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5 Ways To Overcome Self-Doubt

Denice Hedstrom is a Transformational Healer, Mindset Coach and Mentor. Trained and experienced in healing methods such as Subconscious reprogramming and emotional processing, Shamanism, Breathwork and Ayurvedic feminine form healing.

Executive Contributor Denice Hedstrom

Self-doubt can be one of the biggest ways to self-sabotage and can show up in many ways. You are not alone if you are experiencing thoughts such as questioning whether or not you are good enough or are doing enough, questioning your worth and value, or capacity to succeed with something dear to your heart.

 woman wearing glasses over isolated background thinking looking tired

Many people go through these thoughts, whether it's connected to trusting themselves in succeeding with a new business, procrastinating goals out of fear of perceived failure, or lacking trust that they will meet their dream partner and live the life of their dreams, fearful of being judged or rejected in some way.


Even though these thoughts are common for many people to experience occasionally, they should not be a big part of your life or make you feel stuck by these negative patterns.

In this article, I will guide you through 5 steps that will help you overcome self-doubt and start mastering unwavering self-belief, confidence, and self-love so that you can manifest the life of your dreams.


5 steps to overcome self-doubt

1. Build a consistent spiritual practice

What helped me on my journey of going from insecurities and doubt to unwavering self-belief and a sense of confidence was my trust in something bigger than myself, something that has my back no matter what, and that is directing me in the right direction.

How you can build this relationship and allow your intuition and trust to grow is through consistent daily spiritual practice.


This can look like meditating in the morning or grabbing your journal to sit under a tree and self-reflect after a long day at work. Being consistent also helps you to build trust in yourself and your capacity to follow through.


I would recommend starting with setting a 30-day goal, as the mind loves to have precise ‘timelines’ to follow, and that gives you the chance to see a tangible change within a short amount of time.


You can get access to my library of free meditations here to help you get started with building your regular practice.

2. Deepen your trust

What you can do to further deepen your trust is to ask yourself: “What if I knew that all my dreams and desires are my Souls whispers, telling me what I am meant for in this life?”.

Imagine that the little sparks in you to study something, to move somewhere, or to embark on a new passionate career path are all indicators of what your Soul already knows is the right path for you.


And so, if that were true, would you also be able to trust that the things in life that are meant for you will succeed in whatever way that looks like?


When it comes to trust, a big part of it is to surrender to your intuition and the flow of life, to your guidance, and to your belief that everything is always working out in your favor. And if you struggle to truly believe that, it’s time to start reprogramming your subconscious mind, which brings us to the next step!


3. Reprogram yourself for successful outcomes

The mind is unfortunately programmed to believe the worst and to focus on the negative to keep you safe! Your belief systems determine how you manifest in the world, so mastering manifestation is key to the process of leading a life with unwavering self-belief, confidence, and trust in yourself.


So what if you decide to change the way you view the world and the belief systems you might have received from others through using manifestation and reinforcement of new, positive ways of being?


When you begin to actively look for how life is always working out for you, you will be surprised at how much proof you will find.


A playful and easy practice that you can start with immediately is to find proof of where in your life you have doubted yourself or the outcome of a situation, and now, in hindsight, you know that everything worked out in your favor – to remind yourself that a successful outcome is real.


When you start showing proof to your subconscious mind that “this is safe, look, I have already succeeded in the past, there is no reason I can not succeed again in the future,” or “look, I have felt worthy and loved before, there is no reason I would not feel that way again,” you are helping your brain, body, and nervous system to feel safe in that reality, and it will want to move you in that direction.


I always tell my clients that “your subconscious is not here to care about your wildest dreams, its job is to keep you safe”.


So what if your job now would be to help your subconscious to feel safe through finding proof from the past, using that emotion of trust to now visualize your desired outcome of what you are currently manifesting, and then taking smaller actions forward step by step towards the direction you want?


Decide that ‘I am simply the type of woman/man that achieved my goals no matter what’ and that ‘I am the type of woman/man that simply believes there is no such thing as failure, only lessons to take me closer to my highest path’.


As you master your mindset, energy, and manifestation, there is nothing that can get in your way, and I truly believe that you can achieve anything your heart longs for with the right tools to make it all happen!


4. Heal your inner child

Healing the inner child is one of the most powerful healing techniques I have worked with for many years when it comes to helping my clients get to the root of a negative belief system and then being able to heal it where it originated.


If you carry past trauma from close relationships or painful events that have left you with a sense of feeling unworthy, abandoned, unsafe, or any other unpleasant emotion, this can all contribute to lowering your sense of self-worth today, even if the event was 20 years ago!


What you can do by yourself to start accessing past events is to ask yourself some questions to reflect on in a safe space where you can fully sit with whatever emotions come up. Some of these questions could be:


“Where in my life am I afraid of being judged by others? What is the feeling that comes up when I ask myself that? (Is it fear, shame, guilt, sadness?)” When you can access the emotion in your body, now ask yourself ‘When have I felt this emotion in the past, where does it come from?’.

As you do this, your body will probably take you back to earlier years in your life, where parts of you are still holding onto any beliefs you have received that are not your core truth!


These are the memories you want to access so you can start to rewire the emotions where they started and begin a conversation with the younger versions of yourself that need loving guidance.


Another practice you can do to get started today is to write a letter to your inner child and tell her/him 30 reasons why she/he is worthy of life, love, and happiness. This practice helps you to remember that you are born worthy, and if you would write this to your child or a person you love dearly, it would probably be easier for you; so what if you would make it as easy to treat yourself with the same loving-kindness as you would another?


5. Heal through holotropic breathwork

As with everything in life, I believe that a holistic approach is important to have when we heal. So, when it comes to truly taking your power back and stepping into a newfound sense of confidence and self-love, it is always beneficial to heal all parts of you, not just one.

While working on the subconscious mind, you also want to clear the stuck emotions out of your physical and energetic body.


My favorite way of doing this, which has helped my clients create fast and effective results, is through Holotropic Breathwork.


The Holotropic Breathwork is a therapeutic method that allows stuck emotions & energy from the body to be released. These sessions usually go on for an extended amount of time and with consistent rapid breathing, using only the mouth for both inhale and exhale which triggers the body to start a purging process of energy leaving your body for good.


The powerful aspect of this type of healing breathwork is that it helps to ‘shut off’ the conscious mind and access the subconscious mind, where old memories that you might have even forgotten can be processed.


In addition to the healing effects of the release, there is also a strong sense of spiritual presence as this guides you into a deep state of trance. In my experience, having facilitated these types of sessions to many different people from all walks of life, it has helped them to connect to a deeper sense of Soul, connecting to Source/something higher, as we discussed above.

So, the healing you receive also helps you to build that sense of trust, faith, and surrender in combination with your daily spiritual practice. Read below for more information about this type of breathwork.


Ready to get started with these healings?

Did you feel like there was a spark in you to go deeper into reclaiming your unwavering self-belief, establishing self-love and a sense of trust as you confidently manifest your dream life?


Then you will love the Self Love Bundle, which includes access to all of these healings and tools mentioned in this article, guided through audio and video, with in-depth practices to help you create the transformation you seek in less than a month!


As a reader of Brainz, you can use the code ‘BRAINZ30’ for a 30% discount and get instant access to the healings today. Grab it here!


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Read more from Denice Hedstrom


Denice Hedstrom, Healer, Mindset Coach and Mentor

Denice Hedstrom is a Transformational Healer, Mindset Coach and Mentor who specializes in helping women unlock confidence, self-worth and soul purpose.

Her passion for helping others stems from her own journey of healing childhood traumas, anxiety and addiction recovery. At the age of 17, she had her first spiritual awakening and decided to make her dreams of a better life come true.

She found a way to transform past trauma and pain by realizing her life’s purpose while utilizing spiritual healing practices and the art of manifestation.

Denice is now on a Mission to help awaken thousands of women worldwide to their unlimited potential, reclaim full control of their lives and live in total freedom and purpose!



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