Written by: Jane Haridat, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

In 2016, during my vacation, I met Lynda at a beach in Hawaii. We talked about her problems with relationships, her work, and her health. I noticed she didn't feel connected to her body and soul, and I wanted to help.

So, I offered her a free healing to connect with her body. During a special kind of healing, we explored her body and found she didn't know where her organs were. I didn't realize that not everyone knows this. Lynda told me that she never valued her body as her important vessel.
After our session, Lynda said, "Jane, this is the first time I feel connected to my body. I never knew I was so disconnected. Now, I feel more peaceful and balanced, like I'm more at home with myself.
Interestingly, during my meditation that same morning, my Spiritual Guides told me that the body and the soul are equal. Spirit conveyed to me that we, as humans, started to believe that the body is unimportant and worthless compared to the soul. Many find the heart, as the engine of life, already important, but still deny the equality between the body and the soul.
How important and interdependent are they?
Imagine yourself as a car: the body is like the car itself and the soul is like the driver. If the car is broken, you can steer all you want, but the car won’t move.
You could confidently say that our soul needs our body to move forward. And the body needs our soul as its driver. Our heart plays a crucial role in this. It is the engine that enables the driver to steer the car.
When the heart is open, love flows effortlessly like fuel to the engine and all essential parts to steer the car.
Every component is equally important; one cannot function without the other.
Everything we experience, both physically and emotionally, impacts both. For instance, when we're happy, our body feels good. When we're sad, it can influence our body.
Sadness can shut down our heart. If the heart is closed, the love, our fuel, gets cut off. We end up in our thoughts and the soul can't connect with our body. We're in a state of tension.
When the body relaxes, we feel our heart again, and through the heart, we establish an even deeper connection with our body. When both are open, the soul can descend further. Then, we truly inhabit our body, and the soul can use its power to stimulate our cells to tap into their self-healing consciousness, such as to heal from diseases. This trinity fosters soul awareness.
What an incredible collaboration!
And how could we ever believe that the body is less valuable than the soul?
Of course, each organ plays its significant role in our process of becoming human. Each organ is indispensable. This triad is the foundation for a soul-conscious life, loving, and manifesting. They function as a team to shape who we are. It's not about which one is more important, but about acknowledging the equality between the body, soul, and heart, and how together, they form our complete selves for a happy and successful life on earth.
I'm happy to share with you my 5 tips to strengthen this trinity:
After grief, stress, or pain, moving to fast-paced music helps you feel good. Dancing and exercising discharge negative emotions and open up your body, heart, and soul. So move that amazing body!
Dance because it brings you joy, not to be seen. Dancing from your genuine self, not from your ego elevates your body, mind, Spirit.
Never let anyone convince you that your body is less valuable than your soul. Embrace and respect your body as the temple for your soul.
Become aware of how you want to feel. You can't feel emotions with your head; it's with your heart and whole body. Logical thinking doesn’t work with emotions.
Discover the real roots of your heart pain and heal your heart. Consider experiencing my free 30 minute reading/healing to discover the roots of your heart and get your heart healed.
Plan your 30 minutes right here. This offer is only available during January.
A healed heart is a harmonious heart. A harmonious heart will bring more joy, prosperity, and happiness in 2024.

Jane Haridat, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Jane Haridat is a well-known passionate spiritual teacher, healer of sacred sexuality and soul embodiment, a multidimensional medium, writer, and motivational speaker. She is also doing wedding ceremonies to give couples the most unforgettable and magical experience of their life. Her mission: Raising global awareness about what sexuality truly is and how a good flow impacts all areas of our life including the success of our business. Her vision is that understanding the essence of our sexuality, creates happy independent people. Happy people make happy families. Happy families create a happy planet filled with peace and harmony. Embracing your sexuality is embracing your true self, is her strong belief.