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5 Key Initiatives For Direction And Clarity In Your Work

Written by: Amy Yee Chong, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Amy Yee Chong

Do you Daydream about one day working in a way that leverages your innate gifts and talents and combine this with your Work experience, expertise and knowledge to build a Lifestyle where Working with Passion and Living in Flow are integrated!

Man and woman seek vision

What if I told you that there is a powerful system that can bring Clarity and Direction to everything that pertains to the desire that is relentlessly pulling at heartstrings? Especially for those who are brimming with ideas but feel held back, fearful, overwhelmed and confused as to how to bring this Vision or what you’re truly here to contribute, together.

Human Design is an innovative and revolutionary system that holds the key to showing you where and how you can leverage your natural gifts and talents, gain wisdom through life lessons learnt from challenges, and insights into your Life’s Work as well as life’s purpose in conjunction with your Future Direction. 

How human design has shaped my perception of self

Speaking from experience, I was born to learn from experimentation and experience. This is the way I learn and gain my wisdom and knowledge. This became apparent once I learnt about my own unique Human Design. This provided validation I’ve been searching for all my life, confirming that there’s nothing wrong with me and it’s just the way my energetics work! 

I like to joke that my university education comes from the University of Life! Let’s just say Human Design has brought me back home, to my true authentic nature and unleashed all the different layers that contribute to my unique Human Design make-up. I now lead by expanding possibilities through innovation and future thinking potential using simple-to-understand organised processes. How I contribute is through empowering impact-driven Individuals to lean more into aligning with their authentic true nature and discover their Creative Contributions by being of service or leveraging their years of Working experience to be a solution provider for others. 

I now have clarity and direction and I know what to focus on to inspire people and make an impact to improve lives. I embrace being naturally authentic in how I show up, how I serve and how I’m here to positively inspire and impact. I’m not for everyone, and nobody ever is, but the magic is showing up for those who are for you, so you can magnetise who you’re here to support and serve, that’s when lives can be transformed and changed for the better. This is why I’m so passionate about helping Influential Individuals to not give up on their Vision but continue their pursuit to find clarity and direction to their contribution and take aligned action, which eventually brings about a more promising future filled with freedom, fulfilment and joy!

How human design can help you with your creative contribution vision

Human Design can help you to map out your Creative Contribution Vision with Clarity, Conviction and Direction whilst also shortening the length of time wasted trying to find that one things.

You’ll hold yourself back when they try to emulate what others do, look outside of yourself for ideas that don’t feel aligned or remain in the in-action because you just don’t know yourself well enough to take action! I stand by the fact that ‘fear’ is a fleeting emotion, it’s here to keep you safe, but fear should not be the reason to prevent you from evolving and elevating to do what you’re here to do. Rather embrace fear as a catalyst for growth.

I have now created with the insights that Human Design reveals to us, a Simple Solution System that sheds light on individual potential to bring forth your creative contribution 

5 key aspects of human design that I use within my 5 step framework

1. What is your key motivation

In Human Design there is an aspect called Motivation which is the energy of the Driving Force that pushes us to do something and take action. There is also a component of Human design where it shows us what drives us, and our instinct to be motivated to take daily action. Monday it is or experiencing extreme burnout at work are 2 classic symptoms of a person out of touch with their drive and motivation in life.

I truly believe without motivation there is no will to take action in anything. For myself, what drives me daily lies in using my words and voice to empower and help people to experience positive transformation, fulfilment and joy just being their true authentic selves. My core motivation which is the force that keeps me taking action is the desire to lead others with purpose and meaning by being of service and making meaningful impact at a global scale.

2. What you value and how you provide value to others

What we value Inspires us to do what we are here to do based on what we believe is important for us. How can we know what to Contribute if what we want to bring isn’t aligned with our beliefs Personally, what I value based on my Human design is the ability to take an idea, a project, a concept, a cycle, a relationship and bring it to completion. How I do this is in a very revolutionary and innovative way that is kind of unconventional and different from the norm but I know works. I also like to take Value as what Value you bring to the world for others to experience through your natural gifts, talents, superpowers, strengths and potential.

3. How you naturally vibe

Our Aura says a lot about who we are and how we are experienced and felt by others and we all have a role to play that we naturally adopt within society. How we express, lead, our power, and basically how we shine our light makes up 70% of our energies, so when this trait/quality is tapped into at the highest expression, that’s when life begins to flow with ease and balance. We all have our unique way of doing things that keep us differentiated from others, and thankfully we are all uniquely different.

It’s when we tie all these qualities and traits together that we create a unique energetic Vibe about us. Lean into the higher expressions of how you naturally vibe and you begin to attract the right people, opportunities, situations and solutions you’ve been wishing for into your life. When you remain caught up in the dark or shadow aspect of your traits, qualities, energies and themes, you attract undesirable situations, opportunities and people. The law of Vibration does affect what we attract based on how we vibe both positively and negatively!

4. Your future vision

Human design not only speaks to how we are, how our energetics work, personality and traits, our gifts and talents, and our highest potential, but it also shows us the ideal path to follow in how we are here to be and serve when we are in alignment with our authentic selves. Our four core qualities/traits when brought together create the essence of our Life’s work. When we lean into moving into the highest expression of these 4 key qualities/traits, that’s when we live a life with meaning, purpose and authenticity. A Vision appears to be unobtainable because it's usually something that lingers in our mind and we struggle to take action on it because it seems so hard to achieve. Remaining as a pipe dream Vision in our minds. Human Design provides insights into our Life’s Purpose but also our Future Direction which starts to take effect from the age of 38 to 42 onwards. Understanding the direction I was meant to be moving towards, has been life-changing and feels naturally aligned and this is where I am at now.

5. How to best leverage your voice through communication

Expressing ourselves through communication relies a lot on our natural tone and how we voice ourselves. Human Design shows us not only how to share our message but also what the potential message relates to. Society puts us in situations where we are forced to speak in a certain way or to speak on a topic that doesn't resonate with us. When this is out of alignment with our voice and message, that’s where miscommunication or struggling to be seen becomes a problem. 

Human Design provides insights into the traits and the themes of what we are here to communicate and how we're meant to individually communicate so this is good when it comes to marketing your brand and sharing your message because when you leverage the energies of your throat this is when you express in a way that is meaningful, impactful, influential and empowering for others who need to hear this from you.

What I’m here to express through my contribution

I am now at a stage in my life where I’m not afraid to lead as a Visionary, Innovative, empowering and Creative Role Model for Individuals in their late thirties and beyond, inspiring and initiating them to take on a different perspective on how to self-express authentically and without fear. My whole reason for being is to serve by initiating people to open their minds, to an alternate way of finding themselves and expressing authentically by aligning with their natural gifts, talents and strengths, turning challenges into their wisdom well through life lessons learnt and elevating their existence by focusing on a future that empowers feelings of freedom, fulfilment and joy!

How do I support and serve in my unique way?

What if what you’re here to contribute can change somebody’s life for the better? What good does that do, when you choose to suppress what could potentially be life-changing for both parties? How satisfying would it be to make somebody’s day or change somebody’s life for the better and be a part of their personal evolution and growth journey?

We tend to be caught up in the inspiration phase and thus remain stuck in the in-action, here’s how my purpose-built one-stop-shop made of up an interactive digital guide, social networking platform & personalised q & a support & guidance, will be your go - to interactive guidance tool

Check it all out here Potent Potential Hub

Collaboration, Community and Network

To help bring forth to more people, this transformation and life-changing movement, support me to bring in a Community where Impact-Driven Influential Leaders can come together, learn from each and share expertise and Network within this Exclusive Community

Grab your free human design chart & report

You can also grab a free copy of your Human Design Chart as well as get an instant free downloadable copy of your basic Human Design Blueprint Guide, from my website. This is how I started and it’s because of this initial step that I’m doing what I’m meant to be doing now!

If you want to dive deeper into Human Design, I found this article from a fellow Brainz Magazine Contributor, where the Author elaborates on embracing our uniqueness and understanding the basics of your aura (Human Design type). This in itself was a life-changing insight for me, which pushed me to probe further with my journey and thank goodness I did, or I wouldn’t be here as an Executive Contributor for Brainz Magazine.

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube and visit my website for more info! Read more from Amy!

Amy Yee Chong Brainz Magazine

Amy Yee Chong, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Amy Yee Chong is a Transformational Mentor & Author, who struggled with Self Identity and lack of direction. It's through integrating innovative systems of Human Design & Gene Keys that she experienced massive transformation. Breaking free from the inner blockages and challenges that prevented her from feeling confident to show up as her true authentic self. Evolve and Elevate is where she provides resources and mentorship support to Women experiencing the same struggles. Her mission is to shake up the way Women in their late 30's & above perceive themselves & recognise their unique potential. Life becomes simple when women feel free to embody and embrace their Authentic truth to naturally self express.

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