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5 Steps To Transformation – Transitioning The Golden Reiki Way

Elizabeth Chanter of Honour Being is a Creatrix, Classical Homeopath and experienced shamanically trained Reiki Master in The Golden Reiki Way. She offers in person and Remote Reiki Treatments, Attunement and Training, Honour Sacred Art Workshops and Retreats (Dreaming Your Inner Child) and conducts regular Moon Ceremonies in person and online.

Executive Contributor Elizabeth Margaret Chanter

Recently I sat in my regular local women’s business network meeting, listening to their current stories. The uniting theme was of job losses of their husbands, children leaving the nest, bereavements, and a sense that they were ready for deep change in their own chosen careers.

Butterfly on a pink flower during sunset

It was a very special meeting. Women have a way of being willing to share their vulnerabilities through the trust they have in the relationships they have formed. Women are so good at creating connections from the heart.


We weren’t selling. We were listening deeply. We each left feeling supported and heard, and ready continue with our individual lives and businesses. All of us felt our lives were made richer by those two hours together.

“If we want to be fully engaged, to be connected, we have to be vulnerable.” (Brene Brown)

The empowered woman

Such is the power of women in the business world. It’s a different kind of business model, and it works because it is about collaboration not competition. By the end of the meeting four of the women had decided to come together to offer a special event for women coming through the transitional, challenging time of menopause.


And the question they each turned to me and asked was, “Elizabeth, Is there something in the air?” My answer was, “Yes”.


The reason they asked the question of me, is because they know and understand that I am in touch with overarching shifts and changes, that assisting with transition and transformation is the stuff of my day job.


Increasingly I am meeting and working with those who are going through transition. This may be due to their own realisation that they are ready for something new in their lives, or because life seems to have forced change upon them.


Living in a time of transition


“Are you ready for wild new edges?”

We are living in a time of great change. Lockdown forced us to stop in our tracks. It disrupted lives. It was a time of great sadness, grieving, anger and loss for millions of people worldwide: lives, careers, hopes, homes, dreams, futures all disappeared. We were united in the trauma of that time. I was one of those people.


However, lockdown also created space for people to live differently, to review their lives, to change their priorities. Many realised, when life started up again, that they wanted to live in a manner which took them out of the “rat race”, and to find a more fulfilling and healthier way to go forward. In behavioural science, this phenomenon is known as the ‘Fresh Start Effect”.


I often sit with my clients, listening to their desire to give back more to life, to others. They know where they have come from, they have some idea of the kind of life they would like to be living but feel they cannot make the transition unassisted. Always there are unseen blocks, and unresolved emotional hurts and griefs.


Honouring vulnerability

“Without a willingness to be vulnerable, there can be no growth.”

As we build our relationship of trust, my clients open and reveal their vulnerabilities. We laugh together, sometimes we cry together. Honouring connections are created between us, as I hold compassionate and non-judgemental sacred space for each person.


I walk beside them, asking gentle questions and then, through Golden Way Reiki and Dreaming Your Inner Child work, I offer them structured ways in which to find stability where they are, re-discover peace of mind, find a new vision for their lives, heal hurt emotions and remove blocks ~ and then they experience a new fresh vitality for life as new ways forward open up for them, sometimes in seemingly magical ways.


I share below some of the questions my clients find helpful as part of their healing journeys.


Asking the “right” questions:

“Closed questions cannot lead to receptive minds.”

If you are facing a transition of any kind, the questions below may be helpful to ask yourself. The journey through transition to transformation cannot be taken without asking the “right” questions. Asking such questions can lead us to feeling vulnerable, but it does mean we are ready to engage.


When we ask such questions, we come into a place of not knowing, which is a place of humility and spaciousness. Into this fresh new place, new answers and experiences can then come. As you read through these questions, it may be just one that stands out for you. That is the important one.


Physical wellbeing

  • How present do you feel in the world?

  • Are you well able to deal with the practicalities of life, but sometimes forget to nourish your dreams and visions?

  • Conversely, do you feel discombobulated, disembodied and ungrounded?

  • Do you feel worthy of being loved?

  • Do you find it easier to give than receive?

  • Is there joy in your life?


Emotional wellbeing

  • Are you living a life of exciting high drama, but sometimes long for peace and calm?

  • Do you feel pushed around by your own heightened emotions?

  • Do you suffer from nervous anxiety and a lack of trust in life?

  • Has your trust in life and yourself been damaged by your emotional experiences?

  • Are you pushing against the flow of life?

  • Are you waving or drowning?


Energetic wellbeing

  • Are you energetic and passionate, but sometimes exasperated that things are beyond your control?

  • Where do you send your energy?

  • Does your energy seem to leak away from you for reasons you are unable to define?

  • Do you feel safe?

  • Do you feel exhausted?

  • Do you know what your heart’s desire is?

  • Do you feel ill at ease within your personal space?


Psychological wellbeing

  • Do you tend to build castles in the air?

  • Does your mind constantly work overtime?

  • Are you caught in the griefs and losses of the past?

  • Does your mind feel like a hamster on a wheel?

  • Do you tend to over-analyse, unable to hear the voice of your intuition?

  • Is your mind simply very tired?


Spiritual wellbeing

  • Are you aware of yourself as a Soul Being?

  • Do you live conscious that there is far more to the material world than meets the eye?

  • Are you challenged to be here and now?

  • Do you sometimes feel as if you do not belong to Planet Earth?


Finding answers


“Answers arrive when we create fresh new space.”

Sometimes the pertinent question is not just about how you feel now, but about how you would like to feel.


  • Would you like to feel joyful and stable? Would you like to feel soothed and move with the flow of the tides. Would you like your emotions to calm so that your mind naturally becomes more peaceful?

  • Would you like to have the courage of your convictions? Would you like to be re-vitalised? Would you like to have clarity about where you are so you can choose your way forward wisely?

  • Would you like to become calm and focussed? Would you like to find peace of mind and ease the pain of grief and loss. Would you like to re-discover stillness, a space for new ideas, understandings, insights and a fresh outlook. Would you like to shift your mindset?

  • Would you like to discover more about who you are. Would you like to find the way to your tribe? Would you like to become present with greater ease. Would you like to feel centred and serene. Would you like to find out what it feels like to be re-connected to Spirit?


Interweaving self-awareness with the healing gift of reiki

“Getting in touch with the magic of life.”

Asking and answering questions of the self is a helpful part of self-awareness which can stand alone. However, it is my experience that, when my clients combine this mindful work with the deep healing offered by Golden Way Reiki, then outcomes can transform lives sometimes in seemingly magical ways. People heal from the past, come to live in the future with joy, and create wonderful and positive futures when the blocks hidden from the conscious mind are released and cleared.


This article relates to deeply personal inner work. It is only because I tread this pathway that I can walk beside you. If would you like to embark on a journey taking you through transition to transformation, then please get in touch with me here to book your Discovery Call. Or go to my Honour Being Website, where you can sign up for my Honour Being Newsletter with short articles and information on my special offerings.

To receive my beautifully illustrated “5 Step Guide to Wonder Without Overwhelm” please click on the link.

Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn for more info!


Elizabeth Chanter is recognised as a leader in her chosen field of healing, energy medicine and Golden Way Reiki. Since 2004, she has been assisting others to make transformational change in their lives, leading to positive, lasting and sometimes extraordinary results. She is passionate about helping her clients to evolve and grow into the bright, beautiful beings they were always intended to be. Having passed through many personal dark nights of the soul, she combines empathy, deep compassion and understanding with many years of professional expertise in her field. She believes in the regenerative power of hope, listening and healing touch.



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