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5 Simple Tips For Creating Balance In Your Body

Written by: Sue Lewington-Bide, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


As the seasons change, so do our attitudes and along with colder weather and darker days it’s easy to feel the effects on our bodies and we become more open to the idea of flu/colds and even COVID.

Bodily imbalance can be controlled and does not have to be the result of being susceptible to diseases brought on by inner beliefs.

The word dis-ease in itself tells you that if your mind isn’t in the right place, your body will follow suit.

Firstly, understand this.

Your mood affects every part of your body. You are in complete control of your daily health.

Your body is a reflection of how you think.

Therefore, I have compiled some small but effective exercises that can make your body feel better and also help your mind feel more at peace.

1. Feeling tired and lethargic in the morning.

  • Take 2 – 3 deep breaths to re-relax your body before getting out of bed. This actually invigorates the oxygen passing through your whole physique.

2. Take time out during the day – just for you.

  • Meditation is a good one. Whenever you have time, just 15 minutes is all you need.

3. If your energy is particularly low;

  • Just jiggle your whole body while standing. 30 seconds is all you need. It sends endorphins to the brain and makes you feel like you’ve taken some actual exercise.

4. Walk, whenever possible.

  • You don’t have to go on a hike, simply walk anywhere just for 10 minutes or so a day. It’s not known as the best form of exercise for nothing.

5. Making sure you get a good night’s sleep.

  • Avoid drinking any liquids at least 2 hours before bed.

  • Make sure the room is well ventilated.

These things may seem obvious, but you’ll be amazed at how they will not only make your body feel better, but your mind will be more relaxed as a result.

Imagine your average day of waking up in the dark, going to work, coming home in the dark and going to bed. Even if you’re working from home the gloom in the sky is very uninspiring.

Just 1 or 2 of the above exercises every day can change your whole demeanour. I find that I sit up straighter and appreciate the better things around me rather than taking everything for granted.

Taking a little time out for your body each day, not only improves your frame of mind but also gets your immune system working in your favour. It’s a win/win.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and visit my website for more info!


Sue Lewington-Bide, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Sue Lewington-Bide became a Mental Fitness Coach after her daughter became anorexic. This was not a situation that she was prepared for and it took its toll on her own mentality. As a result she studied hypnotherapy, psychology, NLP, and EFT in order to better understand her daughter’s challenges and be in a position to help others facing similar issues. In 2020 Sue formed Suelb Ltd so that she could bring her knowledge online and help even more people who need the support in these trying times.

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