Written by: Dr. Pallavi Vasudha Vishwas, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Abundance can mean different things to different people. It is important that you clearly understand what abundance means to you. When you think you are living a life of abundance, what does that look like to you?

Two types of mindsets:
The scarcity mindset and the abundance mindset are the two types of mindsets.
The scarcity mentality focuses more on what we don't have and our limitations. Meanwhile, an abundance mindset is all about creating opportunity and believing that there are enough resources for all benefits.
A person with a scarcity mindset will be absorbed in what is lacking in their life. The mind is busy worrying and preventing us from accessing what we want out of life. A scarcity mindset will focus on limitations and obvious obstacles that can seriously limit our success. When you limit yourself to your beliefs and actions, you are not open to receiving or acknowledging the abundance around you.
The scarcity mindset is determined to recognize what is not available.
The other side of the coin is the abundance mentality. With this mindset, we realize there is enough in this world for everyone to receive. You let go of negative feelings like jealousy, envy, or self-compassion and take matters into your own hands. You go from being a victim in your life to a leader. Further, you are not focusing on limitations but acknowledging the good things that are already present in your life and setting your intention to manifest more, what you want.
There are 5 simple ways to develop an abundance mindset.
1. Learn to receive
The most important motive that stops many of us from receiving the abundance that exists in our global is a deep perception that we aren't worthy. Ask yourself how do you act whilst a person compliments you for your abilities or what? Do you tend to make excuses? Or you simply alternate the subject. People with an abundance mentality aren't afraid to say, Thanksif a person offers them a compliment.
To bring more abundance into your life, you must be opened to receiving. If you find it difficult to say "yes" to someone who offers you help, you are telling the universe that you do not deserve to receive from others.
2. Find what you love doing
To have an abundant life, you must understand what you love to do. Often, we try to do something that other people do just because they are successful. The more you align with what you love to do, the more abundance you will attract into your life. If you try to be someone else, you will block the flow of abundance because you are not in heart space, but in mind space. If someone achieves something, it's not for what they do, but for what they are.
Do you feel like life isn't fair? Maybe you feel like many of the unfortunate situations you have experienced are not your fault but someone else's fault. If so, it might be time for you to take matters into your own hands. It basically means giving up your power and leaving all control of your life to external factors like another person. When you give up your power, it brings you to despair and the inability to change your situation. One of the most common behaviours of people with an abundance mentality is their ability to take responsibility and do something to change their circumstances.
3. Feel what you want
It isn't always most effective to pick out what you need, however it's important to sense what you need. The greater you align with the sensation that your preference brings to you, the greater you'll attract it into your life.
When we stay in a mindset of scarcity, we tend to revel in emotions of jealousy and envy. We regularly discover ourselves searching at others and thinking why we cannot have what they have. It also can result in resentment toward positive human beings and wreck relationships with buddies and family.
4. Appreciate what you have
A simple plenty of abundance is to start recognizing how your life is already rich. Life is and what you need is there in front of you.
A common mistake we tend to make in a scarcity mindset is to focus all our attention and energy on what is missing in our lives. on the other hand, people who live an abundant life are natural to put their energy into what they want to manifest. By changing your thoughts to be more focused on what you want, it is easier to find what you're looking for when you know what you want.
Do not dwell on past things that are no longer relevant. If you want to change or accept your past, you need to make a choice now and refocus your attention on what you can do now to feel happier, wish to have a more fulfilling life. Ask yourself what choices you can make right now to help you access more abundance. An abundance mindset doesn't take long to live a happy life.
5. Accomplish small actions
Most people who live in abundance will tell you that they work at it every day. Every day they take small actions that align them with what they want in life. For example, if you want more money, you can make small deposits into a savings account each day. If you want more love in your life instead, start with love for yourself. Every day, try to recognize one thing you like about yourself.
Our vocabulary says a lot about our state of mind. A weak-minded person will use many limiting words such as "I can't", "I don't want to" or "I don't want to". These words tend to fuel a deep belief that we don't have enough and can never get what we want in life. Be careful of the words you use. Capture yourself using words that establish a limiting belief and reframe them into words that allow you to do something about the situation.
Living an abundant life is available to all and everything else depends on the state of mind. By applying the tips provided above, you will increase your ability to access the abundance around you and enable you to manifest what you desire in your life. You will return to an abundant, happy, and fulfilled life once you are fully aware of this mindset and get what you deeply desire and believe you deserve.

Dr. Pallavi Vasudha Vishwas, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Dr. Pallavi Vasudha Vishwas, Harmony Happiness Coach and Founder of HappyHarmony, inspires and empowers busy, ambitious, working women to manage stress effectively and integrate work-life successfully to pilot their flight of happiness with self-belief and confidence.
Pallavi is a highly sought-after Harmony Happiness Coach, a Work-life Balance Expert, an inspiring speaker, a passionate Soft Skills Trainer, motivated Educator, an enriched Telecom Engineer, a poetess, an aspiring Author, and a nature lover. Pallavi holds a Ph.D. in her expertise of Work-life Balance amongst working women.
Stress levels of working women is quite high due to managing work-life and constantly multitasking can be very challenging and taxing on their body and mind.
Pallavi specializes in helping working women manage stress with a smile and design a happy work-life harmony in a matter of months rather than years so that they can live a purposeful and joy-filled lives.
After 16 successful years in the Telecom industry and Education field, Pallavi found herself more passionate in coaching individuals carve their own Happiness journey. Her passion is empowering individuals discover their self-worth, unlock their unique potential, find true happiness, and live a life they love living. She has always been passionate about helping others and has touched hundreds of lives to lead a happy life.
Pallavi has been awarded by a highly prestigious club, The Indian Achievers Club, in the category, “50 under 50”, the Indian Achiever, for the year 2020.
Pallavi offers coaching, individual services, group programs, seminars, and workshops.
Her motto is: Be Happy and live in Harmony.