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5 Questions To Improve Relationships And Outcomes With Your Team Post-Pandemic

Written by: Andrea Raggambi, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


One thing I am quite certain we can all acknowledge is that COVID was a disruption. Like a giant, heavy, scratchy blanket quickly covering the entire world with its shadow, everyone navigated uncomfortably in the dark under scary conditions, trying to find pockets of light and forms of comfort just to put one foot in front of the other. As the weight and discomfort of this blanket start to lift, many are elated to creep out from the dark. Others feel woozy and leery as they grapple with what is still unknown.

If you lead a team, this is the perfect time to hit the pause button and take note of how your team is responding to this change.

Below are 5 questions you can ask your team members to learn how to maneuver forward together during this transition, feeling motivated, connected, productive, and perhaps, even more successful.


  • What makes you most excited and most nervous as the world transitions out of lockdown mode?

  • Tell me a few things you learned about yourself during the lockdown/pandemic months. What surprised you the most?

  • What would an ideal workday look like for you moving forward?

  • Identify one thing you think we as a team could start, stop and continue doing post-pandemic that will have a positive impact on the team and our outcomes?

  • What one behavior or action can you personally commit to that will facilitate a team environment that inspires, motivates and lifts others up to be and do their best?


Listen openly, resisting the urge to make judgments or assumptions.

Take notes and bring the team together to inspire a shared vision that represents their input to demonstrate how you see the team co-creating a successful future for your work together.

Ask each team member to share their commitments. Then, meet regularly to have them share how they are taking ownership of their roles within the team.

Lead the way: share your own personal experiences and feelings throughout the pandemic. Share your vision around opportunities to unite the team and come through this stronger together.

Be prepared to have courageous conversations with your leaders if they are pressing down on you to get back to ‘business as usual.

Meet regularly as a team and keep the team’s vision front and center as you discuss and execute on the tactical components that deliver on clear commitments.

As the saying goes, “never let a good crisis go to waste.” This volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous time is an exceptional opportunity to practice empathy, build (or rebuild) trust and establish team norms and behaviors that the team deems valuable as you all look forward together.

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website!


Andrea Raggambi, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Andrea is an ICF ACC coach and Chief Success Designer for mid to upper-level leaders who want to hit the pause button on busy-ness to take an exciting and courageous journey to design their personal and professional legacy and move forward with clarity, confidence, and renewed energetic purpose. Her purpose is to empower curiosity and creativity so that we choose to accept our differences, embrace change, and make choices that represent our best selves.

Andrea applies a unique mashup of coaching and “success management” techniques utilizing a mix of change management, mindset, and habit-building practices to shift energy, thoughts, and behaviors in the direction of her client’s vision and goals. Since launching PerforMore in 2009, she has designed creative experiences, tools and products that have resulted in success for hundreds of high performing leaders in technology, medical, architecture, construction, and engineering industries.

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