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5 Ways Visionaries Can Actualize Their Big Goals Faster

Written by: Amelia Harshfield, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Amelia Harshfield

Visionaries have similar behaviors and ways of operating. Because of that, they have specific challenges that can keep them from actualizing their vision and achieving the better place they envision. All of these blocks can keep them frustrated and moving slower than necessary. If they can remove these five blocks, they can get their goals faster and make the impact they envision.

silver tower telescope facing the city skyline

The first skill they can master is that they need to be proficient at delegating tasks. Visionaries are big-picture thinkers. They do best looking at working on their business. They do not enjoy the day-to-day management of all the small details that need to be worked out. However, they may struggle to delegate because they do not trust other people, they might be suspicious of others' motives, and they might believe that they need to do it all. These kinds of beliefs will hold them back because as they free themselves of repetitive tasks that others enjoy, they will feel more like themselves and be able to keep moving their dream to the next level. The second way of moving quicker is to have the right team members by their side. Visionaries who are making an impact often have a well-oiled team of people who can support them.

Visionaries may be blocking themselves by having people who are putting in minimal effort, not solving their own problems, and not showing up. A lackluster team is not good for them to be able to drive the goal faster. Knowing how to attract the best team members, and keep them focused and productive, while building a dynamic culture that keeps the team around them will help them have a stable base so they can move faster onto other elements associated with their goal. The third way is that they are not thinking in a systematized way. Having to keep all of these things in their head keep means they will stay at whatever level they are at. They cannot fill their brain with more information if they are having to remember all these things throughout their day. If they learn how to create systems around what they are doing and what they have to know to do their tasks, they can hand them over to someone else. This ensures they keep reaching new levels of their business and themselves while continuing to move toward their vision. The fourth way is to let go of the wrong things quickly. That means stopping unaligned ideas, people, opportunities, and possibilities. The more visionaries travel down the wrong paths, the more energy they are not putting into the right ones. This can keep them distracted for months, years, and even decades. The sooner they can let go of the wrong stuff, the easier it will be to attract and complete the right ones. Letting go is hard for everyone, and it is often sad to do in some ways, but the freedom it provides after is necessary for them to move on. The fifth way is to regularly check in with themselves. Visionaries have specific weaknesses, and if they struggle with trusting people, keeping the wrong teammates around for too long, not knowing how to systematize their thinking, and keeping unaligned things around too long, it can hinder their success. If they can clear these patterns, they can stop themselves from getting in their own way. Momentum will be easier to build and achieve. It all comes from identifying their unhelpful patterns and knowing how to change them.

Any of these five can be debilitating for a visionary. If they have several of them it can make them so frustrated that they can feel like giving up. However, there can be simple fixes to these problems they can do to can create the impact they were born to make. I’ve learned these personally, and want to tell you that you will feel so much better after tweaking certain aspects of yourself. Check out my YouTube Page for more information on these changes so you can be the person you were born to be.

For more info follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website!

Amelia Harshfield Brainz Magazine

Amelia Harshfield, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Amelia Harshfield is fascinated and motivated by what impact makers can achieve as they become more resilient. With a solid education and a master’s degree in economics, she has been creating passive income in Real Estate investing for over 5 years. Her key foundational work is The Overcoming Anxiety Method™, a powerful 4-step formula for playing a bigger game without being crushed by fear. This process is paramount to finding an authentic version of freedom and wealth. Mentoring and educating high-level operators is her passion, her work has been featured in magazines, podcasts, conferences, and she has been a trainer on Sir Richard Branson's Necker Island.

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