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5 Tips To Being A Productive Digital Nomad

Written by: Mei Flynn, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Have you ever considered a digital nomad lifestyle? It sounds great to have the freedom and flexibility to work from anywhere but it can also have its downside of feeling unsettled and maybe finding it difficult to stay motivated and productive when you are working alone. There can also be the added distraction of meeting lots of great people who are travelling and maybe do not need to work.

Man with moustaches drinking coffee while sitting outdoors In and working on his laptop.

When I took off to Asia in 2016 for a 3-month trip to take time out after my divorce I did not expect the journey to continue for the next 4 years. The best plan is no plan!! After my initial 3 month trip I remember sitting in a hostel in Vietnam wishing I could continue to travel. At that point I was a complete technophobe and resisted anything to do with technology and online work. Once I decided to step out of my comfort zone and consider embracing the online world it was really exciting to create my life as a digital nomad. It seemed the perfect solution to combining travelling and working and having the freedom and flexibility to work from anywhere.

The hardest thing for me living life as a digital nomad was meeting people who were always inviting me to join them on day trips when I had to work. This was challenging at times but then I remembered it was my normal life and not a short vacation. I learnt to manage my time and remembered to take time off to have fun too. It can be easy to keep working and lose sight of the reason you’re a digital nomad so don’t forget to find the balance. I would like to share some tips with you on how I managed to stay focused and productive as a digital nomad.

1. Find a routine that works for you

Everyone has a different routine and early mornings work for me while as I love the peace and solitude to start my day. This is my most productive time and this way I can finish my day earlier and have time to enjoy in the late afternoon or evening. I find it useful to have set working hours to make sure I have time to socialize and connect with people too. The great thing is there is always flexibility with my work as a holistic coach and this can vary from week to week.

2. Set intention for the day

I have a good morning routine which includes time for mediation, journalling plus lots of coffee!! I love the solitude of the morning and then I feel inner peace and calm to set my intention for the day. Some days can be very busy but I use an affirmation, ‘ I have enough time to do what I need to do.’ This is valuable for me to start my day and it definitely has a positive impact on the flow of my day. Whether we believe it is going to be a good or a bad day we are right.

3. Move your body

Working as a digital nomad is great but you can also end up spending a lot of time in front of the computer. We know regular breaks to move the body is important and as well as the physical benefits it helps to clear stuck energy and as a result we end up being more productive. I love to exercise so after doing a couple of hours work early in the morning I love to hit the gym and clear any energy and get those endorphins going. At the end of the day I also power walk with my music for at least an hour to unwind from the day.

4. Minimize distractions

It’s easy to get drawn into the aimless scrolling on social media so now I limit myself to 30 minutes in the morning and again later in the day. I do find I have to be strict and block time for tasks otherwise time runs away with itself and then my inner critic makes an appearance for wasting so much time. It is also good to set your phone to silent as we can easily get distracted when we receive notifications and cannot resist checking the phone.

5. Don’t forget to have fun

I often used to get so absorbed in my work, especially in the early days of building my business. I used to hibernate and got so caught up in my work that I used to forget why I had created this lifestyle as a digital nomad. Of course working is important to earn money to travel but it’s also important to get the work-life-travel balance. I usually keep weekends free and aim to finish work by 4 pm during weekdays.

My goal with this article was to share some tips on making the digital nomad lifestyle work for you and getting a good work-life-travel balance. I would love to hear your experiences and share if you have any tips to share on staying productive as a digital nomad

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Mei Flynn, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Mei Flynn is a Holistic Confidence Coach who inspires and empowers women 40+ to tap into their inner confidence to live the life they really want. She's suffered from low self-esteem most of her life and using a range of different psycho-spiritual techniques she has transformed her life and is now passionate about helping clients to do the same. The key is to help others to let go of limiting beliefs and blocks that's stopping them from living a happy and fulfilled life. Her mission is to help women thrive and not just survive.

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