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5 Reasons You Need A Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner To Fix Your Health Problems

Written by: Leslie Parran, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


There are 5 reasons that you need a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P) to fix your health problems. As trained health detectives, these practitioners are experts at investigating underlying causes of chronic health concerns and helping individuals resolve them. The problem is that many individuals suffer from chronic symptoms and often try to fix things on their own. This typically is a band-aid approach and usually doesn’t resolve the health issue.

Another attempt at a solution to symptoms is to look to “Dr. Google”. While there is a wealth of information, both good and bad, on the internet, if you are looking for information to resolve your health symptoms, it is important to discern whether the information is:

  • Factually correct-Is the information you are seeking current, or is it outdated? Also, are there research-based references that support the information? What about the actual quality of the research? Were the interpretations of the research outcomes correct, or were there significant limitations to a research study? Are the results of the study broadly applicable and generalizable to the population or are they population-specific?

  • Relevant and Appropriate to your situation-For example, some approaches may be gender, age, stage of life, hormonal status, physical status, or disease-specific. Some approaches may be contra-indicated in particular situations. Also, what is healthy for one person is not necessarily healthy for another and may depend on how their body responds.

  • Sequenced correctly-For example some issues are resolved best in a sequential manner. If a sequenced approach is indicated, sometimes doing it out of sequence can at best not resolve a health issue, or in the worst case, make the health symptoms worse or the health issue more problematic. Good examples here are approaches to detoxification or eradication of pathogens.

  • Comprehensive-Many approaches are limited, meaning that they attempt to solve one issue. They neglect to consider that the body is part of a whole system and when one part of the system is impacted, other parts often are, as well.

Unfortunately, many people do not have the skills or background to sort out all this information, especially when it is conflicting information, on their own. So, most visit their traditional medical providers as a first-line approach to getting help with their health concerns. These practices are focused on providing medication or surgery to address a specific health condition or disease. While traditional medical practices focus on disease management, the root causes of health issues are often not identified or managed. Unfortunately, medication is often prescribed to decrease or control a symptom or health issue and does not get to a root cause of a problem. Many people end up on medication long-term to control a health issue and then find that they have unwanted side effects or downstream impacts to being on medication.

The outcome of both Individual and traditional approaches is often getting stuck in a cycle of trial and error. While symptoms may resolve for a time, they may often come back with a vengeance, or new symptoms appear. The root cause(s) of the health problem are never identified and resolved.

Functional medicine and FDN both seek to uncover and address the root issues of health problems. FDN-Ps are trained through Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN), an accredited program, to use client assessments, interpret functional labs and provide data-driven protocols to help clients get off the cycle of trial and error. They use a step-by-step method to identify the current status of metabolic imbalances with client assessments and lab testing and then, implement an approach called D.R.E.S.S. for Success® to help restore balance to the body by resolving unwanted health conditions permanently.

Here are 5 reasons your need an FDN-P to help you fix your chronic health problems. FDN-Ps:

  • Commit to finding the underlying hidden causes of their client’s metabolic imbalances and resolve them permanently-Hidden internal stressors may include hormone, immune, digestion, detoxification, energy production, or nervous system issues. FDN-Ps test, don’t guess and use information from the client and from the results of specialized functional lab tests to develop a recommended plan that addresses imbalances and correlates with client reported symptoms/concerns.

  • Provide a whole-body, holistic approach to Metabolic Chaos®- When internal hidden stressors are left unchecked, they can lead to imbalances in the systems of the body, leading to unwanted disease and symptoms, and what FDN-Ps refer to as Metabolic Chaos®. This is often the result of the negative effects of diet and lifestyle, which surface through the body’s weakest links. FDN-Ps test to get a snapshot of imbalances within multiple body systems to identify the hidden causes of stressors through client assessments, lab testing, and correlation with the individual’s experience.

  • Implement a comprehensive approach to diet and lifestyle- FDN-Ps use D.R.E.S.S. which stands for the 5 most critical health habits which include diet, rest, exercise, stress management, and supplementation for developing a recommended plan for their clients. Once finding the hidden causes of stress, FDN-Ps identify these as healing opportunities and incorporate their recommendations into a D.R.E.S.S. protocol. This approach to these critical health habits is essential to helping the body rebalance and recover from Metabolic Chaos®.

  • Individualize and personalize their approach-An FDN-P will develop and recommend a 90-day D.R.E.S.S. protocol for their client. They monitor their client’s response to the protocol, recommending changes as needed. Because individuals come to FDN-Ps with varying levels of health issues and differ metabolically, a plan needs to be individualized. For example, a complex case with a sensitive individual may require a slower, more phased approach than another case where an individual may tolerate and progress more rapidly on their protocol.

  • Collaborate with clients and other health care providers- FDN-Ps collaborate with their clients as well as other holistic, functional, integrative, or traditional providers based on client preferences. They consider where their clients are presently at with their health and what improved health outcomes they are seeking. They co-develop goals S.M.A.R.T. goals with their clients to help them take control of their own health and support and coach them through the process. FDN-Ps also have access to diverse expertise FDN community, with internal and external networking, as well as access to many resources.

While FDN-Ps may have a specific niche for the clients they serve or even have additional credentials, they are all trained consistently and have access to ongoing, advanced education and resources to better serve their clients. Some of them practice virtually or some practice within clinics or office practices. One great thing about FDN-Ps who practice virtually (online) is that they help clients get access to lab kits and almost all testing is done in-home. Most of the tests are saliva, blood spot, urine, or stool samples and do not require a blood draw (venipuncture). Where venipuncture is required, many can be arranged to be collected within your own home.

How do you know if an FDN-P can help you? Many of them offer free discovery or consultation calls. This call is usually intended on getting to know you, what your primary health concerns are, any significant barriers to participating in a coaching program, as well as to identify if it’s likely that they may be able to help you and there is a good coach-client fit. One important requirement is that a potential client must be committed to doing the work required to get the value out of any program they decide to join. The coach does not do all the work for the client but serves to consult and guide them through the process.

FDN-Ps generally start with a basic set of lab tests to identify the most common hidden causes of stress that create metabolic imbalances in your body. Often, these tests provide insight into internal stressors affecting digestion, metabolism, toxins/detoxification, and pathogens that may result in disease, and/or symptoms. An example of how I initially start with my clients can be found here. When additional testing is needed, FDN-Ps have access to over 60 tests directly through FDN’s Medical Director Program, depending on what further testing may be indicated.

FDN-Ps, are not medical providers, however, and as such, do not diagnose or treat. They will refer you back to your provider for medical diagnosis and treatment if needed. FDN-Ps will look for signs of Metabolic Chaos® and do the detective work to find hidden causes of stress. Once they look for a correlation with your symptoms, they will make a recommendation on a plan that the client can choose to follow. What is important, is that as functional practitioners, they do provide the time, consultation, and coaching to help you take control of your health to resolve your health issues.

Trusting in “Dr. Google” or traditional providers to provide all the answers to resolve your unwanted symptoms permanently can lead to a continued cycle of trial and error and not fixing what is causing the health problems. Doing it on your own often does not work. FDN-Ps can provide a comprehensive, appropriately sequenced, step-by-step method, coaching you through a process to rebalance your body so that it works like it was intended to.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and visit my website for more info!


Leslie Parran, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Leslie Parran is a leader in natural holistic healing from inflammation and pain. As a nurse for 40 years with advanced nursing certifications, Leslie helped patients with chronic diseases and pain. Now as a Board-Certified Functional Wellness Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner with several other holistic and functional practitioner certifications, she helps active and motivated people with chronic inflammation and pain move from pain to peace so that they feel better, move better, and live better.

Leslie is the Owner and Champion Peacemaker of Peace x Piece Wellness Coaching. As a functional practitioner, she uses in-home lab testing to uncover hidden metabolic healing opportunities such as food sensitivities, hormonal imbalances, gut pathogens, and toxins that can sometimes, unknowingly, lead to inflammation, pain, and chronic health conditions. As a health coach, she uses positive psychology and personalized holistic healing protocols including diet, rest, exercise, stress management, and supplementation to help her clients make their bodies work the way they are supposed to and achieve their wellness goals.



Davis, Reed. D.R.E.S.S. for Health Success® Guidebook. www.functionaldiagnosticnutrition. 2021 AFDNP Inc.

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