Written by: Sunu Philip, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.
The thing about selling high-ticket offers is that it requires a lot of trust, consistently built over a period of time.
No one decides to purchase a premium priced product or service on a whim.
If you’re trying to sell your high-ticket offer, you must get your audience to know, like and trust you.
They need to be convinced that you’re the right person to help them on their journey towards a better life or business.
The best way to woo your ideal client and get them interested in your premium packages, is by offering them valuable resources for free.
Yes, I’m talking about lead magnets!
But unlike a low-ticket product that may attract clients with a single lead magnet at the top of the funnel, high-ticket items need more than just one lead magnet.
You need a combination of 3 elements to make a high-ticket funnel work:
Multiple lead magnets that attract people into your funnel
Email sequences to nurture these leads into paying customers
Proper call to actions, leading them to the next step in the funnel
It’s not enough to just set up the lead magnets and bring people into your world. You must stay at the top of their minds with frequent updates, so they know you’re there for them.
This is what makes a lead magnet funnel work.
Be sure you’re providing the value your people need at the right time - both through the lead magnets and email campaigns.
Your top question should be, “How can I add value to my audience and serve them well?”
When they perceive that you’re giving them good value, they’ll be more likely to jump in and invest in you.
In this article, I share 5 powerful lead magnet ideas that will attract your ideal client and lead them to buy your high-ticket offer.
1. Free Masterclass
From my experience, I’ve found that a 40 minute to 1 hour masterclass works really well. If you have a great deal to share, you can extend it up to 1.5 hours.
The key is to pick an interesting topic that hooks people in and gets them to sign up. It has to be something your audience is curious about, helpful information they need, or resolution of a pain point in their life or business.
I highly recommend a live masterclass that allows you to interact with the audience, including a Q & A session at the end to answer their doubts and queries.
When you provide your audience value through a free, live masterclass, they get to see who you are, and what you can do for them.
This solidifies their trust in you, and they’re more likely to sign up for your high-ticket offers when you eventually pitch it to them.
2. Free Webinar
A webinar is of a similar format as a masterclass - it just uses different terminology.
Masterclasses work for B2C clients, but if you’re targeting a B2B or corporate client, the term “webinar” is more likely to entice them to sign up.
Webinars can be conducted live, or a recorded webinar can be automated so people can sign up for it at any time.
I'm not a great fan of faking a recorded webinar to make it appear live, but I do love the concept of making the recording available for people to watch at their own pace.
It’s essential to use a webinar platform that allows a lot of integrations like live chats, polls, in-webinar discounts for your high-ticket offer, etc. that will keep your audience engaged and interested in what you have to offer them.
3. Free Planner and Workbook Combo
A combination of a planner and a workbook would make a great entry-level lead magnet - something that gets people into your world.
The reason I suggest this is that a planner/workbook allows them to work with you even when you’re not there with them.
You’re giving them questions, prompts, and guidance to help them take action. That’s the whole purpose of a workbook or planner - you get them to stop thinking about it and actually do it.
In my opinion, a lead magnet converts well when it gets people to take action and become unstuck.
So, solving your ideal client’s problem in an action-oriented format gets them ready to take the next step in working with you.
The next step could be the next stage of ascension in your funnel - either signing up for another lead magnet or working with you in a greater capacity.
4. Free Resource Bundle
I’m particularly fond of a collection of resources put together as a startup kit. This could be a mix of multiple things like:
Mindset hacks
Swipe files
The key is to make the bundle valuable enough that people are willing to sign up and check it out. And when they sign up, they don’t get just one resource, they get many… which is a great way to over perform and bowl your audience over!
5. Free Step-by-Step Guide
A step-by-step guide is a great option for an entry-level lead magnet - to get people into the funnel. You could also offer it as a supplemental resource in the middle of your funnel.
A guide explains the streamlined procedure on how something is done - like a 5-step or 10-step process. I highly recommend having action-oriented steps just as I mentioned before in the planner/workbook section.
A free guide is a great way to reach someone who doesn't like to watch videos.
I’m a person who loves to read and I only watch a video training or masterclass if I'm really hooked by the title, the solution that’s promised and the person doing it. Otherwise, I might just skip through the video, or listen for some time and get distracted.
If your ideal client prefers reading, they’re more likely to peruse a guide than watch a video-based lead magnet. You can use the guide to impress them in a way that they might be willing to watch your masterclass or webinar and take the next step in investing with you.
No matter what kind of lead magnet idea you choose to sell your high-ticket offer, the key is to build a relationship with your ideal client.
You cannot just offer them one free resource and then pitch your premium offer. If you want to get the maximum conversion, you have to layer on multiple lead magnets.
As you build your credibility and authority with your audience, you take them step by step further into your funnel and get them primed to invest in your offer.
Also keep in mind that the best client relationships need a gestation period. It will take time for leads coming into the funnel to trust you and get into a place where they’re ready to work with you.
So get your lead magnet funnels fired up, start bringing leads in, and nurture them consistently.
It’s only a matter of time before they’re wowed by the value you provide and make the decision to invest in your high-ticket offer.
Need help setting up a streamlined lead magnet funnel that will bring in more leads for your high-ticket offer? I’d be happy to help.
To know more about me and my work, please visit my website.
Sunu Philip, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Sunu is an international lead magnet expert specializing in creating a lead magnet and launch funnels that help coaches and consultants consistently sell their high-ticket offers with ease. She has been in the digital marketing industry for the last 12+ years, working with varied industries, and has helped her clients generate £3 Million+ yearly income through SEO and inbound marketing strategies. A high-school teacher turned online marketing consultant, Sunu is passionate about supporting people who love to transform the lives and businesses of their clients. Over the past 2 years alone (since she embraced the title ’The Lead Magnet Lady’), Sunu has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs and small business owners share their story, build their tribe, increase their impact, and get more leads and sales by designing and setting up an efficient lead magnet and launch funnels for their businesses.