Written by: Sarah Michelle, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.
Wanna know a secret? If you’re ready to call in a long-term partner, your best next step isn’t Tinder, Hinge, Match, or any of those dating apps.
Sighing with relief right now? So do my clients when I tell them this. While it might have been fun to have a glass of wine with a girlfriend and flip through profiles a few years ago, you’re probably over it by now.
You’re done with the terrible conversations, the awkward first dates, and good lord are you done with the f*uck boys!
Well, I have good news for you!
Give me 5 minutes of your time, and I will share with you 5 feng shui tips you can implement in your home to call in your soulmate.
Feng shui is an environmental affirmation. You’re probably already familiar with verbal affirmations, the practice of using your voice to speak your desires into existence. Well, an environmental affirmation is where you use the elements in your living space to communicate your desires to the Universe.
My clients love feng shui so much because most of them are feminine women who are exhausted from being in their masculine all of the time.
Verbal affirmations require mental concentration which requires you to use even more masculine energy. And when you have a feminine nature, being in your masculine uses up your energy.
In contrast, environmental affirmations allow you to lead with your feelings. This brings you back into your feminine energy. And when you have a feminine nature, being in your feminine energy replenishes your spirit.
Oh, and just in case you are skeptical, this isn’t New Age stuff. Feng shui originated in China and has been documented as far back as the 9th century BCE!
Now let’s get started. Here are five things you can do to start aligning the energy in your bedroom with the soulmate you desire:
1. Clear the clutter.
Take time to tidy up. Things like clothing on the floor, books piled on the other half of the bed, and cups stacked on the nightstand all represent stagnant energy. We want the energy flowing so that there is always fresh energy circulating.
2. Make space.
If your soulmate showed up tomorrow, would there be space for him? Donate your old clothes to make space in your closet and dresser. You don’t need a lot of space. I normally recommend to my clients that they leave enough space for him to be able to keep a week’s worth of clothing there.
3. Balance.
Both sides of the bed should be identical in order to call in an equal partnership. This means two of the same nightstands, and two of the same lamps.
4. Decorate in pairs.
Assuming you desire a monogamous relationship, everything in your bedroom should be in pairs. Check the number of pillows on your bed. Is it an even number? Artwork? Figurines? Remove or replace anything that is in odd groups like 1, 3, 5, etc.
5. Remove mirrors.
Ideally, you wouldn’t have any mirrors in your bedroom because they activate energy by bouncing it around. This can cause restless sleep. However, many women like mirrors in their room. If you just cannot part with your mirror, make sure that it is placed in such a way that you cannot see yourself in the mirror while relaxing in bed. If you can see yourself, this will call additional people into the relationship. (And this really happens. I use this trick to help polyamorous couples call in additional lovers.)
Give yourself about a week to implement all 5 tips shared above. Remember, you are calling in your soulmate, so this process should be fun! Turn on your favorite love songs and pour a glass of pinot while you work on everything.
And if it gets overwhelming, take a break, or enlist the help of your best friend.
You should start noticing shifts in the energy within two weeks. Most of my clients notice more beneficial thoughts naturally happening throughout the day, synchronicities, and even meeting new people. It really doesn’t take long!
If you would like to dive deeper, check out my Feng Shui for Love package at happinessinheels.com for a personal consultation.
Sarah Michelle, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Sarah Michelle is a certified Sex, Love, and Intimacy Coach and owner of Happiness In Heels, "Where romance becomes reality." She fuses together her training in Feng Shui, Human Design, mindset, polarity, and energy healing to help women all over the world call in their soulmates and cultivate deeper, more pleasurable sex lives.
Sarah's signature Dear Lover Experience has, and will, unlock years of struggle for women who are thirsty for passion + commitment that doesn't rip off their natural femininity. The Dear Lover Experience provides a safe container for independent women to free themselves of the go-go-go pressure of their masculine energy and melt into their delicious, liberated and receptive feminine energy with ease.