Written by: Janifer Wheeler, Senior Level Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

As an introvert, I know that certain productivity obstacles can get in my way. From distractions to just plain old procrastination, it can be tough to get things done when you’re predisposed to being a little more introspective and thoughtful. But the good news is that there are ways to overcome these obstacles and start being productive again.

5 introverts most common productivity obstacles (and how to overcome them).
1. Distractions
One of the biggest productivity obstacles for introverts is distractions. Whether it’s social media, binge-watching TV, or just daydreaming, it can be tough to focus when so many things are vying for our attention.
One thing that has worked for me is setting DO NOT DISTURB on my phone, iPad, and laptop. I have it set up so that only my husband, son, and a few other select people can bust my phone boundaries. DND blocks all notifications and noises while I work, which helps me stay focused.
2. Perfectionism
Another common obstacle for introverts is perfectionism. We often get bogged down in details and want everything to be just right before moving on. But the truth is that nothing is perfect, and being done is better than taking forever. I get so annoyed when I think about how much time I’ve wasted worrying over every detail.
3. Procrastination
Procrastination is another big one for us introverts. We might put off starting a project because we’re unsure where to begin or are afraid of making mistakes. I will spend hours making lists, doing the work in my head, and overthinking every detail before I start a project. When I was getting my Masters’s Degree, I had a paper due by midnight every Sunday. Guess when I wrote them? Yep. Around 10:00 pm.
I have since learned that I am a deliberator, so that may be why I need to marinate on my plans and ideas, but honestly, I am such a rebel that I need that deadline looming over me to get my ass fired up and in gear. I even rebel against my own deadlines — hence, procrastination.
If this sounds like you, I can only encourage you to say 1–2–3 Fuck It and get started. That’s been working for me lately.
4. Overloaded Schedule
An overloaded schedule can be an issue for anyone, but it’s especially daunting for introverts who need time alone to recharge their batteries. Unfortunately, our society rewards overachievers and super-busy people. For some, burnout is a badge of honor.
That is not my philosophy. I am about JOYFullProductivity. That’s why I use 2 tools as part of my Personal Productivity System:
1. Weekly Brain Dump and Must Do’s
On Sunday night, I take a sheet of paper and brainstorm a list of all the tasks, actions, or activities I need to accomplish this week.
Then, I organize the list into Weekly Must Do’s — the 3–5 things that MUST get done this week, or I’m in deep shit
From there, I break it down into Must Do’s, Need To’s, and Nice To’s for each day. Again, I focus first on the 3–5 things that MUST get done each day
After that, I add the MUST DO’s to my Sunsama app, along with meetings, calls, appointments, etc.,
2. Sunsama: I love how this app tracks my tasks and how long they take. At the end of each day, I can create a chart that shows my time spent, and for any tasks I don’t complete, Sunsama moves them to the next day!
5. Social obligations
During the pandemic, I basically had no social obligations. I will also admit that I used it to avoid social obligations and interactions. It was truly a balm for my introverted soul. I had no idea how sucked into everyone else’s shit I had gotten until I had 2 years off!
Social obligations can be a big productivity obstacle for introverts. Although we do enjoy some people, they still drain our energy. I usually have about 2 hours to spend, and then I am ready to go home. This is true even when I am with people I love and adore.
While it’s important to maintain healthy relationships, sometimes saying “no” is necessary to stay on track and honor your boundaries. Don’t be afraid to turn down invitations or cancel if you really don’t have the energy or desire to go out. After all, if it’s not JOYFull, why do it?
If you are struggling with productivity or if you’d just like some new ideas, grab our FREE Productivity Toolkit Bundle!
Grab a sheet of paper and some fun pens. Perform a Brain Dump — list all the tasks, actions, or activities you need to accomplish this week. Try to stay focused on the current week only. Include personal, professional, kids, appointments, everything.
Review the list. Anything on here that can wait? Write it on a note for next week and draw a line through it on your list.
Review the list again. Add M-T-W-Th-F next to each item
Then, organize the list into Daily Must Do’s.
After that, I add the MUST DO’s to my Sunsama app, along with meetings, calls, appointments, etc. Once I have these all set up, I can move them around as needed throughout the week.
Embrace your introverted side and appreciate all the wonderful qualities that come with it! If you want to learn more about Systems and Solutions for JOYFullProductivity designed especially for introverts, make sure you are on our newsletter list! The JOYFull BadApp launches soon and will be a dream come true!

Janifer Wheeler, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
After retiring from teaching, Janifer Wheeler realized she had a bigger calling.
She now brings her 20+ years of experience in education to the production industry to help entrepreneurs and teams find the proverbial work-life balance by following her JOYfully method.
She’s also founded The JOYFully BadAss Academy, where they teach people how not only to do more but enjoy every minute of their workday — without taking any excuses or guilt home with them either (we know what it’s like). Give me 30 days, and you won’t regret it! Click here to learn more.