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5 Ways To Protect Your Wellbeing And Show Yourself Compassion

Written by: Suzie Suttles, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


When things feel like they are out of your control, how do you respond? Do you speak to yourself and others in harmful ways? Treating yourself unkindly is a form of psychological abuse and usually stems from childhood psychological and relational abuse. When you treat yourself with compassion, it builds resilience and clarifies your thinking. You realize the only thing under your control is your response to the circumstances.

Here are 5 ways you can show yourself compassion daily and build a healthy love of yourself and others.


Tough times don't always last, and training your mind to think positively is a challenge, but if you truly desire for your circumstances to change, you must learn to look on the bright side. Try to avoid sayings like, "It could be worse." I highly recommend saying things like, "I'm thankful (grateful) for and start naming every gift you currently have in your life. Doing this simple practice daily will assist with lifting the fog of depression.

When you're feeling depressed, watch what you are thinking. Depression typically surfaces after thinking about past events (positive or negative) or worrying about your present circumstances. Focus your mind on gratitude in difficult situations and watch how your perception changes.


A sense of purpose adds value and longevity to your life, but you'll never find your purpose if you don't start moving or challenging yourself to do difficult things. Creating a vision board, manifestation (goal/intention) list will help create a direction for your life. Setting short-term and long-term goals for yourself gives you a sense of purpose.

Make sure they challenge you to grow. They must be attainable, set a realistic timeline for yourself, and discipline yourself to work toward them daily. Remember to encourage yourself even if you attain one or none. Don't focus on what you don't accomplish, and give yourself a pat on the back when you complete a goal. Write them down and post them where you can view them. This will help you work toward them every day.


We all experience tough times, and a great way to build compassion for yourself is to serve others who are where you used to be. Giving to others in the form of time builds a sense of compassion for yourself and others. Although you may not be where you used to be, serving others from a space of remembrance keeps you grateful for everything you currently have in your life. When you remove the focus from yourself and give to others by sharing your time, money, and gifts, your problems don't look so bad.


Depression will manifest in our lives in many different forms, and to win the daily battle with depression, you must create a daily self-care routine. I begin each day with prayer, meditation, and positive affirmations.

You are the only one in control of your internal world, and most depression stems from you allowing your external world to control your internal world. Gaining control of your internal world allows you to control the feelings and emotions surrounding your depression. Creating a regular routine that keeps you grounded, aligned, and fluid minimizes your days of depression.


Seek out the proper resources and support you need to get through your days of depression. If what you've been doing isn't providing you with the results you need, you may need to seek out a coach, guide, or therapist who can assist you professionally along your journey.

Sometimes what we've been doing is causing us more stress and days of depression than seeking out new ways of relieving ourselves of these emotions and feelings. Everything I suggest may not work for you, so take whatever resonates with you and apply that to your life and leave the rest behind.

The relationship you have with yourself is the foundation for your external relationships, and how you show up for yourself is how you will show up for others. Protecting your wellbeing and showing yourself kindness and compassion will create a healthy and happy life for yourself and everyone around you. Self-love is the key to inner happiness and success and is a skill that can be developed with the proper training and assistance. Without self-love, you face an obstacle with self-development.

Join our FREE private mental health support community today by subscribing to our monthly self-care newsletter, and start cultivating healthy self-love.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, and visit my website for more info!


Suzie Suttles, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Suzie is a Certified Intuitive Guide, Healer, and Reader, who is a survivor of childhood psychological abuse, and domestic violence abuse. She is a thriver of PTSD, bipolar disorder, ADHD, and an Intuitive Guidance Coach fostering the heart of men beyond the abuse of their past. Empowering men to move from the mindset of the victim to the mindset of the victor. She is a published author of 6 books, and her work was featured on HubPages, HealDove, and The GTCC Titan Review. Suzie is a proud member of the Phi Theta Kappa National Honors Society.

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