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5 Ways to Self-Regulate Your Emotions

Denice Hedstrom is a Transformational Healer, Mindset Coach and Mentor. Trained and experienced in healing methods such as Subconscious reprogramming and emotional processing, Shamanism, Breathwork and Ayurvedic feminine form healing.

Executive Contributor Denice Hedstrom

You are not alone in experiencing many emotions and not always knowing how to deal with them or self-regulate. If you have found your way to this article, it means you are ready to start taking control of your emotional well-being in new ways. This article is meant to help you with six practical ways that have supported both me and my clients immensely in creating more emotional stability, self-love, and harmony in life.

A woman with blurred, duplicated faces shows neutral and screaming expressions. She's wearing a striped shirt against a black background.

1. Visualize your highest self

First of all, I love working with visualization because both the realms of science, psychology, and spiritual practices speak about how incredibly impactful it is to use visualization for creating change.

So, the very first thing I would do if you are having a hard time regulating your emotions (whether it be anger, sadness, anxiety, fear, or any other emotion) is to begin by envisioning who you want to be, rather than who you are right now.

You can do this by asking yourself how the dream version of you (aka the highest version of you) would show up in the situation that you are currently triggered in, how that version of you would act, speak, and think, regardless of your emotional state. Now go do exactly that!

This might mean that instead of lashing out at someone and blaming them for your emotions, saying something you might regret later, you instead remove yourself from the situation to go sit down and do some breathing exercises before responding.

This is, of course, easier said than done, but committing to this every single time you notice your emotions getting the better of you will eventually create lasting change through the repetition of this new behavior.

2. Channel your emotions into something good

Find emotional relief by channeling your emotions in a healthy way. Use the energy of anger, frustration, and irritation for passion, creativity, and fuel for something better, bigger, and brighter. Use the energy of fear, anxiety, and worry for curiosity about the unknown, playfulness, and expansion.

This could look like, instead of choosing to give in to the fear of going for your dream because your mind tells you all the scenarios that could go wrong, you ask yourself, "What if everything turned out better than expected?"

Has there been a time in my life when I have felt fear, and things have actually worked out better than I anticipated? Can I use my imagination here to envision a better scenario instead of the worst? What would that look like?

What you are doing is being curious and playful while taking back your power, instead of letting the fear, worry, and anxiety take you on a downward spiral that is most probably a waste of your time and energy.

3. Use breathwork

Do breathwork to self-regulate, ground yourself, and let the stuck energy move freely. My favorite breathing practice specifically for grounding is to breathe in and count for four seconds, then breathe out while counting for seven seconds. Do 10 rounds of these inhales and exhales.

This simple practice can help you quickly regain your power and sense of stillness from within, which in turn helps you regulate your emotions and thoughts more easily.

You can also access my free meditation library, where you can find everything from slow breathing and grounding meditation to release anxiety, self-love boosts, visualizations, and much more, available for you to use at any time.

4. Journal

Journal to purge any toxic thoughts and emotions. Journaling is a really great exercise for many things, including processing thoughts and emotions in a healthy way.

If you are feeling sadness, anger, or any other emotion that you cannot seem to get out of, try sitting down and writing down every single thing that you currently think, being mindful not to use any filters. Even if it might look ugly or negative, write it down. This is just for you, and if you want to, you can later throw it in the bin or even burn it.

I believe it is much healthier to get negative thoughts out of your system rather than burying them out of shame, and then no one else has to be affected by it either, since there is no need for you to project it out once you have cleared your mind.

You also have an opportunity here to reflect on why you feel these emotions, why these thoughts are present, and there might even be a peaceful resolution happening naturally as you write it out.

5. Forgive and accept

Forgive yourself and realize that you are only human. Whatever you feel is OK; self-blame will not help you, but forgiveness and acceptance will. This simple practice of putting your hand on your heart and saying out loud or silently to yourself, "I forgive myself, I forgive myself, I forgive myself," can make a massive transformation in your life. Forgiveness is such a blessing that many people seem to forget sometimes. Use it to your favor and forgive yourself, not just others!

Did this article resonate with you, and do you feel ready to go on an even deeper soul journey within to heal and create major changes in your life?

You should go ahead and book a free call here with me to discuss how I can help you create more emotional fulfillment, inner peace, and outer manifestations through my healing and coaching programs that have already helped more than a hundred other amazing humans create ripple effects of magic in their lives!

Follow me on Instagram or visit my website for more information and free resources!

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Denice Hedstrom, Healer, Mindset Coach and Mentor

Denice Hedstrom is a Transformational Healer, Mindset Coach and Mentor who specializes in helping women unlock confidence, self-worth and soul purpose.

Her passion for helping others stems from her own journey of healing childhood traumas, anxiety and addiction recovery. At the age of 17, she had her first spiritual awakening and decided to make her dreams of a better life come true.

She found a way to transform past trauma and pain by realizing her life’s purpose while utilizing spiritual healing practices and the art of manifestation.

Denice is now on a Mission to help awaken thousands of women worldwide to their unlimited potential, reclaim full control of their lives and live in total freedom and purpose!

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