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5 Good Reasons Why You Should Never Give Up On Your Business Dream

Written by: Jacqueline Rhule, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


I will admit, there had been times over the past 23 years of running my complementary therapy business and more recently as a Business Coach, that I had considered throwing in the towel. Returning to my old 9-5 occupation as a secretary, to carry me through the rest of my working life, felt less stressful. I could just go into the office, do my best, then switch off from work at the end of each day.

Running my own business sometimes felt like quite a burden to be responsible for all tasks that were needed to keep my business alive and thriving. You know, the marketing, admin, work procurement, advertising, delivering the service, etc.

It felt like I was always “on”.

This was particularly so in the early days until it was financially viable to outsource some tasks.

Even then, you always have the overall responsibility, so your mind and emotions are never completely switched off.

Thankfully the pluses for following my business dreams and going from employee to entrepreneur far outweighed those moments of pressure.

Following are the reasons that kept me focused on my entrepreneurial journey. By sharing them, it’s my wish that it helps you to keep moving forward in your business journey too:

1. The universe dropped that business idea into your mind – for a reason.

Many times we can have that moment of epiphany, with the idea that’s burst forth from our soul, BUT we don’t think it’s possible.

Thinking it’s a pipe dream. Believing it’s the domain only of all the great inventors, creators, and entrepreneurs of the past and our time.

Such as Madame C J Walker, Albert Einstein, Oprah, Arianna Huffington, Rihanna, JK Rowling, Sophia Vergara, Will. I.Am, Garrett Morgan, and Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, to mention a few.

However, as the quote from William Arthur Ward: “If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.” Just like the above-mentioned inventors and entrepreneurs.

N.B: If you don’t recognize (or know) some of those names, look them up and see how they contributed to the lives we live in their amazing way.

The dream is jazzing you up for a reason – because it’s achievable.

2. You add to the expansion of the economy.

Your business provides work for others.

Even if you do not employ an in-house team that works solely for you, there are many other professionals that you will outsource work to. E.g., virtual assistant, accountant, copywriter, web designer, etc.

They, in turn, will be spending money, buying and using services, providing for themselves and their families.

And just think, the prosperity in your business gives other businesses the opportunity to start and grow their own business visions too – don’t you think that’s so wonderful?

You get to contribute to others' visions and play a part in keeping the economy buoyant.

3. There will always be problems to solve.

So bring your creative solutions to your target audience.

There are people who need what you have to offer because… no other person on the planet thinks just like you or has your unique talents and ideas.

The path we have walked in life, the experiences we have lived through, the background, ancestry, and passion in any area of life ALL HELP to bring diverse solutions to people and the planet.

Know the people you can best serve because you understand intimately what their problems are and can provide the solutions that will benefit them immensely.

Can you imagine what life would be like if household labor-saving machines, the computer, the internet, the car, and life-saving medical equipment were not invented by people with a vision? It doesn’t bear thinking about it. The efficiency, time-saving, and life-saving benefits are appreciated by all of society.

4. You’ll love your work.

Obvious – right?

You’ve been inspired by your vision, created your business from it, so when Monday comes around, you are an eager beaver, leaping out of your bed, ready to dig in and further create and grow it.

You have got to admit it, and it’s a much better way to live.

Otherwise, you spend your Sunday nights absolutely dreading work the next day - then living only for Friday to come around again. Wishing the majority of your life away is soul-destroying – NOT GOOD. After all, you’re alive and kicking now, so you should make each moment the best it can be.

5. You get to take control of your own financial future.

We all know that there is no such thing as a job for life nowadays. No “gold watch” presented to you at your retirement party after, usually, working many years for the same company.

These days, the nature of employment in many fields is quite transient and often on a short-term contract basis.

You’ll have a set salary to start with and will have to wait until your employer deems it appropriate or you worthy of a pay rise and the pre-decided upon amount.

I’m sure you can see that whatever you earn is decided upon by others and to their own timetable.

Following through on your dream business gives you the creative reins and ability to make your own decisions. You can build and scale it to the level that suits you in a manner in which it suits you, thereby creating the income you truly desire – on your terms.

One of my Business Dreams

Years back, I remember sitting down daydreaming about how wonderful it would be if children in schools were able to have some form of massage—the aim for it to calm and soothe them.

At the time, I had no idea how I’d fulfill that dream, but I kept it alive in my mind all the same.

Then one day I went to a friend’s birthday party. I was sat chatting with another friend about my vision. I’m a firm believer in telling anyone who’ll listen about your dreams – you just never know who’s listening and can help.

Somebody sitting behind us overheard our conversation and told me there was a company that trained people to deliver “Peer Massage” services within schools! Children were taught a simple, clothed massage routine (performed seated and on each other’s backs) with a big emphasis on them asking for permission before they touched each other.

Boom, I thought!

I suddenly had a path I was firmly on to see that business vision through. The passion and belief I had in such a service expanded my business and addressed many issues in primary schools in the UK at the time, of bullying, schools having a “no-touch” policy, and helping children to stay calmer (which meant a greater capacity to learn and retain knowledge).

That’s just one of my examples of not giving up on my business dreams.

The above reasons should give you enough fire in your belly to start noting down the stirrings of your heart for your new business dreams.

Or reignite an existing business.

Or expand a side hustle into a bigger vision.

Enjoy the journey and anytime you feel like giving it all up – come back to this article to remember why you shouldn’t.

You can find Jacqueline on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, or visit her website!


Jacqueline Rhule, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jacqueline Rhule is a Business Coach (Business Coaching With Heart & Soul) who helps entrepreneurs to grow their businesses with much more ease and flow and turn their passion to prosperity faster. She also coaches you in the other areas of your life to ensure an optimum work-life balance, all within the realms of personal growth, spirituality, and the law of attraction. She believes that most of the work lies in impr oving the mindset and clearing any negative thought patterns that are holding you back. When coupled with practical business steps and advice, an unstoppable momentum to success and greatly enhanced overall happiness levels can be achieved. Email her at

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