Written by: Jamie Caroccio, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Your LinkedIn profile may be robbing you of clients. And the worst part is, you might not even know it. But don’t worry – I’ve got a quick fix to take your profile from “yikes” to “hire me now.”

First, I want you to imagine this scenario: a prospect hears about you from a friend or colleague. They type your name in the LinkedIn search bar to check you out and…
Whomp whomp whomp...
Your profile acts like a wet blanket on their initial excitement.
There’s no profile picture, or it’s clearly outdated.
It’s not immediately clear what you do.
Your bio doesn’t catch their attention or intrigue them to learn more.
There’s no clear direction they should take or easy way to contact you.
Their first impression of you falls flat.
And they decide to look elsewhere.
Don’t miss out on business because your profile isn’t an accurate representation of you and your business.
Think about your LinkedIn bio as a sales page for your business.
Here are five quick tips to give your LinkedIn Bio a facelift and attract more high-end clients online (with examples):
1. Lead with your ideal client.
Shine the spotlight on the reader and show them you understand their world by speaking to a few of their top challenges. You can do this in a sentence or two or in a short bulleted list. This will help grab readers’ attention and motivate them to keep reading.

2. Clearly communicate who you help and how you help them.
In a simple one-liner, specify who your ideal client is and how you help them (think about a tangible outcome here). This will help the reader self-identify, confirming they’re in the right place and that this is for them.

3. Spotlight your services.
Never assume others know what services you provide. Even current personal or professional contacts may need a refresher. Stay top of mind by clearly sharing the different ways you offer support.

4. Showcase social proof.
Showcase social proof with client testimonials or results. This will solidify your legitimacy in the reader’s mind and boost credibility by showing that others already know like and trust you.

5. Give the reader a clear action to take.
What’s the specific action you want them to take if they’re interested in learning more or working together? For example, you can lead them to download a free training guide or book a consultation.

If your bio is stale, freshen it up with these five tips.
And never miss out on new business again.
To learn more of my best tips to transform boring, bland copy into tasty treats customers crave in just 5 minutes a day, sign up for my free Coffee & Copy Tips ☕📝.

Jamie Caroccio, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Jamie Caroccio is a Copy Coach & Copywriter. She helps coaches attract more high-end clients online with copywriting that is simple, fun, and profitable. Over the past 7+ years, she’s worked with hundreds of coaches across industries (business, executive, health, leadership, and more.) She’s helped write copy for six and seven-figure campaigns at one of the top marketing agencies in the personal and professional development space. She was a guest speaker for the Be Social Change Future of Social Impact Marketing panel. She’s also the Founder of “Coffee & Copy Tips,” a free newsletter that teaches you how to write better copy in just 5 minutes a day.