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5 Top Tips To Guide Soulpreneurs Through A Career Change

Written by: Natalie Farrell, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Before we delve into this subject, I want to remind you of the definition of a Soulpreneur that I introduced back in article 1, how to grow rich through co-creation.

Smart confident female inside her furniture business holding tablet.

As you read them, be aware of:

  • Which one (if any) feels aligned with your current values as a business owner?

  • Or perhaps you are at a tipping point within your own business story? And wish to learn more about being more authentic to your “true” voice?

  • Are you in a predominantly masculine-driven mindset model and feel scared/nervous/intimidated to use a mix of both your soft and powerful values in public?

A Soulpreneur shows up within their soul-led business in 3 main ways:

  1. Fully embodied and aligned with their soul purpose

  2. As an advocate for non-linear structures and co-equal leading

  3. To be a reverberant voice for change and stand out from the crowd

When it comes to getting into the nitty-gritty of being a soul-led business owner a true advantage is that they can draw upon their softness and strength in equal measure when and where it is needed. More and more people are recognising that the principles of softness versus power lead to long-lasting and transparent relationships. Therefore, we are increasingly seeing people in senior and leadership roles speaking out about their soul-led values and trend-setting unconventional approaches to life and business.

From my perspective, the idea of being a Soulpreneur on my own terms meant that I had to question:

  1. Whom I was working for

  2. How my input, both mentally, physically, and energetically, was affecting my output.

A lifetime quest for sharing knowledge and living a healthy, fulfilled life led to one conclusion. To vow to combine my power and strength with my inherent softness and empathy both within my life and business. In 2015, at the age of 35, this was a key driving force in my career change and decision to approach life and business in an unconventional way.

At the time, I was a vocal coach and singing teacher, helping people of all ages to find and develop their voices. My business was successful and had the potential to grow, with talk of franchising and taking on more staff. Whilst I found this rewarding, somehow, I knew deep down that this was not my true calling. I needed to be true to myself and I knew this feeling was not going to go away, so I became curious and decided to explore it further, making vision boards, asking myself questions, and then questioning the answers too.

I took a journey inside myself, exploring the silence, listening to the stillness, and searching for my inner voice. One thing that had always been clear to me was that I had a natural ability to encourage people to shine and achieve great things. I wanted to continue to encourage people to be the very best versions of themselves but I knew that this must also apply to me. I needed to push beyond my own boundaries or, to quote internationally renowned yogi Ganga White, to “Stand on the shoulders of the past to find out how to see further into the future.” You can read more on this story of transformation over here in my exclusive interview with Om Yoga magazine.

I remember how excited I felt at this point. I had found a sense of relief, as I could give time to exploring other strengths I had beyond teaching. I had determined how I wanted my life to be, how I wanted to be different, and how I wanted both my business and the way I do business to be different. This business was going to be an expression of who I am and the Soulpreneur I was evolving into.

Changing careers and following my new path was not all plain sailing. I really felt that I was bringing opposing sides together - the strong, powerful, no-nonsense, straight-talking businesswoman with the serene, balanced, and softer approach of the yogini. Yet even as I wrestled with this, I found there was common ground in my:

  • Commitment to achieve

  • Drive

  • Ambition

  • Determination

  • Focus

So, in January 2017, Yummy Yoga Girl was born, and the time had come to make my dreams a reality. I surrounded myself with experts and drew on my NLP and hypnotherapy training to build my self-belief and work through any doubts which were, consciously or unconsciously, holding me back. I utilised skills from my previous career and experiences and broadened my horizons by traveling extensively, eventually training and qualifying as a yoga instructor under the tutelage of Ganga White.

Everything was going according to plan, and then an opportunity arose which led me to make a “big leap” decision that would enhance the overall experience for my online lifestyle business model.

In September 2017, I launched a boutique yoga-wear range inspired by my passion for slow fashion and sustainable shopping. I project-managed the entire process and brought a team of talented Soulpreneurs together to design and produce a collection of clothes that, I believe, reflect the intricacies of modern-day women’s life.

Looking back now, part of me still can’t believe it. My learning journey has been phenomenal, not just because I have had to educate myself about the clothing manufacture and production process but the sales and marketing side as well. Every year the story evolves with new products and offerings being birthed.

As a Soulpreneur my roles are CEO, coach, project manager, buyer, communicator, advisor, writer, seller, creator, presenter, producer, financial analyst, and director! Each day is varied. Each project is guided by my soft and powerful sides. The masculine and feminine approach. The playful ebb and flow weaving its way around the structure, order, and spreadsheets!

Good luck carving your new path. However, that may look for you. To help you on your way, here are my 5 top tips to guide you through your career change toward Soulpreneurship:

  1. Your dream is more than a dream. It’s a devotion to who you are and the belief that you can achieve more than you can dream

  2. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Employ people who are amazing at what they do, learn from them, and enjoy the process and connection of creating something together

  3. Be kind to, and look after, yourself. If you feel tired or stressed, STOP and step away. Find some time and a quiet place to reconnect with yourself and rediscover who you truly are. Take a few moments to empty your mind and just breathe, and it will restore a sense of calm and control

  4. Reassess. If you feel you are pushing or fighting against something, don’t hesitate to question yourself and be prepared to make changes. I believe that this is of huge importance for your personal development

  5. And finally - meditate regularly. Build it into your routine, maybe at the same time each day. This is a crucial part of learning about who you are, how you deal with certain situations, how you can react in a way that is more beneficial to you and others involved, and questioning what it is you truly want within decision-making and life experiences. You are also toning your vagus nerve each time you take a few moments to breathe and just be this, which in turn, brings in the balance you need to ignite your superpower as a Soulpreneur. To find out more about 3 ways to ignite your superpower to be more, read this intriguing article.

Feeling lost. Not sure which way to go. But now, there is something more for you and your career. Take Natalie’s 3-minute quiz to find out what type of soul-led business owner you are and get you on the right path to change. Ready to take the quiz?

Follow me on Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Natalie Farrell, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Natalie Farrell is a leader in voice activation, intuitive sound healing, and linguistic psychology. With an accomplished 20+ year background in singing, voice coaching, presenting, and writing her work with Solopreneurs acts as a catalyst for profound transformation guiding them to be fully visible within their field of expertise. In 2021, she published her first book, ‘Light The Way’ a powerful companion for modern-day change makers who are ready to go all-in and approach business and life in an unconventional way. Her mission: to release reverberant voices.

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