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5 Ways To Leverage Feminine Energy In Business

Written by: Hanna Hermanson, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


These days, “feminine energy” has become a bit of a buzzword. But how does it relate to business… and is it something you should “get on board with?!?” First off, let’s clear something up – feminine energy isn’t just for women. Everyone on the planet has a mix of feminine and masculine energy. They are like two sides of a coin. Yin & Yang.

The future is female, written on a mug and a laptop on table.

Feminine energy: intuitive, creative, nurturing, playful, open, and flowing. Masculine energy: logical, rational, courageous, confident, intellectual, and decisive. And while each type of energy is valuable in its own way…society has championed masculine energy as the “superior energy” for centuries. Religion had a big part to play in that. As well as the dawn of agriculture. All of which culminated in the rise of “hustle culture” as we know it. The result? Most of us are stuck in a rut – and “achieving rut.” Because it’s the best (and quickest) way to validate our worth. Doing over being. All day. But hold up. Feminine energy is making a comeback. A comeback as big as chunky shoes, claw clips, and slip dresses. We were all feeling it ‒ utter exhaustion and near-burnout. But when “the rona” hit…the entire world experienced a full reboot. We emerged from our caves, determined to make the most out of life. And for the first time ever...that meant celebrating feminine energy. In society at large, we see a shift from the mind to the heart. And that shift is happening on all planes...including business. Ok…does that mean that masculine energy is disappearing altogether?!

That’s a hard no. And the most successful businesses are striking a balance between both masculine and feminine energy. How are they doing it? – think of it like this. Masculine energy is the structure, the systems, and the framework. Feminine energy is creativity, emotion, and playfulness.

Pair them together? And you’ve got a winning business strategy for 2023 and beyond. OK, so how do you start leveraging feminine energy?? Here’s how…

5 ways to leverage feminine energy in your business:

1. Start leaving room for intuition and flow

Hard statistics and numbers have their place, but so too does intuition. When it’s time to make decisions for your business, check in with your energy, and trust your gut. Allow yourself to flow with the changing tides, and understand that each business will experience a spectrum of seasons. What feels right one quarter may not feel right the next. And that’s totally ok.

2. Show up with openness, vulnerability, and transparency

When it comes to marketing, there is no better way to connect with your audience than to be HUMAN. Start leaning into what makes you real, and trust whatever weirdness wants to come out of you. Your authenticity is your currency. The same goes for how you engage with your team ‒ start your budget meeting off with a dance party…and create a culture of REALNESS.

3. Welcome a sense of playfulness, spontaneity, and creativity

What was your favorite subject in elementary school?– probably gym (or recess!). Play is an essential part of life. In fact, even scientists are telling us about the power of play these days! Allow for FUN by taking a walking meeting…responding to emails outside…or bringing jokes and funny memes to your presentations. And for heaven's sake, stop avoiding exclamation marks because they’re“unprofessional” !!!

4. Take a breather

CEO-ing is hard work. But the only way you're going to be in it for the long haul is to take breaks and rest. Blockout time in your day for STILLNESS, and make it a non-negotiable priority. Wondering how on earth you’re going to fit this in?? – it might be time to delegate some of those tasks that fall outside your zone of genius. Listen to this Brainz podcast if you want to know how to do it.

5. Buddy up and start collab-ing

Networking is one of the best ways to grow your business. We know this. But it’s time to take this concept to the next level. Jump on podcasts. Speak at LIVE events. Pop into mastermind groups. And work WITH “competitors” in your field to bring mega value to your audience (while gaining exposure to an entirely new set of eyes)! Work your connections. And anchor your marketing strategy on relationship-building.

Ready to give this a go? – Do it!

Want some help integrating feminine energy into your business? Reach out! As the CEO of Done For You Marketing, I help female entrepreneurs build a “feminine funnel” marketing strategy that incorporates both structures and flow!

It’s my jam (and my peanut butter). And I’d love nothing more than to help you leverage feminine energy in your business this year! Feel free to learn more about Done For You Marketing and our “feminine funnel” Here!

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Hanna Hermanson, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Hanna Hermanson is the founder and CEO of Done for You Copywriting for Coaches. As a life and business coach for years, Hanna gained deep insights and intuitive knowledge about what motivates people to take action. Hanna and her team of expert copywriters combine these insights with creative copy strategies to scale coaching businesses and help transformational leaders get back into their zone of genius. Hanna's work can be found in Forbes, Thrive Global, and her book “Dream Life is Real Life” on Amazon.

When she’s not writing or strategizing, she can be found carbo-loading for half marathons or frolicking on the beaches of Mexico with her husband and labradoodle.

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