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5 Tips To Create A Stand-Out Brand

Written by: Olivia Radcliffe, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Olivia Radcliffe

Nearly 1 in 5 adults are in the process of founding a business or have done so in the past few years, according to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. At this point, the United States is seeing the addition of nearly 500,000 new businesses a month.

Man working on a printing factory
“In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is a failure. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible” – Seth Godin

So, as the competition grows, how do entrepreneurs stand out and differentiate their business from the rest? As an authentic marketing and business strategist, I’ll be the first to tell you that there is no “one way” to stand out. (Having one strategy for standing out would kind of defeat the purpose, wouldn’t it?)

So here are 5 tips to help you create your own unique strategy to build a truly stand-out brand

1. Know the “why” behind your business

First things first: get to the core of “why” you’re in business to begin with. Ask yourself these three questions:

  1. Why did you start your business?

  2. Why are you trying to serve your particular audience?

  3. And why is your offer something that your audience needs – how does it improve their lives?

Your brand should reflect your passions, your purpose, and your values. When you know your “why,” your marketing, messaging, and overall brand story become magnetic to your ideal clients.

2. Create a knockout visual identity

Your brand’s visual identity-—your logo, color palette, graphics, etc – is the first impression a potential client will have of your business. It will subconsciously create a feeling and elicit emotions from your audience. So, the question is, what do you want your audience to feel from your business?

If you’re stuck, pull inspiration from things around you that catch your eye: your favorite book covers, colors you wear often, a sunset, other brands you admire, etc. Try to find a combination that feels good to you, elicits the emotions you’re aiming for, and stands out from the other brands in your niche, while also keeping half a mind on how the colors are going to appear on your website and other marketing materials.

3. Define your unique selling proposition (USP)

What is it that sets you apart from the competition? Is it your exceptional quality? Your personal touch? Maybe a signature framework that you use to help your clients get the best results possible?

This is your unique selling proposition, and your USP is your superpower. Lean into your unique story—your personal passions, pain points, morals, and the path you have taken to get to where you are—to help you map out your USP.

4. Go left when they go right

Just because everyone in your niche is doing something a certain way, doesn’t mean you have to, too. If you see something that has become the norm, whether it’s a certain webpage layout, offer structure, color scheme, pricing model, email campaign sequence, etc., ask yourself how can you switch it up.

If everyone but you are following the same model, you will instantly stand out. Don’t be afraid to rock the boat and experiment with different ways of doing things.

5. Be yourself

Ultimately, as cliche as it may sound, “be yourself” has been the single most useful strategy that I have used to grow my businesses and help my clients find their own exponential growth. Authenticity is your brand’s best friend – don’t try to mimic someone else. Your uniqueness, including your values, personality, and even your quirks, is your strength.

You don’t need to work hard to create a stand-out brand – you’ve already been given the blueprint. Just lean into who you are – your strengths, weaknesses, schedule needs, dreams, goals, values, beliefs, favorite phrases, passions, etc. to stand out from the rest.

For more tips about growing a truly stand-out business, reach out to me directly on my website or find me on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Olivia Radcliffe Brainz Magazine

Olivia Radcliffe, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Olivia Radcliffe is a much sought-after expert in authentic marketing and business strategy. She works with moms with businesses, meeting them at the intersection of life and business, healing what is holding them back and then helping them use their unique strengths and schedule needs to create a business that stands out and enhances their personal lifestyle goals. Olivia is also a 5-time international bestselling author, women's empowerment speaker, certified Life Coach, co-creator of the Like a Mother Movement, and co-host of the Marketing Like a Mother podcast. Her favorite title, though, is mom to her toddler son and German Shepherd.

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