Written by: Jessi Risley, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.
The amazing fact about healing is that with the proper knowledge and tools, each person has the capability to heal oneself. Healing is the catalyst to building a healthy foundation for lasting relationships.
Emotional healing is the most common, as it is the driving force of many physical & mental ailments that hinder healthy relationships. There are a multitude of reasons to become aware of your need for emotional healing; addiction, trauma, depression, abuse, neglect – to name a few. Many of which are fueled with emotional triggers that lead to unhealthy dynamics within relationships.
Emotional healing promotes trust in a relationship. There is a dynamic within every relationship that strives for emotional security and sustainability. Effects of unhealed emotional trauma or pain have the ability to create unsafe environments; relationships lacking in an easily obtained secure nature also lack longevity and personal trust. Emotional healing builds a foundation of personal trust, safety and psychological bonding that otherwise may not thrive in a relationship, contributing to the long-term development of empathy, affection, compassion and love.
Emotional healing creates better communication. Healthy relationships carry an element of complexity within communication; an openness to enhance the accessibility of sharing emotions, thoughts and feelings. Freedom to speak what you feel with respect for yourself and your partner. Listening to understand and responding with the intent to grow together. Emotional healing enables one to observe their emotions and better relate their feelings to others with the proper understanding of how to express emotions.
Emotional healing is the path to increased emotional intelligence. The difference between emotional healing and emotional intelligence is the connectivity of emotions through understanding, control and implementation of action/reaction. One can heal emotionally without understanding the depths of emotional intelligence. One does not equate to the other. To fully grasp emotional intelligence, become self-aware through regulation of emotions, empathy and social interactions – all of which will positively impact your relationships, both platonic and romantic.
Emotional healing eliminates the perpetual state of fight or flight. Fight or Flight is a physiological reaction to a potentially dangerous or frightening situation. Emotional healing removes the emotions that you have become accustomed to living by, hindering your personal and emotional growth. Living in a perpetual state of fight or flight leads to argumentative emotional states that contribute to an activation in the negative energy of the nervous system.
There is a distinct difference between average stress hormones, instinctive reactions and fight or flight emotional responses. Understanding the differences, how they impact your actions/reactions within relationships, leads to profound emotional healing.
Emotional healing boosts self-respect, self-awareness & confidence. It’s often mistaken that emotional healing automatically leads to increased self-love and self-respect. Depending on the individual’s history and exposure, learned behaviors and internal evaluation, there could be an aspect of self-awareness and readiness to accept oneself in their entirety that becomes harder to accept. Emotional healing is the path to a deepened understanding of oneself and increased ability to heal the chapters of their story that are otherwise hidden to preserve their intimate safety and emotional state. Confidence becomes relevant when there are differentiating elements of soul-aligned self-love and self-interest that reside in the ego state.
Often these elemental influences are confused to mean one in the same, whereas they come from different areas of the brain, producing different emotional responses in the physical body.
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Jessi Risley, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Jessi Risley is a relationship specialist and psychic medium to high-profile individuals, In 2018, she completed her life coaching and NLP practitioner education that empowered her to help others overcome emotional distress surrounding relationships. Shortly after, Jessi began building a career teaching meditation, how to harness their innate personal power and heal their emotional trauma to better relationships, both platonic and romantic. She uses her natural-born gift to spiritually connect with her clients to offer deep healing transformation. Jessi has been featured in several publications, is a published author and offers customized mentoring for her clients based on their needs.