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5 Tips To Change Your Paradigm

Ribal Abou Hadir, founder of Nudged, is a Transformative Coach dedicated to helping individuals unlock their potential through mindset shifts that drive both personal and professional growth. By focusing on self-awareness and purposeful action, he empowers clients to overcome challenges and achieve lasting, meaningful transformation.

Executive Contributor Ribal Abou Hadir

Do you ever feel stuck in your thinking, unable to see beyond how things have always been done? Are you confined to a single approach, even when it's ineffective? You're not alone. Paradigms, those deeply rooted beliefs, and assumptions, shape the way we perceive and respond to the world around us. But don't worry, there's hope. In this article, you will discover 5 proven strategies to challenge your existing paradigms and open yourself up to fresh perspectives. Whether you're facing obstacles at work or struggling with personal growth, these techniques will help you break free from limiting paradigms and unlock new possibilities.

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What is a paradigm?

A paradigm is a collection of habits, concepts, thought patterns, and daily practices that significantly influence how we live. Operating mostly at a subconscious level, it is shaped by the information we choose to internalize and acts as an autopilot, guiding our decisions and shaping the course of our lives. Essentially, we are a combination of three core elements: thoughts (memories), feelings (interpretations), and actions (behavior). These three components work together to form the mental frameworks, emotions, and routines that dictate how we perceive and engage with the world.

Core elements shaping your paradigm

Have you ever noticed which leg you instinctively lead with when putting on your trousers? Think about your daily morning routine—what specific steps do you take, and how do you carry them out? When another driver cuts you off, do you find yourself responding with calm logic, or do you react impulsively? In those moments when you see your boss, what emotions arise immediately?

As motivational speaker Jim Rohn wisely stated, "Stand guard at the door of your mind." This emphasizes the importance of consciously observing your thoughts, feelings, and actions each day—without judgment—to gain insight into the patterns that influence your life.


The origin of our habits

From childhood, our habits are ingrained by the environment we grow up in. As kids, we didn’t stop to question the patterns we followed—we simply acted. But as adults, we have the power to challenge and change those ingrained habits by controlling our thoughts, feelings, and actions.


Our thoughts spark emotions, which in turn lead to actions—it's a continuous cycle. The key to transformation lies in interrupting this cycle. When a situation triggers a familiar emotion, we have a choice. Instead of reacting on autopilot, we can pause, reflect, and choose a different response. This conscious shift not only changes our immediate actions but also reshapes our internal paradigms.


By consistently choosing thoughts and actions that align with our desired outcomes, we can break free from limiting patterns. Over time, this rewires the way we think and feel, leading to a life that reflects our true potential and aspirations. This is the power of mindset shift—a tool that can redefine your reality.


5 tips on how to redesign your paradigm

1. Be aware of your emotions: Recognize how certain situations trigger your feelings 

Awareness is the first step toward change. Pay close attention to your emotional reactions in everyday situations. For instance, you might notice that a challenging conversation with a coworker triggers frustration or anxiety. Being aware of these emotional triggers allows you to step back and observe them instead of being swept away by them. This self-awareness gives you the power to stop reacting out of habit and begin shifting your response.

2. Analyze your inner feelings: Pause and reflect before taking action

Once you recognize your emotions, take a moment to analyze what’s going on internally. What thoughts are contributing to your feelings? Are you interpreting the situation accurately, or are past experiences clouding your judgment? For example, if you feel criticized by someone, ask yourself whether their comment was truly negative or if you're perceiving it through a personal filter. This reflection gives you clarity and allows you to respond more effectively.

3. Respond with logic: Choose a mindful, thoughtful response over impulsive reactions

Instead of reacting impulsively, make a conscious decision to respond with logic and mindfulness. For example, if you're tempted to snap back during an argument, pause and consider the outcome of your words. Will it escalate the situation, or is there a more constructive way to express yourself? Responding with logic means taking into account the bigger picture and your long-term goals rather than reacting based solely on emotion.

4. Take action: Put your new behavior into practice

After pausing and reflecting, it's time to act on your new insights. This might mean calmly communicating your feelings instead of reacting defensively or approaching a stressful task with a clear plan instead of procrastinating. The key is to follow through with the new behavior, even if it feels uncomfortable at first. Taking action solidifies the shift in how you respond to situations.

5. Repeat: Consistently reinforce the new behavior until it becomes part of your paradigm

Change doesn’t happen overnight. You’ll need to repeat this process consistently for the new behavior to become second nature. Over time, with practice, your brain rewires itself to adopt the new pattern as a default response. For example, if you consistently respond to stress with calm and clarity instead of anxiety, this will eventually become your automatic reaction. Through repetition, you’ll shift your paradigm and reshape the way you engage with the world around you.


Start your journey today

A paradigm shapes how we see the world and influences our thoughts, behaviors, and actions. Often, these ingrained patterns limit our potential. By shifting your mindset, you can break free from these limitations and unlock new opportunities for growth and success. Ready to shift your mindset and unlock your true potential? Book your coaching session today and start your journey toward lasting change. Reach out now to schedule your free consultation!

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and website for more info!


Ribal Abou Hadir, Professional Development Coach

Ribal’s Success Revolution began with a thriving career in interior design and architecture, but soon evolved into the pursuit of a more profound, noble goal. Through a powerful shift in mindset and paradigm, he transformed his life’s direction toward empowering others. Now, as the founder of Nudged, Ribal helps individuals unlock their true potential, guiding them toward lifelong growth, personal mastery, and a deeper, more fulfilling sense of purpose.


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