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52,984,713 Easy Steps To Success And Happiness

Written by: Mikal Nielsen, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


5 easy steps to all the happiness you have ever dreamt of - sign up here in 3 easy steps.

3 easy steps to a six-pack ... enter your credit card details here ... easy as.

7 easy steps to financial abundance anyone can follow (even you).

4 easy steps to a great marriage - and lots of sex - if you sign up within the next 180 seconds (sexy people act quickly).

And of course, all this comes with a money back guarantee!

I don't know about you, but I'm fed up with this kind of crap and false advertising.

Let's face it, success in anything isn't easy. Pretending it is and advertising it as such is actually counterproductive.

If we are told and believe something to be easy and it turns out not to be, we are far more likely to give up and put it into the ‘too hard basket'.

On the other hand, if we expect something to be hard, we are far less likely to give up when it gets hard, and thus more likely to stay with it and create more success. And on top of that, you get the extra bonus of feeling great because you know you deserve the success.

One of the reasons it feels good is because we have grown up with this experience from the get go. Basic things like learning to walk and talk were staggeringly hard, took like... forever, and resulted in countless failures along the way.

But the baby doesn't go "Screw that... this walking business is way too hard... I'm just gonna let my parents carry me for the rest of my life!"

We naturally want to grow, learn and improve and experience success and happiness.

The reason we have a high level of unhappiness, stress, depression, etc. is because of a lack of success and achievement.

Part of that is due to this notion that it should be easy. Therefore, if I'm not succeeding, then clearly there has to be something wrong with me, and then I'm on that downward spiral that leads to sleepless nights, alcohol, medication, and so on.

On the opposite end of the scale, we have hard work for the sake of hard work. Just because you work hard, doesn't mean you will experience success. This is where guides, mentors, coaches - along with accountability - comes handy, making sure the hard work you are putting in is the right hard work that takes you to where you really want to go.

So it is not in question if hard work is required to create great success. It is absolutely required. The trick is to know where and when to put in the hard work, and when to chill out, relax and let things unfold by themselves.

I will often tell new potential clients, that if they want quick, easy, and comfortable growth, they need to see someone else, but if they are after slow, hard and uncomfortable, I'm the right guy!

I know this is probably not the best marketing slogan, but at least it is honest.

So... here are 3 easy steps to sign up... just kidding!

Get in touch if you want to learn how I may be able to help you create more success and happiness - the hard, but effective way, or even better, use this link to book a complimentary discovery call for BRAINZ readers to get the next few steps on your journey sorted out: brainz-discovery-call

PS: The number 52,984,713 in the title is a complete random number I picked. However, in researching it, it turns out to be the number of steps it would take me to walk the circumference of the earth, which by the way, an average person walks 3-4 times in a lifetime.

In other words, keep taking those steps, but ideally in the right direction!

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, or visit my website for more info!


Mikal Nielsen, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Mikal's mission is to help high achievers awaken their natural wisdom to create profound fulfillment, deep peace of mind, and a perfect balance between everything truly important to them.

With a corporate background and starting and running 3 businesses, Mikal has spent the last 14 years coaching business founders, owners, and leaders to get more life out of life and more business out of business.

He is a mind mechanic with 35 years of experience in mindfulness, personal and spiritual growth, and 30 years of experience coaching others in these fields.

Mikal is an international speaker, certified firewalking coach, author of 5 books, and creator of Modern Meditation for busy people.

In addition to coaching entrepreneurs and business leaders, Mikal and his wife Kathy offer relationship coaching. With 30 years of living together and growing up with 3 children, they have learned and experienced a lot and have co-authored a book about their journey together.

Seeing how many relationships are struggling or have gone stagnant, they have decided to offer couples coaching.

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