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6 Clear Signs That Show You Are Ready To Live Life On Your Terms

Written by: Ilaria Storch, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


How much does it cost you to stay stuck in your own ways beliefs, and shunning your dreams behind that attic door – and never letting in the sun, breezes, and above all, opportunity? Change is always a process, and it usually does not happen overnight – yet that point of the decision could happen now, today even, if you catch yourself thinking: “I'm ready to face the challenges and the unknown and to follow my heart and see where it leads me; I'm ready to do the inner and outer work and open new doors.”

1. You feel called to do something amazing but you don't really know what yet

Whether you were brought up in a good household, with lots of dialogue and freedom, or maybe you had trouble and challenges in that area, sometimes it seems that we are programmed to be and do a certain way, maybe by watching how other people interact and go about their things, or because of consistent media, in most departments, telling one should buy, or be a certain way, follow this or that career.

And indeed, one is "called" to make big decisions early in life – which is excellent because you will grow and mature and collect your own experiences. With everything and everyone being super visible on social media, as part of work and personal life, it seems you get infinite possibilities – of questions.

As I always say, you must go nomadic inside yourself and use the information only as a guideline. You will know the true "calling" to your true desires and goals – it makes your heart and eyes shine; you start thinking and researching an action plan. You enjoy talking to people about it. And the magic here is that the desire to do something extraordinary in your life, huge or small, is the most significant fuel to start looking for it, turning every stone and opening one door after the other. You will get there!

2. The same places and routines just don't feel right anymore

You know the feeling when just the thought of driving to the same working place, grocery shop, or having dinner with the same people again and again at the same restaurant makes it seem that you are in that film the Groundhog Day. In the movie, briefly explained here, the character gets caught in a loop of time – the same day repeats itself for many years – until he, unintentionally in the beginning, does something good and not only for himself. He eventually catches up to the behavior that kept him stuck in time.

The best resource, I believe, to tackle that sense of dizzy boredom and feeling trapped in the same routines is, of course, to change everything – and it starts with the very familiar and effective ways of mentalizing and writing a genuinely heartfelt gratitude page, or journal – daily, weekly, or what works best for you. Gratitude snaps you out of it, putting you on the right track again.

3. You start planning in your mind exactly what you would do if you had no fear and had the time, support, and motivation

All the great tools, like vision boards, researching, and talking to the right people about what is in your mind, are great starters to get the plan in motion. Step 3 is a match with step 1, and you can put them in action together. Starting small is the key, finding that one hour to begin your project, taking care of health and fitness issues, and looking for professionals to support you and help enlighten your goals.

In the fear department, pay attention to how you feel. Is it just fear of starting something new, releasing old ways, beliefs, and even dated dreams? Or is it mixed with more profound questions, like anxiety and blocks? Consider looking for a mental health medical professional, like a psychologist or psychiatrist. Your body is wholesome and deserves to be well and healed so that you feel happy and strong to pursue your dreams.

4. You start dropping small things that you don't want to do anymore

Can you feel the relief in just reading the above phrase? Here I want to give you a pat on the back! Congratulations for not doing even one little thing that is not helping you and is consuming bits of your precious, creative, unique life. Like not picking up (not yours) clothes from the floor or doing that same report you already presented twice to your boss, or returning calls from people who only want to take advantage of your goodwill – and are not familiar with the words "please and "thank you."

You will be amazed at how much more time you will create for yourself and your goals and how lighter and more content you will feel; it's your little secret step towards a more fulfilled day and life.

5. Just the idea of change gets you out of bed

When you have exciting events coming ahead – like a holiday trip planned, a big celebration in your life, like an award for your excellent work and projects, your wedding, a friend’s engagement, the arrival of children and grandchildren, a promotion, that beautiful dress you have been dreaming of finally coming into a sale next week, a new puppy coming in your house – the anticipation of these days gets you motivated and focused. And talking about dogs, imagine huskies; they are great examples of hard work, playfulness, and fun while staying focused on their tasks! You may think of adding a picture of them on your vision board.

So, when an idea finds you, nurture the process daily and make this small insight fuel your next steps of planning, researching, and moving into inspired action mode.

6. You are strong enough to not get sidetracked

This one is super important! It's when you are fully onboard with your ideas, and no other external offer will seem better than your authentic dream project. I've been there and learned the lesson too! Get tips here.

Life Is Nomadic by Essence! Helping you find your talents and live the way you want to, wherever you are! Remember to get your 7 Free Tips to Feel at Home Anywhere, with new inspiring pictures, click here.

You can connect with me also on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or visit my website for more info!


Ilaria Storch, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Ilaria Storch, a Life Coach Nomad, is the creator of Life Coach Nomads, where she shares her passion for travel and for inspiring people everywhere to access their true center and find more connection and energy on the way to more joy, fun, and fulfillment. She practices that following your emotions, wrapped up in a personal structure that can connect your goals, desires, and love, is the path to all real and true growth. Wherever you are, change is nomadic by essence, and it takes time, support and starts inside you when you absolutely desire to develop yourself and move on. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Advertising, speaks many languages, won a Fashion Illustration Award during College, and loves coaching her clients towards their expressive life journey.

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