Written by Chris Nicol, Physical Performance Specialist
Chris Nicol is a physical performance specialist who has worked with the general public and some sports people. He is the owner of Chris Nicol Physical Performance. He is also a podcast speaker and public speaker.

Struggling to keep up a steady routine in the gym? Do you keep getting injuries or burnout? Have you thought about your recovery methods or routines? Here are 5 tips to add to your health and fitness routine.

1. Sleep habits
Getting enough sleep is vital to having the energy to be productive in daily life and your gym routine. If you are sleep deprived, you can be more susceptible to injury or burnout. Establish your sleep routine that suits your lifestyle and tasks in your day. One big thing I always tell my clients is to put the phone away 30-45 minutes before bedtime allowing the brain to relax.
2. Foam roller
A foam roller can be used in the warm-up and cooldown in a gym session. Some benefits of the foam roller include: Helping to reduce muscle tension, increase the range of motion, and alleviate soreness in the muscles. These are easily accessible to buy or most gyms will have these. When you first use one make sure to get some guidance in the gym from an instructor or your trainer.
3. Stretching
Stretching after a gym session is key to helping blood flow to the muscles. They can also help release any muscle tension after a session. I also encourage people to stretch before a session in the gym. Warm-up stretching needs to be dynamic with movement to prepare the body for movement in a session. Recovery stretching after a session should be static to release tension through the muscle.
4. Recovery days between gym sessions
This subject does not have a definitive answer because it all depends on the individual and the training level. If you are a beginner, I would recommend one day between sessions of rest for a 2–3-day week of training in the gym. If you are more advanced say 3-4 days a week you can still incorporate the day's rest between sessions, but tapering training is key to adjust and keep training productive. This can help reduce injury risk.
5. Massage
This can be key for a few things: Helping promote recovery from injury or to help promote blood flow and release toxins from the tissues. Advice on this would be to do your research and go to the correct massage therapist for your specific problem. Sports massage is a good option for any gym-related injuries with muscles.
Ready to enhance your fitness journey read more about me in my links and reach out today!
I’m currently on a mission to have a positive world impact on health.
Read more from Chris Nicol
Chris Nicol, Physical Performance Specialist
Chris Nicol is a physical performance specialist, face-to-face or online training. Chris came from struggles in mental health and used exercise to get better in his overall health, especially mental health. Chris dedicates his time to helping others achieve their health and fitness goals. Chris wants to positively impact the health of the world.