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42 Lessons In 42 Years

Written by: Susanne Venaas, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


7-year cycles of growth and life.

It is believed according to both astrology and philosophers that we move through cycles of life in 7-year cycles. Each phase of 7-years offers its own challenges and rewards. It is up to us to meet these lessons with courage, honesty, openness, and sincerity.

Every year I approach my birthday with self-reflection.

As I sit here two days before my 42nd birthday, I find myself in reflection of this last 7-year cycle which is dubbed the “Crisis and Questioning” phase of life-altering setbacks. I can’t help but think about my health crisis and surgeries. Needing to go on medical leave. Leaving my career and its stability, to begin navigating my purpose and path of helping others in their Spiritual and Energetic healing and growth. It’s been a wild ride. One that I am excited to navigate into the next 7-year phase of “Soul Searching and Wonder”. I feel I’ve dipped my toes here drawing on both my past life experiences, as well as realized Spiritual gifts and talents to truly recognize what a gift it is to be here on this earth at this present moment in time.

With that, I share 42 lessons in 42 years.

These are lessons that I have learned and integrated, as well as work to integrate fully into my own life. They are in NO particular order. Take. Enjoy. Apply what resonates!

  1. Laugh every day. It may not solve the world’s problems, but it helps you handle them.

  2. It’s the little things in life that you’ll reflect on and wish you could revisit. So slow down and fully immerse yourself and be present in them.

  3. You can’t change your past. Accept the hurts, pains and hardships so you can move forward with grace.

  4. Manifestation without action is just a wish. Take the first steps towards that wish.

  5. Celebrate your wins. Both big and small. You deserve it.

  6. Show up for the funeral. Always. They will need your support.

  7. Don’t ever say yes when you really mean a no.

  8. Magic appears when we believe in it before seeing it.

  9. Learn what your truth is and unapologetically live by it.

  10. Live in gratitude. Being grateful helps give us grace.

  11. Get outside. Being in nature grounds you into the present moment.

  12. Accept and then love your body FFS. You don’t get another one, and it’s carried you through your entire life, so start appreciating it.

  13. Feel your feelings. Emotions are just feelings in motion; they are meant to be felt and not suppressed.

  14. Wear sunblock. Always. Period.

  15. Make sure that those you care about know. Tell them, not just with your actions, but with your words too.

  16. Look up at the stars. They are a great reminder that we are part of something infinitely bigger than ourselves.

  17. Forgive. Forgive others, but most importantly forgive yourself.

  18. Everything is temporary. Illness, pain, joy. Even you. Be with it, and know it will shift to something else.

  19. Toss perfectionism and move to acception-ism. Goals are great. Don’t make them so unattainable that you feel in constant failure.

  20. Accept loss as a rerouting to your destination.

  21. Eat the cake, or have the coffee, or whatever the indulgence is. Life is meant to be savoured and enjoyed.

  22. If you’re not allergic, have a pet at some point. They give unconditional love and teach you how to attend to others’ needs in a non-verbal type of communication.

  23. Move your body. Daily. In different ways. We weren’t designed to be sedentary. Connect to and move your body.

  24. Learn to listen. Not to respond, but to actively listen so others are heard.

  25. Make room for pleasure in your life. Sex and intimacy yes, but also sensory experiences.

  26. Trust your gut. Learn to understand when your intuition is speaking to you and trust it!

  27. Ask for help. We weren’t designed to do things alone. Ask for the help you need along the way.

  28. Never stop learning. The more you know, the less you realize you know. Let your thirst for knowledge be insatiable.

  29. Be kind. Sprinkle it everywhere you go. The world needs more of this.

  30. Leave room for the unexpected. Plans are great, but so is being ok when things don’t go according to one.

  31. Make time for those individuals that mean the most. Time is something we have a limit of and when we can extend it to others, it shows them how invested in them we are.

  32. Play. We need play just as much as we need productivity. This doesn’t change just because we become an adult.

  33. Let go of people, places, beliefs, thoughts, and patterns that do not serve you. Repeat often!

  34. Being a parent is the most challenging and rewarding gift you will ever get. You’ll f//k it up repeatedly, but it’s all good if you’re doing your best.

  35. Make time for self-reflection. Question your beliefs, values, and actions. Adjust as needed.

  36. Comparison is truly the thief of joy. You are exactly where you are meant to be on your own path and your own timeline.

  37. The possibilities don’t end at a certain age. They are infinite.

  38. Not everyone will like you. It’s more important that you like yourself.

  39. Don’t assume. Ask for clarification.

  40. You are the only person that is responsible for your own happiness.

  41. Love. Love purely, unconditionally, expansively. Of yourself and of others.

Blessings to you,


Follow me on Facebook, Instagram and visit my website for more info!


Susanne Venaas, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Susanne Venaas is an International Spiritual Coach based out of St. Albert, Alberta Canada. Susanne works both in-person and virtually connecting with her clients in their transformation and growth. She also supports learning via her online school, and her Rebel Soul Podcast to help them connect to their most authentic selves. Wellness to her is an integrative approach to body mind and spirit. Susanne has been featured in Yahoo News + Finance as one of the top 10 Spiritual Coaches to watch in 2021, as well as featured in CEO Medium as an expert in her field, and her Rebel Soul Podcast made Top 10 Spiritual Podcasts in Canada after it's first 6 weeks of going live in May 2021. Her passion is working with others to cultivate a deeply meaningful and connected life.

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