus point on supporting women in their career paths.

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