Written by: Michele Ogston, Senior Level Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

The autumn equinox is September 22nd, 2021. This is when the sun is directly above the earth's equator.
This year it happens during the daylight hours on September 22 (3:21 p.m. EDT, 2:21 p.m. CDT, 1:21 p.m. MDT, and 12:21 p.m. PDT).

Fall brings the slowing of energy. It's time to harvest the insight from our lessons. The shorter days and longer nights provide more time to tune into your intuition and direct it towards where you want to apply the lessons you have learned this year.
Fall brings change. Change in clothes, leaves, and lifestyles. As the equinox occurs, it is a good time to consider the following:
1. Balance
Day and night are equal during the equinox. It reminds us to check in with ourselves about what is in balance and what is out of balance. Tapping into the energy of the sun and the moon can guide you to recalibrate your life.
Consider asking yourself:
Where am I spending?
Where am I investing?
What am I making?
What am I using?
What am I allowing?
Aligning with balance provides a solid foundation for your manifestation practice.
2. Gratitude
Spend 5 minutes counting your blessings. Set the timer and write down everything you are grateful for - even your triggers and your lessons. (a.k.a. attempts that didn't work out the way you wanted them to.) When we express gratitude, it aligns us with the universe to bring us more blessings. Be ready to receive.
3. Meditate
The Autumn equinox literally provides a place for things to “fall” into place. Bring yourself to a place to accept a mindset of peace, positivity, and a sense of belonging. This will allow you to slide into hibernation with ease and security. Try adding to your meditation practice sending love and gratitude to the following:
Someone you love
Somewhere that needs love
Someone, you are having a challenging time with.
Sending love and gratitude highlights to the universe you can act outside your own ego. You are capable of so much light when we share it in this way, and we share with the world.
4. Choose a Ritual & Symbol
Take a moment. Don't overthink. What is the first symbol that comes to your mind when you think of fall? It can be a number, a color, a song. All that matters is that it resonates with you. Write this down. This is your symbol for the Fall. Now think of something you love to do during the fall. Enjoying a cup of tea? Doing a special meditation? Maybe you like to take an evening walk. Write this down too. This is your ritual.
Whenever this symbol shows itself in your life, it's a reminder to partake in the ritual you are feeling called to do.
Aligning like this provides a moment for us to take care of our spirit. By trusting our intuition, we build trust and create a deeper love for ourselves.
5. Let go & Release
As we harvest, it is also time to let go. It's a time to release what has been shown this year to no longer serve us. Winter is when we will reset. It helps us to start clean by letting go now. Take some time to think of:
The emotions that you are recycling (meaning they keep showing up for you).
The endings you didn't get to choose.
The actions that weren’t completed.
The people who let you down.
It might be worth considering making a list by writing all of these things down. Once you have completed this list - tear it up into little pieces and throw them in the trash. You can even burn it if you are feeling called to. As you are destroying this list, say the following words out loud or to yourself, “I now release you with gratitude and love. I am open. I am ready to receive all good things now with gratitude and love.”
Michele Ogston, CLC
Certified Intuitive Mindset Coach

Michele Ogston, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Michele Ogston is a certified intuitive mindset coach! She holds certifications in life coaching and is a certified meditation & mindfulness teacher. She has been nicknamed “the everyday empath coach” because she has a knack for blending the linear mind the spiritual soul. She’s on a mission to make sure no one suffers in silence. She works with empaths and soul centered people to break the patterns that have been holding them back to design an authentic life filled with peace & purpose. She truly believes you’re one decision from changing your whole life.
In addition to working with her clients 1:1 - she also runs The Soul Tribe! A membership program for soul centered people who are wanting to design their life with intention and intuition. She runs The Soul Healing Tribe For Soul Centered People & Empath Support Group, on Facebook. She owns Cloud 9 Life Coaching in Northern California, where she lives with her husband, children and fur babies. You can connect with her on: Facebook , Instagram, or LinkedIn or visit her website: Cloud 9 Life Coaching.