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5 Steps To Sustainable Change –Overcoming Obstacles And Embracing Your Authentic Self

Corin Hinderegger is a trusted guide for conscious entrepreneurs, CEOs, coaches, healers, and change-makers, helping them align with their most authentic, thriving selves. With over 20 years of knowledge and experience, Corin leverages an extensive range of certifications to provide deep, transformative support.

Executive Contributor Corin Hinderegger

This article is for you if you are looking to balance a thriving business with personal well-being, whether you're transitioning from a misaligned corporate life or simply aiming to share your gifts with the world to create positive change. If you desire financial security, a peaceful home, and the confidence to pursue ambitious goals and create good in the world, this guide will help you overcome obstacles and become the thriving leader you are meant to be.

a man at the top of mountain

You’ve probably heard the saying: "Old doors will not open new opportunities." When we continue to do things the way we've always done them, we can't expect change to occur.

As human beings, we are so focused on doing that we often fail to connect with our being. With constant distractions and obligations, we burn the candle at both ends and wonder why we don't feel good or can't get our heart-centered business off the ground in a way that feels good to us without overextending our efforts.

The more we focus on fixing things or continue to show up in ways we are taught to be “professional,” “liked,” or “successful,” the more we disconnect from who we authentically are. This always shows up in our health and wealth set points.

In a world that prizes appearances over authenticity, finding our true selves can be a challenging journey, especially when we're driven to support others and wish to live abundantly while creating positive change. When our energy is low, we can't fulfill our potential as leaders, healers, and changemakers.

True fulfillment comes from leading by example and cultivating health and wealth in all aspects of our lives.

Contrary to popular belief, the highest emotional frequency isn't love; it's authenticity. Authenticity resonates at a frequency 400 times higher than love and is required to elevate your vibration. Yet, we can't be truly authentic when our nervous systems are in disarray, stuck in fight, flight, freeze, or fawn modes. These states, fueled by learned coping mechanisms, hinder us.

Understanding ourselves authentically and our nervous system states is crucial to creating a lifestyle where health and wealth coexist. For more insights on supporting your nervous system, I invite you to listen to my podcast, The Embodied Thriving Self or check out my other articles.

For now, let’s focus on authenticity, as showing up authentically helps our nervous system feel more at ease too.

5 steps to show up authentically and shift from burnout to thriving

1. Embrace authenticity to boost well-being and success

Understanding the impact of inauthenticity on your well-being is crucial. Accepting all parts of yourself positively influences your leadership, relationships, health, and wealth. Create regular, intentional moments to check in with yourself. Notice which parts of you feel uncomfortable or hidden. Denying these feelings will put them in the shadows, creating issues and disconnection. Allow yourself to feel them, be messy at times, and show up as your whole self is key. Another way to incorporate a deeper understanding of self is by becoming aware of your Human Design, I delve deeper into how embodying your Human Design can help you thrive in my other articles. I invite you to explore them as well.

2. Achieve balance by integrating masculine and feminine energies

Life requires a balance between masculine and feminine energies. Overemphasizing control (masculine) or constant flow (feminine) leads to imbalance. Usually, we lean towards one end of the spectrum. Integrating aspects of the energy you usually deny is crucial. If you're always structured, try a half-day of flow per week to rest and replenish. If you're always in flow, incorporate one structured task. As you take small steps toward balance, noticing your shifts will help build capacity for greater growth and impact.

3. How shifting your energy can transform your life and business

Is the foundation of all physical phenomena. To heal and transform your life, focus on optimizing your energy first. Notice what foods, clothes, movements, and rest feel good. Contemplate how you can incorporate more of these into your daily life. Nurturing yourself creates a profound ripple effect on everything you do.

4. Align your business with life goals for long-term success

Regularly assess if your business supports the life you’re trying to create. If not, make the necessary changes. Aligning your business with your personal goals is key to long-term success and fulfillment. Start by assessing your values and aligning your goals accordingly. For example, if family is a core value, create a business that allows time for family. Fine-tuning your business goals to reflect your values changes your devotion to your life and work.

5. Create a supportive environment for personal and business growth

Just like a flower needs the right environment to bloom, you need a supportive environment to thrive. Avoid situations and people that reaffirm your limiting beliefs. Cultivate an environment that nurtures your potential and well-being. Start small: remove one item that feels out of alignment for you, or spend less time with people who drain you. Surround yourself with things and people that inspire you, and notice the positive impact on your growth.

While there's no one-size-fits-all solution because we are all unique, these universal principles can guide us all. By leaning into these principles and noticing how they apply to our individual lives, we can transform our experiences. This helps us share our gifts with the world more effortlessly, creating a positive impact while thriving in our own lives.

Things do not have to be complicated or take forever. When we create aligned, consistent changes, everything can change for the better and more easily.

A real-life example of empowered transformation through authenticity

A client of mine kept feeling drained after facilitating sessions and questioning her worth. Once we established rituals that connected her to her authentic self and supported her nervous system, she recognized her gift of intuition. This changed everything for her. She began attracting clients she loved, who referred more clients, resulting in increased confidence, finances, and success.

Our authentic power comes from our joy and aliveness, which stems from understanding how we are designed to move through life. This understanding is reflected in our inner selves, and how we feel inside will be reflected on the outside. Stepping into our power is how we change the world.

Your life is your medicine; what you make of it is the medicine your soul came here to share with the world.

To your authentic success!

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Corin Hinderegger, Transformative Coach and Mentor for Conscious Entrepreneurs, Leaders, & Change Makers

Corin Hinderegger is a trusted guide for conscious entrepreneurs, CEOs, coaches, healers, and change-makers, helping them align with their most authentic, thriving selves. With over 20 years of knowledge and experience, Corin leverages an extensive range of certifications to provide deep, transformative support. As a popular teacher on Insight Timer and host of The Embodied Thriving Self™ Podcast, she uses her intuitive gift to pinpoint what’s missing, empowering clients to break through limiting beliefs, rewire their experiences, and embody their most aligned and thriving selves—creating success and abundance on their terms.

Having personally overcome mental and physical burnout, Corin deeply understands the journey to wholeness. Her holistic body-mind-soul approach equips clients to trust their intuition, align with their purpose, and become their own medicine—ultimately creating lasting impact, health, and wealth.



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