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5 Simple Steps For Taking Inspired Action

Written by: Debbie Gill, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


When was the last time you got really inspired? I mean, REALLY inspired—so much that you sprang into action? If you are like me, it’s not often enough. So, I decided to do something about it.

Awareness precedes change… then you have to take inspired action to create the change around what you are doing. ‒ Prema Lee Gurreri

Inspiration is derived from the Late Latin, Inspiratio, which means divine guidance. I know that divine guidance is all around you, and you must be open to receiving it.

How do you do that?

Here are several simple steps that will start you in the process.

1. Live in the present moment.

To heal, manifest, or see the signs that you are on the path to living your highest potential, you must be living in the present moment. With all the distractions in life, from emails, text messages, deadlines, and people vying for your attention, you may feel it’s impossible to do.

If you feel that way, then start small. Take two minutes every hour or so and focus on your breath. It’s impossible to think and focus on breathing simultaneously. Try it for yourself!

Once you get a feel for it, it will be easier to do.

2. Get out of your head.

When you live in the now, you take away your logical thinking and allow whatever it is to be. There’s no judgment, no criticism, and only acceptance of what is occurring in this time and space. When you engage the analytical mind, you remove all the possibilities from the sea of pure potentiality.

Thoughts like, “That could never happen to me,” “What I want is physically impossible to attain,” “I’m not smart enough, rich enough, etc.” may often come to the forefront of your mind. Stay present to reduce the mind chatter.

3. Trust your intuition or your inner GPS.

Trusting that the ideas that come to you are coming for a reason is one of the most challenging concepts for many people. It’s taking the leap of faith and not doubting yourself. If you’re unsure, start small and begin with little actions. Eventually, your belief will begin to grow, and it will be easier for you to listen to your inner voice. Trust the process.

4. Look for signs and synchronicities.

Now that you’ve let go and trust the process look for things that validate your desires. If you were searching for a book on a particular subject and one person mentioned it, another was reading it, and you saw an ad promoting it, that’s your sign.

5. Take inspired action.

When you see the signs is when you take your inspired action. Order the book online, buy it at the store, but do it. Don’t let it pass by. Just do it!

While it’s important to know that taking inspired action won’t always feel effortless, and some inspired action may make you awkward, it is the most beneficial way to get the desired results you want in life.

Finally, be grateful for the signs and synchronicities that you observe. When you have gratitude for all you have in life, the door opens to more of what you desire to manifest.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or visit my website for more info!


Debbie Gill, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Debbie Gill is the founder of Go Within Spiritual Coaching and Go Within Yoga. She integrates her knowledge and experience as a spiritual coach and yoga teacher with the wisdom of Caroline Myss, a Medical Intuitive and five-time New York Times bestselling author, Anodea Judith, an expert on the Chakra System, somatic therapy, and yoga, and Lion Goodman, creator of the Clear Beliefs® Process. As a Certified Clear Beliefs® Coach, Debbie can assist you with clearing core beliefs that hold you back from becoming your true self and living your true purpose through the Clear Beliefs Process® (CBP). The CBP is a set of tools and techniques that frees you from past limitations so you can freely choose your beliefs and live an empowered and more fulfilling life. Debbie is the author of, Struck by Lightning: My Journey from the Shadow to the Light, where she chronicles her life’s struggles with her shadow aspects and addictions. The spiritual memoir reflects her emergence from the shadow caused by traumatic wounds to the light where truth brings awareness and healing. A grateful recovering alcoholic since June 6, 2000, she lives the 12-Steps of AA and practices its principles in her daily life and continues her study at CMED with Myss and Judith and Goodman.

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