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5 Simple Ways To Connect To Your Inner Guidance

Written by: Debbie Gill, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Becoming aware of your inner guidance, or what I refer to as your internal GPS, can be challenging. In this world of always doing and never-being, we often focus entirely on the physical world we live in, not the world within us.

“When your inner wisdom tells you to counter what the world is saying, choose to listen, believe, trust, and celebrate because this is about you remembering You – and your Divinity.” ‒ Susan Barbara Apollon

Too much noise is the problem; we listen too much to the people, places, and things we surround ourselves with and not to the voice that says otherwise.

How Can You Tune in to Your Inner Guidance System?

Here are five ways you can begin to make the connection:

1. Come into the Present Moment.

When you are living in the present, you aren’t creating fantasies that haven’t happened yet, or remembering past things; your mind is calm and clear.

Focus on your breath as you take a few deep inhalations and exhalations.

Spending time in nature is another beautiful way to be present; you are more aware of your senses and less living in your head.

2. Let Go and All Life to Happen.

Connecting to your inner wisdom cannot be forced, and the harder you try to get in touch with it, the more elusive it can be.

Let go of any need or want to receive an answer or how it will surface. The answer is always there; when we stop struggling, we begin to allow our true selves to emerge.

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to let go. However, the result always allows more abundance to flow into your life.

3. Have the Willingness to Listen and be Open.

Guidance is always there, but we may not always be aware of it.

When we don’t do what we know we should do because we fear empowering ourselves, it’s the same as closing and barricading a steel door leading to our freedom.

Remember when you felt a sense of accomplishment when you found the truth because you were open and took the right action even though it was difficult?

Your action was based on your inner wisdom.

4. Patience is a Virtue.

With instant communication, fast food, and every other quick fix, we are programmed for instant gratification.

Our inner guidance and intuition do not work this way.

Sometimes it may take a little longer for you to notice. It’s because you need to learn a lesson or uncover a truth you’ve been hiding.

Be patient. It is always within you. You will know soon enough.

5. Learn to be discerning.

When a situation arises, notice how the mind is rational and logical and compare it to what you feel about it.

One day you felt you should take a different way to work, but you didn’t, and now you’re stuck in traffic because an accident happened.

Or something told you to cross the street when walking your dog, and you did. Within several steps is that shiny penny that your mother sent from Heaven.

We’ve all done it!

The point is to begin to listen to the feeling you have within you: the gentle nudges, the soft pushes.

You have everything within you that you need to be happy and live a healthy, balanced, and prosperous life.

Start connecting with your inner GPS today. You won’t have any wrong turns or mishaps when you do. I can promise you that.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or visit my website for more info!


Debbie Gill, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Debbie Gill is the founder of Go Within Spiritual Coaching and Go Within Yoga. She integrates her knowledge and experience as a spiritual coach and yoga teacher with the wisdom of Caroline Myss, a Medical Intuitive and five-time New York Times bestselling author, Anodea Judith, an expert on the Chakra System, somatic therapy, and yoga, and Lion Goodman, creator of the Clear Beliefs® Process. As a Certified Clear Beliefs® Coach, Debbie can assist you with clearing core beliefs that hold you back from becoming your true self and living your true purpose through the Clear Beliefs Process® (CBP). The CBP is a set of tools and techniques that frees you from past limitations so you can freely choose your beliefs and live an empowered and more fulfilling life. Debbie is the author of, Struck by Lightning: My Journey from the Shadow to the Light, where she chronicles her life’s struggles with her shadow aspects and addictions. The spiritual memoir reflects her emergence from the shadow caused by traumatic wounds to the light where truth brings awareness and healing. A grateful recovering alcoholic since June 6, 2000, she lives the 12-Steps of AA and practices its principles in her daily life and continues her study at CMED with Myss and Judith and Goodman.

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