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5 Ways To Simplify Your Life And Boost Your Problem-Solving Game

The Soul Compass guides you to Live & Thrive in alignment with your true nature, to uncover your authenticity, and start taking steps towards your Dream Life by following your inner wisdom.

Executive Contributor Kinga de Wit

Do you ever feel like every time you solve a problem in your life, two new ones seem to emerge? It's like the saying: bad things come in threes. But what if I told you, there's a simple trick to not fall into this trap of the endless problem-solving game?

Woman sitting with a laptop in a plush armchair

I remember when a coach asked me once: what if there were no more problems for you to solve? I literally panicked. Being resourceful and having an answer to pretty much everything was my identity, my essence. I had built my whole career around it: as a psychologist and coach I was providing people with practical tools and reminded them of their unlimited potential. As a Human Design Projector I am literally designed to guide people's energy. I couldn't imagine a world where I didn't need to help people breakthrough limiting beliefs and patterns and get back on track.

At the same time, something opened up inside of me. I felt a sense of relief. Like I could relax for the first time in years. What if I didn't have to be “the problem solver” all the time?

Fast forward to now. I have a profoundly different perspective on the struggles and challenges most people (including me!) are facing. And I have learned that focusing on problems only makes them grow. It's like the story about the two wolves, one “good”, one “bad”, fighting inside of us. When you ask yourself: which one will win? The answer is: the one you feed. Meaning: when you give something your full attention, it becomes a priority and therefore attracts more energy. This means that everything we concentrate on increases and intensifies.

“Energy flows where attention goes and what you focus on grows.”

But there is yet another principle that I'd like to discuss with you today. 

What is at the core of all your troubles? Who is the one experiencing them? Who is the one giving meaning to circumstances, which makes them become unwanted and problematic instead of neutral (which every situation inherently is)?

In case you didn't get what (or rather who) I was aiming at: it's you!!

And that's good news!

Because as much as we get caught up in fixing problems in the external world, in actuality they are a reflection of what's going on inside of us. Let me ask you this: Wouldn't it be smarter to look for and catch the pyromaniac instead of just putting out one fire after the other?

I'm a big fan of eradicating issues roots and all. So if I'd experience endless fires in my life, I would look for the what/who that's causing them. Of course, some fires (problems) need our immediate attention. But even then, if you don't find out what's creating them, you'll better sleep with a water hose beside your bed.

But, then again... if you expect fires to flare up, guess what'll happen?

So the thing is: we almost always tend to look outside of ourselves for the cause and solution of our problems. And I'm here to tell you it's much more fruitful to turn inwards.

You see, most of the circumstances of your life were co-created by you. They are the result of your choices, habits, and intentions. In fact, there is one single variable that determines almost everything in life: your relationships, how you treat yourself and what you tolerate from others, whether or not you stand up for yourself/set boundaries/act assertively, if you dare to ask for a promotion or start your own business... Everything boils down to... you.

Once again and, more specifically: the relationship you have with yourself.

Did you know that, for instance, your finances are a reflection of how you feel about yourself? Themes like your self-image, self-worth and how much you value yourself are mirrored in your money issues. The relationship you have with yourself translates in how you relate to the world in general.

Most people are unaware of their infinite possibilities and their personal power. They feel trapped, helpless, and victimized. They don't know, that they are co-creating their reality with their mind, emotions, frequency, expectations, the Law of Attraction, Soul contracts...

But what if you could shift that perspective? What if you could harness the power of your true Self and combine it with Universal Laws to transform your life? What if you could shift your perspective and see yourself not just as a passive recipient of life's circumstances but as an active creator of your reality? By harnessing the power of your true Self and aligning it with Universal Laws, you can transform your life in profound ways. 

Your true Self is the essence of who you are—your inner wisdom, intuition, authentic being, and your Higher Self (your Soul). It is not clouded by external influences, fears, or limiting beliefs. When you connect with your true Self, you tap into a source of immense power and potential that will guide you towards your Highest Good and the Highest Good of all. Can you imagine how much simpler and more fulfilling your life would be if you stood in your power, made decisions as yourself, and didn't worry about what anybody else was thinking??

So now, it becomes less about “doing the right things” and coping with whatever comes your way, and suddenly it's all about getting into alignment with yourself and what you truly want.

How to shift your perspective

Shifting your perspective involves moving from a mindset of limitation and external dependency to one of empowerment and inner guidance. Let me show you how:

1. Acknowledge your role as a co-creator

Recognize that you are not a victim of your circumstances but a co-creator of your reality. Your thoughts, emotions, habits, actions, and beliefs are powerful tools that shape your life experiences.

Practical Steps:

  • Self-Reflection: Take time to reflect on how your thoughts and beliefs might have led to your current life experience. Can you understand that, with your (subconscious) convictions you have attracted circumstances that reflect them?

  • Empowerment: Embrace the idea that you have the power to change your circumstances by changing your inner world.

If you'd like to dive even deeper into this concept, I can hardly recommend my eBook: Empowered Living – How to Embrace and Love Your Life. It's all about taking radical responsibility and how that can positively impact your life. 

2. Connect with your true self

Spend time in activities that help you connect with your inner being. This could be through meditation, journaling, or simply spending time in nature. The more you connect with your true Self, the clearer your intentions and desires become.

Practical Steps:

  • Meditation: Practice meditation to quiet the mind and listen to your inner wisdom.

  • Journaling: Write down your thoughts, feelings, and insights to gain a deeper understanding of your true Self.

  • Nature: Spend time in nature to ground yourself and connect with your authentic being.

For a better understanding of who you truly are, underneath all your experiences and conditioning, please feel free to explore your Human Design chart through my website. There are a few reports you can even download for free to help you on your journey of self-discovery.

3. Align with universal laws

Learn about and practice aligning with Universal Laws, such as the Law of Attraction. This means focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, setting clear intentions, and taking inspired actions that resonate with your true Self.

Practical Steps:

  • Positive Focus: Focus on what you want to attract rather than what you fear or lack.

  • Set Intentions: Clearly state your intentions and visualize them as already accomplished.

  • Inspired Action: Act on your intuition and take steps that feel aligned with your true Self.

4. Release limiting beliefs

Your mindset is, no doubt, the most powerful co-creating machine of your life. Your life literally consists of the thoughts that you (subconsciously) think the most. Everything outside of you happens in response to you. So it's very important for you to become consciously aware of your thought patterns and change them. One of the things you can focus on is your limiting beliefs. These are often deeply ingrained thoughts that create a sense of lack or unworthiness. Replacing these beliefs with empowering ones can open up new possibilities.

Practical Steps:

  • Identify Beliefs: Write down any limiting beliefs you have about yourself and your capabilities.

  • Challenge Them: Question the validity of these beliefs and consider how they have limited you.

  • Replace Them: Create new, empowering beliefs that support your growth and potential.

5. Practice gratitude and positivity

Gratitude and positivity raise your vibrational frequency, making it easier to attract positive experiences and outcomes. By cultivating a habit of gratitude, you align yourself with the energy of abundance and possibility.

Practical Steps:

  • Gratitude Journal: Keep a daily gratitude journal, noting things you are thankful for.

  • Positive Affirmations: Use affirmations to reinforce positive thoughts and beliefs.

  • Celebrate Successes: Acknowledge and celebrate even small successes to maintain a positive outlook.

You can find my eBook with extensive information about the importance of Gratitude and easy-to-implement practices here.


By shifting your perspective to see yourself as a powerful creator and aligning with the Universal Laws, you can transform your life in remarkable ways. Your true Self, which is the combination of your energetic blueprint and your Higher Self, is your greatest ally, guiding you toward your highest potential. Embrace this power, focus on your desires, and watch as the Universe responds, bringing you closer to the life you envision.

In my practice I use powerful tools to guide you back to your authentic self. This takes insight, courage, deconditioning, healing... One of the tools I use is Human Design, which shows you the energetic blueprint of who you are meant to be (beneath everything you've experienced that shaped you in a negative way or knocked you off your most aligned path). We can also dive into the Akashic Records to find answers to your burning questions and to find out who you are at Soul level. Bringing more of your Soul into your body, so you can have a SoulFULL experience here on earth, is one of my favorite ways of helping people become more of their true selves and eradicating what's no longer serving them.

This and a whole lot more is the essence of my practice “the Soul Compass” and what I'm here for. If you need help on your self-development journey, I'd love to be your guide. You can contact me directly or through my website. I'd love to hear from you!

Follow Kinga on her Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn or visit her website for more info.


Kinga de Wit, Transformational Guide, Soul Embodiment Coach, Catalyst for Change

The Soul Compass guides you to Live & Thrive in alignment with your true nature, to uncover your authenticity, and start taking steps towards your Dream Life by following your inner wisdom.

Services: Human Design, Akashic Records, Soul Realignment, Soul Body Fusion, Polyvagal theory, Nervous System Regulation, Trauma-informed Practice, NLP, OldPain2Go, Inner Child Work, Breathwork, EFT/Tapping, Spiritual Mentorship, Embodied Manifesting, Somatic Work, Conscious Parenting, New Paradigm Business Coaching (Energy + Strategy), Feng Shui, and many, many more.

Me? I'm Kinga de Wit: Aries, 6/2 Human Design Splenic Projector, and my name means "leader of the people." I'm a wife and a mother to a 4yo son (almost 5!) and 2 dogs. I'm originally from Warsaw, Poland. I've lived most of my life in the Netherlands and relocated to Spain in august 2023. I grew up with East-European, Eastern (Chinese), Dutch Caribbean, and Western cultures.

I love to sing, write, and take pictures. And I'm an incurable optimist. I believe that we are powerful beings and that we can heal ourselves and the world by standing in our true Power and by letting the love for ourselves overflow into Universal Love.

My knowledge is not "just" theoretical. Everything I teach I am practicing myself. I've experienced my share of struggles, breakdowns, and challenges (like depression, anxiety, burn-out, chronic pain, allergies, trauma, chronic fatigue, being disconnected from my emotions and intuition, etc). I overcame it all and now I love to share what I've learned with others.

My motto's:

As within, so without.

The most important relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself.


Specializations: Guiding you to your true self and trusting your inner guidance system (aka intuition, authority, internal compass) so you can fall in love with life and live your best life, empowerment, chronic pain and other physical issues, awareness, translating the feedback your life is giving you.

I have 17+ years under the belt as a psychologist, holistic coach, and healer. And I'd love to be your guide.

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