Written by: Alisha Eisler, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

The way we interact with our finances is a direct reflection of the learned experiences we’ve carried with us since childhood and the generational trauma that has been passed down for centuries via our environment, social dynamics, energetics, and DNA.

Photography by Willa Kveta of Nalaya Healing
When this combination meets your intersectionality, it can make creating generational wealth for your financial future seem like the longest uphill battle of a lifetime and it's no secret that we live in a consumer-centric society where leaving the grocery store spending under $100 is a day of the past.
After taking many journeys myself to discover my financial freedom & helping clients do the same, so that they have a higher chance of obtaining financial opportunities that will last a lifetime, I've created 4 ways for you to begin healing your generational money wounds to rid yourself of financial oppression and liberate you to empowered financial freedom.
1 Set an intention for the financial future you want to create
This seems like an easy task to do but how often have you actually paused & written down all of your financial dreams without limitations? I say without limitations because people love to make a "reasonable" list of financial dreams because their trust & self-worth hasn't come to the surface and allowed them the freedom to dream BIG!
So write out a list of financial dreams for yourself along with an intention or intentions of how you imagine it would feel. Are you calling in the big fancy house with a feeling of ease & comfort? Be specific. The only way to create a path forward is to know where you’re going. Don’t let your pesky mind decide your future.
Speak from your heart and write why having this lifestyle is important to you.
2 Take note of your current money habits
Next, notice your spending habits without judgment. How do you spend your money? Are you spending on vacations, dinners, and groceries? How does it make you feel when you make the purchases? Take note.
Ask yourself if your decisions align with your vision for yourself. Are you getting closer or farther away from your dreams? All of these observations will give you a good clue as to how you use & invite money into your life and where you value spending it. Use this information to guide your path forward and remove any self-sabotaging habits getting in the way of your financial freedom.
Remember, this exercise is NOT to limit spending but to clarify your intentions and make it easier for you to align with your dream life without getting in your way.
3 Reflect on your upbringing
Think back to your household dynamics. What did you experience? Were there conversations about money? If so, were they open and honest or holding more tension? Or perhaps money was scarce and you’ve carried that story with you up into adulthood.
Take a journey to discover how your financial story started and how you've been upholding beliefs that don't belong to you and you no longer want to carry. This is important in healing your generational money wounds and can take some time to uncover. Our minds are complex and our relationship with money can be delicate. Create a safe environment for you to take the journey inwards.
I suggest finding a coach, healer, or community with like-minded individuals on the same journey to support you. You never have to carry the journey of financial education alone.
4 Glow slow & show yourself compassion
Finally, be gentle to yourself on your journey to financial freedom. There’s no rush & no amount of money you’re “supposed” to have at this moment of your life. Honor your heart and make way for the future you are creating. Keep going & remember a little compassion here and there can be the one thing you need to unlock the wealth of abundance within you!
Self-love is the best love, here’s to your bright & abundant future!
For deeper healing, book a chat to further uncover your path to financial freedom.

Alisha Eisler, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Alisha Eisler who also goes by Ngozi, is a leader in healing generational trauma and an advocate for women's wellness. Having to navigate life in the corporate world as a femme, black, outspoken queer female, Alisha faced many hurdles with equal pay, mental health stability & social equity. She's now dedicated her life to empowering femme presenting people from intersectional backgrounds to heal and self-advocate for their needs and the life they desire. Alisha is also the CEO & Founder of Flourish Ase, a safe haven for mystical folx where she offers 1:1 coaching in her ancestral healing journey "More Than Worthy" and holds group coaching sessions in her "Empowered Femme Initiation" journey.