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4 Transformational Leadership Principles Learned From Being A Parent

Written by: Laura Harstad, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


"You are loved. You are worthy. You are seen. You can do brave things."

I recently saw this quote, and it perfectly summarizes the goals my husband and I have for our family and guides how we parent our two kids every day.

But how is this connected to leadership?

You are loved.

Each time we welcomed a new member to the family, our capacity to love grew. There will never be a limit to the love that we feel for our kids, and they know that we love them even if they make mistakes.

Imagine what our workplaces would be like if employers and employees all loved each other! That might sound a little strange, but I’m not talking about romantic love. I’m referring to unconditional “agape” love that doesn’t require anything in return. I truly believe it’s possible to love EVERYONE - even people we don’t like. This love and care for others lead you to focus on the well-being of others and intrinsically motivates you to treat everyone with kindness and empathy.

You are worthy.

I want my kids to know that they have value. They are worthy. They fill their own unique space in the world that no one else can fill, and their journey through life will be amazing!

Unfortunately, many employees struggle with feeling worthless and don’t have a circle of people who are encouraging them. It’s important to remember that every single person is WORTHY - from the seasonal temp worker to the CEO! They are valuable, and their life is priceless. Is there a strategic plan in place at your company that ensures everyone feels valued? This will raise the confidence level and energy of your entire organization!

You are seen.

Our two kids joined our family through adoption, and I have heard many adult adoptees talk about how they feel like they don’t matter and don’t fit in anywhere. I am doing everything I can to make sure my kids feel seen, that they know they are important and that their voice deserves to be heard.

How would it transform your workplace if one of the goals was to truly “see” employees instead of focusing solely on work accomplishments? Imagine how that would impact people’s lives if they knew that they were appreciated for who they are and that they have a voice worth listening to.

Many employees feel more and more disconnected and invisible at their workplace, and many people are struggling with mental health in our world - now more than ever. As leaders, let’s face this crisis head-on and ensure that every employee is seen and knows unequivocally that they matter.

You can do brave things.

As a mom, I want my kids to build their “bravery muscles.” I’m going to encourage them to climb a tree, go down a fast water slide, or step out of their comfort zone and stand up for what's right. If my kids learn how to live bravely in this world, they will be unstoppable!

The same thing applies to your company. Close your eyes and picture every single person in your company taking brave action in their work and life. Do you feel the energy level rise in the room just by envisioning that? Embracing BRAVERY would absolutely transform your company!

Some of the best qualities in a leader are that they inspire their employees to be visionary, to move boldly forward without knowing the exact outcome, and to stretch their capabilities and encourage them to accomplish more than they ever thought possible.

Our world needs this type of brave transformational leadership, and the first step is to simply tell yourself these powerful words:

"You are loved. You are worthy. You are seen. You can do brave things." Stacey Jackson-Gagnon, Founder of the non-profit Lost Sparrows

For more info, connect with me on LinkedIn, Facebook and visit my website!


Laura Harstad, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Laura Harstad is a full-time entrepreneur specializing in Photography and Virtual Event Production.

Laura has produced and hosted numerous online events including a live show called "Coffee with Laura", where entrepreneurs shared powerful stories about overcoming obstacles and pursuing their dreams. She is also an inspirational speaker - encouraging audiences to take bold action and live a life of purpose and joy.

Prior to her journey as an entrepreneur, her career path included 18 years of combined experience in education and non-profit organizations.

Laura loves to travel and has lived in three countries and visited five continents, and she is passionate about building connections that inspire, energize, and impact.

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