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5 Keys To Manifesting Your Divine Life Plan

Elaine Marie Christine has a mission to bring peace to every mind. She is the founder of Aquaterra since 2005, the number 1 Best Selling author of The Peace Prophecy trilogy, and host of the Peacemakers podcast.

Executive Contributor Elaine Marie Christine

Is heaven on earth possible? Yes! With a Divine Life Plan, you can live your purpose, align with your spiritual ideal, and make your dreams come true. Here are five keys to manifesting with a top-down approach to help create your paradise.

Photo of circle light with blue background of lights.

Divine life plan story

Friday, November 16, 2001, my third eye opened for the first time. It was early morning in the bath as I pressed the wet, warm washcloth to my face. I began to see a shining white star that turned into an etheric sunflower, with luminous golden light around a deep violet center. The center had pinpoints of light, and I thought of stars in the universe.

That evening at the Prophets Conference in Duck Key, Florida, I sat beside a woman who took my hand and gave me a prophecy. “My name is Samarah, and I channel the Blessed Mother. She told me to tell you that you are going to Egypt. Not now, but in a few years. And when you return, you will write an important book that brings the past and future together.”

What is a divine life plan?

Beginning in 2011, I taught a Divine Life Plan workshop for eleven years to help raise awareness of higher consciousness. Read testimonials from the attendees who shared their experiences and profound insights.

Divine Life Plan is a wonderful way to set goals that align with core values that come from the authentic self. When we become clear on who we are and what we stand for, we manifest what is right and good for us without any interference of guilt or inner conflict. —Darlyne Guldi, Melbourne Beach, Florida.

Divine Life Plan is an instrument of inspiration that has been the container for grounding and now the expansion of my vision and dreams! Still bringing it all into alignment, Christine. A great tool for manifesting. —Cynthia Rothchild, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Divine Life Plan is a practical way to clarify inner desires and manifest them in a physical form. Christine provides an exercise that can lead to true transformation by focusing on attitudes and intentions one wishes to realize. By her own authenticity, Christine creates an atmosphere that allows every attendee the freedom to express their true self. I highly recommend this process as an instrument for spiritual development. —Joan Marie Barringer, Vero Beach, Florida.

Five keys to manifesting

The Success Principles author Jack Canfield says, “With a purpose, everything in life seems to fall into place. To be on purpose means doing what I love, doing what I am good at, and accomplishing what is important to me. When I am on purpose, the people, resources, and opportunities I need naturally gravitate toward me. The world benefits, too.”

There are five keys to manifesting your Divine Life Plan so that you live on purpose, aligning core values with your spiritual ideal.

1. Idealize

Idealize is awareness of feeling and perceiving with sensitivity in the creative right brain. Discover the essence of your true purpose with a spiritual ideal. Play a word association game for the words spiritual and ideal. Write down the first word that comes to mind, then combine these words to make a phrase. Spiritual ideal reveals your uniqueness, providing guidance and direction about the authentic aim of your life that enables you to focus on what matters most.

2. Visualize

Visualization is the ability to envision using the faculty of imagination in the right brain. Creating a treasure map is a fun and playful way to cut and paste pictures that speak to your soul. The center of your vision board provides the focus for your intention. The top is for text and images that control your manifestation, while words and pictures on the bottom support your dreams and goals. Visualize from left to right, flowing positive energy from past to future as you eagerly expect this or something better.

3. Synergize

Synergize aligns the head and the heart with divine love. You use your God-given gifts and love what you do. When you are on purpose, your passion easily attracts people, resources, and opportunities in surprising ways. Faith and trust in your higher power replace fear and worry. Allowing your higher self to guide puts you in divine service for the greater good. Alliance with the angelic realm makes your life magical!

4. Verbalize

Verbalization is the capability to communicate using the function of speech in the left brain. Speaking out loud sends ripples of intention on the airwaves of space and time. Written communication is also effective at organizing, reviewing, and revising your thoughts. Sharing via voice mail, email, or texting invites feedback on social media to help you refine your Divine Life Plan.

5. Actualize

Actualize is the power to persevere over time, using the capacity for memory in the left brain. Set dates in your Divine Life Plan to give yourself reasonable time to accomplish your activities. Milestones serve as a motivator to get the work done, breaking tasks down into manageable parts. Rewards for meeting objectives are also encouraged as you celebrate the success of manifesting your Divine Life Plan. 

Practice divine life plan

Draw a diagram with a white star surrounded by two concentric circles. The star is your spiritual ideal, your soul purpose. The inner violet circle represents the mind with core values, people, places, and things that align with your purpose. The yellow outer circle illustrates the body as a calendar of events and actions you will take to bring you joy. Schedule the activities, services, and opportunities this year in a Divine Life Plan that helps you achieve your dreams and goals.

Divine life plan resources

How will you express your divine nature this year? Download the free PDF worksheet and PowerPoint presentation with a sample Divine Life Plan to inspire your stellar ideas. Shine your light through higher frequencies of mind so you love your life!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and visit my website for more info.


Elaine Marie Christine, Sole Proprietor & Owner at Aquaterra

Elaine Marie Christine is a Mindfulness Expert, number 1 Best Selling author, and International Keynote Speaker. She earned an MBA, Master in CS (1983), and PhD in Computer Science with a minor in Artificial Intelligence from the Florida Institute of Technology (1995). Her landmark text, Managing Risk, was published by Addison Wesley Longman (1998). She is the tech-savvy Sole Proprietor and Owner at Aquaterra, publishing digital content (since 2005). Dr. Elaine Christine was inducted into Who’s Who in America (2021).


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