Written by: Adrean Turner, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Bob and his direct reports are meeting for the fourth time since they purchased the new project management system. Sadly, they are still at the very beginning stages of implementation. Decisions need to be made on the who, what and when to get the new system on track and increase efficiencies in their workload. Whenever Bob asks for ideas and input, the team becomes disengaged. Does this scenario sound familiar?

“You cannot make progress without making decision”. – Jim Rohn
We make low risk decisions everyday: what to have for breakfast, what to wear, what to watch on Netflix. However, big, higher-risk decisions like deciding which outcome is best for the team to grow the business or how to implement new technology for staff members and customers can be stressful. Associated stress and overthinking can lead to doubt about abilities to perform effectively and hinder execution in a timely manner.
Performance is a function of three things; talent, skill and decision making. And of the three, decision making has twice the impact on performance than talent and skill combined. It's not that talent and skill don't matter. It's that they don't matter as much as decision making and unlike our IQ (which we can't improve), we can with focus, practice and awareness improve our decision making. Decision making is a master skill for leaders.
Especially now with reduced resources, distractions, and uncertainty, leaders need to make decisions– and fast! In this scenario, every month the system is not implemented productivity is hampered within the department. Bob needs to make some key decisions to empower the team and drive the implementation process.
To make decisions with greater confidence and clarity, embrace these 5 steps:
1. Recognize the problem or opportunity and address it. Whether you are dealing with an employee performance issue or deciding on the remote work policy, define the issue. State it very clearly so that you yourself can get the idea of what the actual problem is. Ask and answer, “what is going on”? Consider why the decision will make a difference to you, your customers, team, employees or whoever else may be impacted.
2. Gather information to make a decision based on facts and data. Ask yourself, “what do I need to know to make the right decision, what are the root causes, who’s involved?”. This may involve capital, sponsor support, or research. Next, ask yourself, “How will I feel when the process is complete”. Recognizing the emotional benefits of moving forward for better well-being will motivate progress towards a productive outcome.
3. Identify solutions once there is a clear understanding of the issue. It’s likely that you will have several options. List them and evaluate each for feasibility, acceptability, and desirability. Be sure to consider the pros and cons. Then determine the alternative that is best to achieve your objective. Ask, “will this improve the situation”; “is this the best thing to do”; “does this solve the problem”? Question yourself honestly
4. Make the decision with an understanding the risks and when possible or necessary include others in the process to gain perspectives and insights that you may not have considered. Getting others onboard with your decision is also a key component to execute the plan effectively.
“Planning without action is futile. And action without planning is fatal.” – Source Unknown
5. Create a plan for execution. Identify all the needed resources -human capital, tools, technology, and the team’s capacity (if applicable). Be sure to include a process to evaluate your decision for effectiveness for accountability to stick to your decision. Don’t be afraid to fail. Failure is a part of success. Be more afraid of not making a decision or taking action.
Following these 5 steps helps to provide greater confidence and clarity in your final selection. Stay committed to your decisions but be flexible in your approach. What challenges have you overcome in decision making? Comment here and listen to the FIT TIP podcast to be bold and confident with leadership presence.

Adrean Turner, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Adrean Turner, founder of Turner Coaching, Training & Consulting, LLC, is an Executive Leadership Coach, keynote speaker, and career fulfillment expert. Adrean utilizes her 23-year corporate career experiences to partner with leaders across every industry (including Fortune 100 companies), local and state governments, academic institutions, and nonprofit organizations. Her unique ability to engage and empower teams to deliver maximum results with mental and performance fitness techniques has resulted in several awards and recognition from the business community. Her syndicated podcast, FIT for Success: Fearless, Inspired, Transformed, has led to a bestselling book as well as a cable TV series. Through sharing stories of her career transitions, Adrean is highly regarded as an international speaker and mentor advocating for career life balance and gender diversity in the workplace. Adrean's work has been featured and cited in Business Weekly, Forbes, Girl Boss, and the Los Angeles Times.