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5 Tips To Shine Your Inner Beauty

Written by: Limba Veselinovikj, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Living in this world of online “perfection”, the demand of being perfect and the need to belong and be beautiful made young ladies constantly work on their outer beauty. We are doing everything to be more beautiful, be perfect, be fit, and have a great presence so we can post the best picture ever. From dying our hair and covering the white hair to having beautiful teeth to using Botox and fillers for our wrinkles, or small lips, the imperfect shape of our face, powder eyebrows to the newest trend on the permanent make-up. I am not against any of that, and taking care of ourselves and enhancing our beauty is good, if that makes you happy, but does it?

Then as if that is not enough, we add on filters, beauty modes and all so we live behind the scenes and pretend to be happy. It reminds me of a theater.

Curtains are up, and we put our best faces, best photo, best look out. But what I am curious to know is what is happening when the curtains are down? Are you happy? What about your mental, emotional and energetic health? Do you accept yourself as you are, do you love yourself, or do you need to do everything possible to look like someone else? What is the real reason behind all of that? Outer Beauty is not permanent, but your inner beauty is.

What will you do to preserve your inner beauty just as you preserve your outer beauty? Do you work on yourself? Do you work on your mind? Do you work on your personal development, your healing? We all know that beauty comes within, and we somehow have become an outer beauty society, where we neglect our soul and our true desires.

What happens if you start living by your soul rules, not to conform to the new social trends, and just follow your heart and enjoy life with no stress of how you look and longing for perfection. Perfection does not exist; imperfection makes us unique and perfect. Here are 5 tips to shine your inner beauty 1. Create a “Love Me “routine and show up for yourself. This can be anything from listening to podcasts, having a moment alone, read your favorite book, listen to some motivational videos, or anything else you find to be good for you. 2. Meditate and visualize your goals, your future and lift your energy By meditating daily you improve your mental and emotional stress, balance your energy and set the tone of the day for that day. By incorporating visualization or any goal-setting activity in your meditation you lift your vibration anytime you imagine yourself having achieved that goal, and all that comes along with that. 3. Dance/Walk /Exercise to release stress You need to have some activity to release all that stress, negative energy that you accumulate throughout the day. By choosing any activity with your body you will manage to recharge and feel energized. It can be any form of exercise, sport, dancing or walking in nature. 4. Do healing by healing exercises or work with a healer/coach You can heal in many ways, alone by practicing forgiveness, or doing certain exercises or go to a Reiki treatment, Ayurveda, Crystal healing, or any other form of it. 5. Keep a gratitude journal, lift your vibration Keep a journal to express all your feelings there, write down to take them out of your system, but also keep a gratitude journal. Remind yourself each day what you are grateful for and start the day or complete the day with expressing gratitude.

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Limba Veselinovikj, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Limba is an Internationally Certified Business and Career Coach that helps leaders, executives, entrepreneurs, consultants, and coaches to build, grow, and scale their career or business.

She uses various methods and techniques to help her clients see what is possible and be the best they can.

She comes from a strong HR background for over 14 years, trainer and founder of the HrConsultico brand, and she is also the President of the Coaching Support Group in Skopje.

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