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5 Essential Traits Of Successful Entrepreneurs

Anna Stella is an award-winning marketing expert, academic researcher, and founder of the global marketing outsourcing agency BBSA. She is also the president of the BASA Awards® and host of the hit YouTube show The Best of Business Show.

Executive Contributor Anna Stella

What does it take to be a successful entrepreneur? Is ambition and a healthy dose of luck and opportunity all that is required to join the ranks of the very best? The exciting and challenging world of entrepreneurship, particularly within the realm of small businesses, is ever-evolving. Understanding the essential traits that drive success can mean the difference between prospering or merely surviving. But what are some of the seminal traits successful entrepreneurs should aim to develop?

Businesswoman shaking hands with client and smiling cheerfully in meeting room

5 essential traits of successful entrepreneurs


1. Drive to sell

An unwavering focus on acquiring customers is the hallmark of successful entrepreneurs. The mistake many new entrepreneurs make is prioritizing peripheral activities that can be outsourced over the core necessity of customer acquisition. Instead of focusing on sales, they get caught up in designing perfect social media strategies, rebranding, website redesign, or other matters.

Savvy entrepreneurs understand that the first 5, 10, or 20 customers are crucial. Product development is merely the starting point; the real challenge lies in marketing and distribution. Experienced founders prioritize these aspects, knowing that customer acquisition is the lifeblood of their business. They spend their time engaging with potential customers, refining their pitch, and securing sales—activities that directly impact the bottom line.


2. Let go of your inner control freak

Entrepreneurship demands flexibility and the ability to make quick decisions. High energy, swift decision-making, and adaptability are critical traits. Successful entrepreneurs are adept at pivoting when necessary and bouncing back from setbacks. The entrepreneurial journey is fraught with challenges that can feel traumatizing, but resilience is key.

For those who struggle with relinquishing control, entrepreneurship may not be the right path. The ability to delegate, trust team members, and adapt to changing circumstances is essential. Entrepreneurs who cling to control hinder their business's growth and limit its potential.

Embracing uncertainty and maintaining composure during setbacks are indicative of a successful entrepreneurial mindset.


3. Balancing empathy

Empathy is an underrated yet vital trait for entrepreneurs. Striking the right balance between too much and too little empathy is crucial. Entrepreneurs who are overly empathetic may struggle to make tough decisions and risk draining their business by trying to please everyone. On the other hand, a lack of empathy can lead to poor leadership, employee dissatisfaction, and ultimately, business failure. Effective entrepreneurs demonstrate empathy by understanding and addressing the needs of their employees and customers while maintaining a clear focus on business objectives. They balance compassion with pragmatism, ensuring that their leadership is both compassionate and results oriented. This balanced approach fosters a positive work environment, encourages loyalty, and drives business success.

4. Understand the game you're in

One of the most fundamental yet often overlooked aspects of entrepreneurship is grasping the true nature of the game. Many aspiring entrepreneurs lose sight of the primary objective: making a profit. The formula is straightforward—money in, money out. But, the challenge lies in executing this formula effectively. Successful entrepreneurs understand that the essence of business is about generating revenue and managing costs efficiently.

When entrepreneurs comprehend this, they have a fighting chance to succeed. It involves maintaining focus, taking consistent daily steps, and demonstrating grit and persistence through both good and bad times. Recognizing and embracing this reality equips entrepreneurs with the resilience needed to navigate the inevitable challenges and capitalize on opportunities.


5. Have confidence

Confidence is a cornerstone of entrepreneurial success. It empowers entrepreneurs to sell, learn, and maintain an open mind. Confidence filters through various aspects of business, from pitching to investors to negotiating deals and leading teams. A confident entrepreneur can navigate challenges with poise and inspire confidence in others.

While comprehensive knowledge is valuable, it is the confidence to take action, make decisions, and adapt that truly catapults an entrepreneur forward. Confidence fosters resilience, encourages risk-taking, and enables entrepreneurs to capitalize on opportunities. It is this self-assuredness that often distinguishes successful entrepreneurs from their peers.


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Anna Stella, Marketing Expert, Founder

Anna Stella is an award-winning marketing expert, academic researcher, and founder of the global marketing outsourcing agency BBSA. She is also the president of the BASA Awards® and host of the hit YouTube show The Best of Business Show.

Anna has more than 20 years experience in the B2B, B2C, and non-profit industries. Notable clients include Volkswagen AG, the Government, the European Union, RICS, and Rational AG, to name a few. 

Anna holds an MBA in Marketing from Henley Business School, a Master’s Degree (MA) in Strategic Marketing Management from Kingston University, and a BA (Hons) in Marketing and Communications from Nottingham Trent University. She is currently completing a Doctorate in Marketing Outsourcing at Strathclyde University and is due to publish her first book in 2025.



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