Written by: Vicki Chisholm, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

1. They put everyone else above their own wants/needs
2. They choose to ignore boundaries and people please
3. They focus on all the things they don’t want
4. They talk to themselves as unworthy humans
5. They refuse to acknowledge all the good they already offer to the world

As a coach for women, this message couldn’t be any stronger than it is today. (From my heart to yours) I see Facebook Status, Instagram reels/stories and LinkedIn posts filled with exhausted mum’s in business… several even containing the floods of tears emoji, or the stressed-out emoji’s.
Mum’s who are running businesses as well as home-schooling through the pandemic has seen stress levels hike, emotional wellbeing deteriorate and if that isn’t enough the whole belief of not being good enough has been heightened, alongside overwhelm, procrastination, fear of failure, fear of success and so much more.
One of the main areas I see is the mum guilt… mum guilt is notorious for preventing mums from reaching success. Yet it’s an entirely useless emotion that serves no purpose at all.
This underlying guilt impacts women on a core level and promotes the symptoms of imposter syndrome, fear and shame.
Yet it’s not just moms who feel this way, women in business generally have this all-round belief that they are not good enough and compare themselves to others.
I would love for you to read this blog post today, to know in your heart, you are more than good enough. You are worthy of those dreams you placed on that vision board and more than anything else… you can do this! You will do this… but first let’s get to work.
To help you shift out of this funky, exhausting and draining energy, I’ve created several resources to help you. But before I gift you these, I want you to know that you have the power within you to move more mountains than you have ever dreamed of.
I know this because I am a woman just like you… I have 3 children all very different needs and if it wasn’t for the resources I’m about to share with you, I would still be stuck ignoring my need for more self-love and sabotaging my own success.
My clients have also experienced the benefits of the resources I’m about to share.
Take a moment now and place your hands over your heart and repeat: I am loveable, loved and loving x 3.
Secondly know that you are doing your best and you are exactly where you are meant to be in the here in and now.
Ok, now for some FREE resources that you can dive into right now.
Download my FREE Mini Mumpreneurs Survival Guide, which will also give you access to the FREE 5 day EFT Challenge, which could change your life!
Pop on over to the Magnificent Mumpreneurs Society, Facebook group and join us in raising that vibration for more self-love.
For a more personalized support session, I’m offering a Free 15-minute discovery call to help you step into alignment and out of the funk… CLICK HERE

Vicki Chisholm, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Vicki Chisholm is an International Personal Power Coach in the UK, combining coaching and holistic therapy to transform mumpreneurs and female entrepreneurs' lives and business development. She is highly engaged in Transforming the Lives and Businesses of Mums and Female entrepreneurs around the world. Vicki transformed her own life from: Domestic Abuse, Autoimmune Disease, Anxiety, Depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and is also a former successful Virtual Assistant. Vicki’s incredible intuition has guided her to retrain and overcome the impossible in her own life, and now she shares this success with her growing list of clients. Vicki’s passion to lead women back to their inner empowering world is what makes her work priceless.